Well ... Well ... Well...

Pelosi does not have the votes in the House. They would have voted already if she did.
She has the votes. But the investigation still has a lot of documents and witnesses to be examined first.

It took the Republicans four years to find something to hang Bill Clinton with. And the best they could find was a blowjob after all that effort and all those millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars spent.

So you would be willing to bet on that?

The House will never vote to impeach .. at least not before the 2020 election.

If you lose, you vote for Trump...on your honor, of course.

If I lose, I will write in Hillary.
Clinton was asked under oath about sex with the bimbo, and he denied it.

He was impeached over a blowjob.

Let's put Trump under oath. See what happens.

I bet that prospect scares the shit out of you. :lol:
Pelosi does not have the votes in the House. They would have voted already if she did.
She has the votes. But the investigation still has a lot of documents and witnesses to be examined first.

It took the Republicans four years to find something to hang Bill Clinton with. And the best they could find was a blowjob after all that effort and all those millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars spent.

So you would be willing to bet on that?

The House will never vote to impeach .. at least not before the 2020 election.

If you lose, you vote for Trump...on your honor, of course.

If I lose, I will write in Hillary.
Clinton was asked under oath about sex with the bimbo, and he denied it.

He was impeached over a blowjob.

Let's put Trump under oath. See what happens.

I bet that prospect scares the shit out of you. :lol:

I noticed you changed the subject.
Guess who said the following in a House Judiciary meeting on Dec 10, 1998? (hint: he was very, very fat)

The effect of impeachment is to overturn the popular will of the voters as expressed in a national election. We must not overturn an election and remove a president from office except to defend our very system of government or our constitutional liberties against a dire threat. And we must not do so without an overwhelming consensus of the American people and of their representatives in congress of the absolute necessity.

There must never be a narrowly voted impeachment or an impeachment substantially supported by one of our major political parties and largely opposed by the other. Such an impeachment would lack legitimacy, would produce divisiveness and bitterness in our politics for years to come. And will call into question the very legitimacy of our political institutions.

Transcript: Opening statement of Rep. Nadler - December 10, 1998

In the case of the Clinton Impeachment, Nadler was exactly correct. Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied about a blow job. Not because he violated the Constitution and betrayed his country. Big difference.

Bill Clinton never sought to undermine the government and the institutions of the United States of America, nor did he sell out the American people for business deals. He didn't ask China and the Ukraine to investigate Newt Gingerich in 1995. He didn't use foreign aid to try to bully foreign governments into investigating his enemies, or the Department of Justice to prosecute his opponents.

Clinton didn't dangle pardons to get subordinates to do his bidding. Or abandon Americas allies to genocide.

Clinton was impeached as revenge for Watergate and Iran Contra.

Trump is being impeached because he broke the law, and is a clear and present danger to national security. Because he's willing to betray the American people to further his own political interests, and line his own pockets.

For Christ sake, do you do anything that resembles research?
President Bill Clinton was impeached for committing two acts of perjury, one act of obstruction of justice and one act of abuse of power to commit perjury.
It was over a blowjob.

By the way, Mueller found several obstructions by Trump. The game show host caught a break.
Bill was impeached for lying under oath and if Mueller's POSSIBLE instances of obstruction had merit, The Hysterical House Dems would not have vote 322-95 against impeachment on July 16 ... 3 full months after they had the Mueller Report in hand.

Pelosi does not have the votes in the House. They would have voted already if she did.
She has the votes. But the investigation still has a lot of documents and witnesses to be examined first.

It took the Republicans four years to find something to hang Bill Clinton with. And the best they could find was a blowjob after all that effort and all those millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars spent.

So you would be willing to bet on that?

The House will never vote to impeach .. at least not before the 2020 election.

If you lose, you vote for Trump...on your honor, of course.

If I lose, I will write in Hillary.
Clinton was asked under oath about sex with the bimbo, and he denied it.

He was impeached over a blowjob.

Let's put Trump under oath. See what happens.

I bet that prospect scares the shit out of you. :lol:

I noticed you changed the subject.
No I didn't. Everyone knows the impeachment was over a blowjob.

Let's put Trump under oath and ask him about his sex life.

I bet that scares the shit out of you. :lol:
Bill was impeached for lying under oath
About a blowjob.

Let's put Trump under oath and grill him about his sex life and grabbing pussies.

I bet that prospect scares the shit out of you. :lol:
Pelosi does not have the votes in the House. They would have voted already if she did.
She has the votes. But the investigation still has a lot of documents and witnesses to be examined first.

It took the Republicans four years to find something to hang Bill Clinton with. And the best they could find was a blowjob after all that effort and all those millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars spent.

So you would be willing to bet on that?

The House will never vote to impeach .. at least not before the 2020 election.

If you lose, you vote for Trump...on your honor, of course.

If I lose, I will write in Hillary.
Clinton was asked under oath about sex with the bimbo, and he denied it.

He was impeached over a blowjob.

Let's put Trump under oath. See what happens.

I bet that prospect scares the shit out of you. :lol:

I noticed you changed the subject.
No I didn't. Everyone knows the impeachment was over a blowjob.

Let's put Trump under oath and ask him about his sex life.

I bet that scares the shit out of you. :lol:

I bet losing a bet and then having to vote for Trump just makes you ooze with comfy joy.
She has the votes. But the investigation still has a lot of documents and witnesses to be examined first.

It took the Republicans four years to find something to hang Bill Clinton with. And the best they could find was a blowjob after all that effort and all those millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars spent.

So you would be willing to bet on that?

The House will never vote to impeach .. at least not before the 2020 election.

If you lose, you vote for Trump...on your honor, of course.

If I lose, I will write in Hillary.
Clinton was asked under oath about sex with the bimbo, and he denied it.

He was impeached over a blowjob.

Let's put Trump under oath. See what happens.

I bet that prospect scares the shit out of you. :lol:

I noticed you changed the subject.
No I didn't. Everyone knows the impeachment was over a blowjob.

Let's put Trump under oath and ask him about his sex life.

I bet that scares the shit out of you. :lol:

I bet losing a bet and then having to vote for Trump just makes you ooze with comfy joy.
There's nothing to bet on. Clinton was impeached over a blowjob. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it.

Let's put Trump under oath and grill him about his sex life and grabbing pussies.

The Democrats should go back and see how the Republicans were able to do that to Clinton. Take a page from their book. ;)
Let's put Trump under oath. He won't be able to last 30 seconds without committing perjury. And everyone knows it.
Pelosi must first allow another vote to impeach him and this time succeed, and no, only pinheads "know" what you do.

It's not only that our leftared "friends" are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what they know just isn't so (with apologies to R. Reagan).
Clinton had sex with an intern? Oh my god, we must put him under oath and grill him about it! We finally got him!

Seriously. The Democrats should look into how the Republicans forced Clinton to talk about his sex life under oath.
So you would be willing to bet on that?

The House will never vote to impeach .. at least not before the 2020 election.

If you lose, you vote for Trump...on your honor, of course.

If I lose, I will write in Hillary.
Clinton was asked under oath about sex with the bimbo, and he denied it.

He was impeached over a blowjob.

Let's put Trump under oath. See what happens.

I bet that prospect scares the shit out of you. :lol:

I noticed you changed the subject.
No I didn't. Everyone knows the impeachment was over a blowjob.

Let's put Trump under oath and ask him about his sex life.

I bet that scares the shit out of you. :lol:

I bet losing a bet and then having to vote for Trump just makes you ooze with comfy joy.
There's nothing to bet on. Clinton was impeached over a blowjob. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it.

Let's put Trump under oath and grill him about his sex life and grabbing pussies.

The Democrats should go back and see how the Republicans were able to do that to Clinton. Take a page from their book. ;)

McFly, are you chicken?
Guess who said the following in a House Judiciary meeting on Dec 10, 1998? (hint: he was very, very fat)

The effect of impeachment is to overturn the popular will of the voters as expressed in a national election. We must not overturn an election and remove a president from office except to defend our very system of government or our constitutional liberties against a dire threat. And we must not do so without an overwhelming consensus of the American people and of their representatives in congress of the absolute necessity.

There must never be a narrowly voted impeachment or an impeachment substantially supported by one of our major political parties and largely opposed by the other. Such an impeachment would lack legitimacy, would produce divisiveness and bitterness in our politics for years to come. And will call into question the very legitimacy of our political institutions.

Transcript: Opening statement of Rep. Nadler - December 10, 1998

In the case of the Clinton Impeachment, Nadler was exactly correct. Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied about a blow job. Not because he violated the Constitution and betrayed his country. Big difference.

Bill Clinton never sought to undermine the government and the institutions of the United States of America, nor did he sell out the American people for business deals. He didn't ask China and the Ukraine to investigate Newt Gingerich in 1995. He didn't use foreign aid to try to bully foreign governments into investigating his enemies, or the Department of Justice to prosecute his opponents.

Clinton didn't dangle pardons to get subordinates to do his bidding. Or abandon Americas allies to genocide.

Clinton was impeached as revenge for Watergate and Iran Contra.

Trump is being impeached because he broke the law, and is a clear and present danger to national security. Because he's willing to betray the American people to further his own political interests, and line his own pockets.

If the Democrats impeach, and one of the articles of impeachment involves the illegal payment to Stormy Daniels, watch out! :lol:
Let's put Trump under oath. He won't be able to last 30 seconds without committing perjury. And everyone knows it.
Pelosi must first allow another vote to impeach him and this time succeed and no, only pinheads "know" what you do.

It's not only that our leftared "friends" are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what they know just isn't so (with apologies to R. Reagan).
Where does the const say the House cannot ok the speaker assigning an impeachment investigation to the intelligence community? It doesn't. It says the House has the power of impeachment, and both the Senate and House write their own rules by maj vote.
If the Democrats impeach, and one of the articles of impeachment involves the illegal payment to Stormy Daniels, watch out! :lol:
that's not beyond the impossible. The hush money payoff arguably was felony under NY state law. Not that I'm saying the dems should behave as the Gingrich gop did.
Let's put Trump under oath. He won't be able to last 30 seconds without committing perjury. And everyone knows it.
Pelosi must first allow another vote to impeach him and this time succeed and no, only pinheads "know" what you do.

It's not only that our leftared "friends" are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what they know just isn't so (with apologies to R. Reagan).
Where does the const say the House cannot ok the speaker assigning an impeachment investigation to the intelligence community? It doesn't. It says the House has the power of impeachment, and both the Senate and House write their own rules by maj vote.
That's correct, but always before the House held a floor vote to begin an impeachment inquiry, so why is Pelosi violating precedent this time?
Let's put Trump under oath. He won't be able to last 30 seconds without committing perjury. And everyone knows it.
Pelosi must first allow another vote to impeach him and this time succeed and no, only pinheads "know" what you do.

It's not only that our leftared "friends" are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what they know just isn't so (with apologies to R. Reagan).
Where does the const say the House cannot ok the speaker assigning an impeachment investigation to the intelligence community? It doesn't. It says the House has the power of impeachment, and both the Senate and House write their own rules by maj vote.
That's correct, but always before the House held a floor vote to begin an impeachment inquiry, so why is Pelosi violating precedent this time?
You know why, I know why, and the American people know why.
Let's put Trump under oath. He won't be able to last 30 seconds without committing perjury. And everyone knows it.
Pelosi must first allow another vote to impeach him and this time succeed and no, only pinheads "know" what you do.

It's not only that our leftared "friends" are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what they know just isn't so (with apologies to R. Reagan).
Where does the const say the House cannot ok the speaker assigning an impeachment investigation to the intelligence community? It doesn't. It says the House has the power of impeachment, and both the Senate and House write their own rules by maj vote.
That's correct, but always before the House held a floor vote to begin an impeachment inquiry, so why is Pelosi violating precedent this time?
Because she can have the Intelligence Comm investigate without putting her members who are in districts Trump carried in 16 in the bad spot of having to vote.

Like I said I don't see impeachment in the cards, but nearly 60% agree that the Ukraine urged to investigate Biden for aid needed investigating. I really don't think anything else blatantly offensive to the const is out there
Nation's intelligence officers are resigned to serving a president who doesn't trust them
"It is possible that additional whistleblowers will come forward to pile on evidence that Trump is committing crimes, making the original Ukraine whistleblower the impetus for a watershed moment that will topple Trump’s presidency."

What would be a boon for the gop is that probably the dems eventually will have to vote on whether to impeach. I mean Pelosi could just not bring it up, but imagine AOC or Omar. And I don't all dems will vote to impeach, and AOC will declare war on them …. leaving Trump to savor his Big Macs and fries. LOL
Let's put Trump under oath. He won't be able to last 30 seconds without committing perjury. And everyone knows it.
Pelosi must first allow another vote to impeach him and this time succeed and no, only pinheads "know" what you do.

It's not only that our leftared "friends" are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what they know just isn't so (with apologies to R. Reagan).
Where does the const say the House cannot ok the speaker assigning an impeachment investigation to the intelligence community? It doesn't. It says the House has the power of impeachment, and both the Senate and House write their own rules by maj vote.
That's correct, but always before the House held a floor vote to begin an impeachment inquiry, so why is Pelosi violating precedent this time?
Because she can have the Intelligence Comm investigate without putting her members who are in districts Trump carried in 16 in the bad spot of having to vote.

Like I said I don't see impeachment in the cards, but nearly 60% agree that the Ukraine urged to investigate Biden for aid needed investigating. I really don't think anything else blatantly offensive to the const is out there
Nation's intelligence officers are resigned to serving a president who doesn't trust them
"It is possible that additional whistleblowers will come forward to pile on evidence that Trump is committing crimes, making the original Ukraine whistleblower the impetus for a watershed moment that will topple Trump’s presidency."

What would be a boon for the gop is that probably the dems eventually will have to vote on whether to impeach. I mean Pelosi could just not bring it up, but imagine AOC or Omar. And I don't all dems will vote to impeach, and AOC will declare war on them …. leaving Trump to savor his Big Macs and fries. LOL

I want to see an impeachment that goes through a senate vote. What's this shit about having the intelligency committee doing the investigation so her members won't have to vote? Is that something like "super delegates" who have their vote counted before the election? Biggest thing I've seen today is recorded voice mails having Brennan saying Obama personally told him to do all this illegal spying and other stuff.
except to defend our very system of government or our constitutional liberties against a dire threat.

He's 100% correct, and that's why there is the impeachment inquiry in to Trump... he is lawless and a very threat to our system of govt and constitution.


what's the issue?

You must have gotten tired and stopped reading before you got to this part, huh?

"And we must not do so without an overwhelming consensus of the American people and of their representatives in congress of the absolute necessity.

There must never be a narrowly voted impeachment or an impeachment substantially supported by one of our major political parties and largely opposed by the other.

You partisans are SO predictable with your parse and spin routine. :rolleyes:
Thus the inquiry, to find out all that is going on and the public to be aware of all that is going on,

Why do we need an inquiry? since according to you ..

Care4all said:
hat's why there is the impeachment inquiry in to Trump... he is lawless and a very threat to our system of govt and constitution.
You've already convicted Donny, just like all the douche bags-D in the House have, this isn't an "inquiry" it's a politics based, sentencing phase.

I don't like Donald Trump any more than the rank & file lemmings in the Democrat Crime Family do but you folks have absolutely no common sense, objectivity or desire for actual justice when it comes to him, therefore you're no more trustworthy than he is.
And you or others, have already exonerated him, right?

yes, with very good reason, I don't trust the man, at all! But I am just one measly citizen.... there is a whole nation out there of citizens that have their minds to make up, and they need the evidence and information, to do such.

"And you or others, have already exonerated him, right?"


ACTUALLY DOING what they are accusing everyone else of.

now there's a shock (yawn)

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