Well ... Well ... Well...

Let's put Trump under oath. He won't be able to last 30 seconds without committing perjury. And everyone knows it.
Pelosi must first allow another vote to impeach him and this time succeed and no, only pinheads "know" what you do.

It's not only that our leftared "friends" are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what they know just isn't so (with apologies to R. Reagan).
Where does the const say the House cannot ok the speaker assigning an impeachment investigation to the intelligence community? It doesn't. It says the House has the power of impeachment, and both the Senate and House write their own rules by maj vote.
That's correct, but always before the House held a floor vote to begin an impeachment inquiry, so why is Pelosi violating precedent this time?
Because she can have the Intelligence Comm investigate without putting her members who are in districts Trump carried in 16 in the bad spot of having to vote.

Like I said I don't see impeachment in the cards, but nearly 60% agree that the Ukraine urged to investigate Biden for aid needed investigating. I really don't think anything else blatantly offensive to the const is out there
Nation's intelligence officers are resigned to serving a president who doesn't trust them
"It is possible that additional whistleblowers will come forward to pile on evidence that Trump is committing crimes, making the original Ukraine whistleblower the impetus for a watershed moment that will topple Trump’s presidency."

What would be a boon for the gop is that probably the dems eventually will have to vote on whether to impeach. I mean Pelosi could just not bring it up, but imagine AOC or Omar. And I don't all dems will vote to impeach, and AOC will declare war on them …. leaving Trump to savor his Big Macs and fries. LOL

I want to see an impeachment that goes through a senate vote. What's this shit about having the intelligency committee doing the investigation so her members won't have to vote? Is that something like "super delegates" who have their vote counted before the election? Biggest thing I've seen today is recorded voice mails having Brennan saying Obama personally told him to do all this illegal spying and other stuff.
The full house will vote, when and if they go in to Impeachment Proceedings... which takes a vote in the Judicial Committee first... then on to the floor of the house, is my understanding of it...

they vote on articles of impeachment drawn up, yea or nay and the yeas won go on to the Senate, for a trial.
That's correct, but always before the House held a floor vote to begin an impeachment inquiry, so why is Pelosi violating precedent this time?
What would be a boon for the gop is that probably the dems eventually will have to vote on whether to impeach... And I don't all dems will vote to impeach, and AOC will declare war on them … leaving Trump to savor his Big Macs and fries.
Woo ... it's been a long time since someone on the left attempted a rational thought. Thank you.

PMSNBC's Van Jones had the temerity to do the same just days ago:

CNN's Van Jones: Democrats in 'lose-lose' situation on impeachment
“If they don’t do something, their own base is going to feel disappointed and feel like maybe Trump gets away too much,” Jones, a former Obama official, added. “If you go through with impeachment, though, you divide the country further, you take the oxygen away from your candidates, and you still don’t solve the problem of foreign interference. Just because you impeach a president, it doesn’t mean you don’t still have the problem of foreign interference. It’s a big mess.”
Pelosi must first allow another vote to impeach him and this time succeed and no, only pinheads "know" what you do.

It's not only that our leftared "friends" are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what they know just isn't so (with apologies to R. Reagan).
Where does the const say the House cannot ok the speaker assigning an impeachment investigation to the intelligence community? It doesn't. It says the House has the power of impeachment, and both the Senate and House write their own rules by maj vote.
That's correct, but always before the House held a floor vote to begin an impeachment inquiry, so why is Pelosi violating precedent this time?
Because she can have the Intelligence Comm investigate without putting her members who are in districts Trump carried in 16 in the bad spot of having to vote.

Like I said I don't see impeachment in the cards, but nearly 60% agree that the Ukraine urged to investigate Biden for aid needed investigating. I really don't think anything else blatantly offensive to the const is out there
Nation's intelligence officers are resigned to serving a president who doesn't trust them
"It is possible that additional whistleblowers will come forward to pile on evidence that Trump is committing crimes, making the original Ukraine whistleblower the impetus for a watershed moment that will topple Trump’s presidency."

What would be a boon for the gop is that probably the dems eventually will have to vote on whether to impeach. I mean Pelosi could just not bring it up, but imagine AOC or Omar. And I don't all dems will vote to impeach, and AOC will declare war on them …. leaving Trump to savor his Big Macs and fries. LOL

I want to see an impeachment that goes through a senate vote. What's this shit about having the intelligency committee doing the investigation so her members won't have to vote? Is that something like "super delegates" who have their vote counted before the election? Biggest thing I've seen today is recorded voice mails having Brennan saying Obama personally told him to do all this illegal spying and other stuff.
The full house will vote, when and if they go in to Impeachment Proceedings... which takes a vote in the Judicial Committee first... then on to the floor of the house, is my understanding of it...

they vote on articles of impeachment drawn up, yea or nay and the yeas won go on to the Senate, for a trial.
July 17, 2019 - House kills lone Democrat’s Trump impeachment push in move that could further fracture the party
Pelosi must first allow another vote to impeach him and this time succeed and no, only pinheads "know" what you do.

It's not only that our leftared "friends" are monumentally ignorant but rather that so much of what they know just isn't so (with apologies to R. Reagan).
Where does the const say the House cannot ok the speaker assigning an impeachment investigation to the intelligence community? It doesn't. It says the House has the power of impeachment, and both the Senate and House write their own rules by maj vote.
That's correct, but always before the House held a floor vote to begin an impeachment inquiry, so why is Pelosi violating precedent this time?
Because she can have the Intelligence Comm investigate without putting her members who are in districts Trump carried in 16 in the bad spot of having to vote.

Like I said I don't see impeachment in the cards, but nearly 60% agree that the Ukraine urged to investigate Biden for aid needed investigating. I really don't think anything else blatantly offensive to the const is out there
Nation's intelligence officers are resigned to serving a president who doesn't trust them
"It is possible that additional whistleblowers will come forward to pile on evidence that Trump is committing crimes, making the original Ukraine whistleblower the impetus for a watershed moment that will topple Trump’s presidency."

What would be a boon for the gop is that probably the dems eventually will have to vote on whether to impeach. I mean Pelosi could just not bring it up, but imagine AOC or Omar. And I don't all dems will vote to impeach, and AOC will declare war on them …. leaving Trump to savor his Big Macs and fries. LOL

I want to see an impeachment that goes through a senate vote. What's this shit about having the intelligency committee doing the investigation so her members won't have to vote? Is that something like "super delegates" who have their vote counted before the election? Biggest thing I've seen today is recorded voice mails having Brennan saying Obama personally told him to do all this illegal spying and other stuff.
The full house will vote, when and if they go in to Impeachment Proceedings... which takes a vote in the Judicial Committee first... then on to the floor of the house, is my understanding of it...

they vote on articles of impeachment drawn up, yea or nay and the yeas won go on to the Senate, for a trial.
Always before, the whole House voted to open an impeachment inquiry, so why has Pelosi violated precedent by refusing to allow the House hold a floor vote to open this inquiry?
And you or others, have already exonerated him, right?...
yes. ACTUALLY DOING what they are accusing everyone else of. now there's a shock (yawn)
Speaking of shock, this will surely come as one to you but those who have not convicted Trump - who has yet to be charged with high crimes or for that matter, any crimes - employ an American tradition known as presumption of innocence. You OTOH clearly believe in presumption of guilt
If the house were so fucking concerned about our national whatever, they'd take a formal vote instead of having Adam Schitt refuse to let members of the GOP participate in inquiries.
they can participate, and are.... they just can't subpoena... which is fine with me... who needs one of their dog and pony show/ obfuscation theatrics, at this stage of the process.... that would only make it in to one big tent circus with a bunch of side shows?

And you don't think the house should vote on this so that the American People can see what a bunch of upstanding patriots are at the helm ?

You know good fucking well why they won't take a vote on it. It's not clear Pelosi would get what she needs when they have to hang their asses out in the sun to be seen for who they are.
I do not know Pelosi' s game plan, but I do trust her... to know what she is doing... And believe she does does love America.

My limited understanding, is that there will be a. Full vote, when the time is right... if they do decide to move forward, to impeach.... right now it is simply the grand jury phase, so to speak and the President or target in a criminal case, has no say so.


The vote should have already taken place so they could define rules and find out who is going to really go for it.

Right now, it is the "Schitt wants it so he's going to get enough rope to hang himself" phase.

Can't wait to see him swaying in the breeze.
If the house were so fucking concerned about our national whatever, they'd take a formal vote instead of having Adam Schitt refuse to let members of the GOP participate in inquiries.
they can participate, and are.... they just can't subpoena... which is fine with me... who needs one of their dog and pony show/ obfuscation theatrics, at this stage of the process.... that would only make it in to one big tent circus with a bunch of side shows?

The minority party can't subpoena before the whole House votes on impeachment, Once the whole House votes the minority can subpoena. It's in the House rules. Look it up or show us where they can't.
They can do such, when that happens, is my understanding.... but where in the rules is that? What is the rule number? If someone has posted this already, I missed it...

We all know there isn't a rule.

But there is a precedent.

Why is she so afraid to put her members on the record, I wonder ?
"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Look at them whining now! :lol:

Are you one of those that subscribe to the "two wrongs make a right" philosophy?
I subscribe to the "Karma's a BITCH!" philosophy.

They are reaping what they have sown.
OIC, thanks for taking the time and effort to elaborate on your mode of operation. :rolleyes:

"Stupid is as stupid does" -- Forrest Gump
I frankly don't give a damn if Trump is impeached or not.
Me neither, at least we agree in principle on that point, however using shoddy, bullshit articles like the one you linked in your OP as a basis for your premise doesn't lend any credibility to your declaration of indifference.

I am just enjoying the whining of Trump and the pseudocons as karma kicks them in the nuts for a while. Their whining is pleasing to my ears.
Whatever floats your boat I suppose, enjoy.

"They are not only idle who do nothing, but they are idle also who might be better employed." -- Socrates
"They are not only idle who do nothing, but they are idle also who might be better employed." -- Socrates
Says someone who posts on an internet forum. :lol:

ROFLMAO! apparently good ole Socrates struck a nerve, huh? As usual your buttons are way too easy to press.

Mission Accomplished, it's Miller Time.
I was just wondering how you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy. Sorry.

So now you are going from posting on a forum to drinking. Socrates would be proud. :lol:

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