Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

We had marinated tri-tip cooked on the grill, and burgers...and corn on the cob...I didn't cook anything in the house today, it was just a little too warm for that. The grub was good though; then the kids went to Safeway and picked up a frozen turtle pie that seriously, i want to eat the whole thing. We have all had one piece, and we're all thinking about what's left in the freezer...
I put some chicken legs and chicken breast in barbque sauce then tossed it in the oven with scalloped taters. Then I came in here and laid down on the bed for a minut. Um. It turned in to an hour and a half. By the time I got back in there, everything was burned except the scalloped taters. So I nibbled what was not burned on the chicken breast and ate too many taters. I am now paying for it.

I will not do that again.
made my "kitchen sink" meat sauce. No pork in it because one of my relatives is allergic to it (poor poor person)

3 28oz cans crushed tomatos
1 6 oz can tomato paste
1 lb ground beef (80%)
1 lb ground veal
1 large link thin lamb sausage
1 pack fresh sliced mushrooms
3 large onions chopped
2 red bell peppers chopped
2 stalks celery chopped
6 cloves garlic finely chopped
1 cup olive oil
1/2 cup red wine
1/2 cup water
2 tsp sugar
4 tsp "italian" seasoning
3 bay leaves

brown the meats using some of the olive oil, adding 1/2 tsp of the italian seasoning and some salt/pepper during browning to each meat. steam the sausage in a covered pan with a bit of water in it until cooked. chop into 1" to 1/2" peices.

add the veggies minus the garlic to a sauce pot with 1/2 cup or so of the oil add salt. cook till softened. at the end add 2 tsp of the spices and some pepper.. add the garlic to the center (clear some of the veggies) , cook for 1 minute. mix. add the meat in. mix. add the tomato paste, mix and let cook on low medium for 1-2 minutes while mixing. add the 3 cans of tomato sauce. add the water/wine, add the sugar, add the bay leaves.

bring to a slow boil, then lower heat to low. add the remaining spices. after 30 min add the mushrooms.

Minimum cook time is 45 min after brought to low, but it can cook for hours if you really want it broken down.

FYI have some containers ready for freezing the extra sauce, because this recipie makes a ton of it.
Chili with rice.

Do you have any idea how difficult and consuming of time it is to shop for the ingredients for those items in Stockholm, Sweden.

I got it done, and all seemed satiated, but what a trial.

Chili it was, with rice.
Stockholm doesn't have beans, rice, beef,garlic and chili powder?

Good heavens, and Sweden is always being held up as the epitome of liberal largess, happiness and civility.
Chili with rice.

Do you have any idea how difficult and consuming of time it is to shop for the ingredients for those items in Stockholm, Sweden.

I got it done, and all seemed satiated, but what a trial.

Chili it was, with rice.

Are you Swedish?

Swedish? No. I retired last year in the states, and the wife wanted to go home. So, I up and started a new company here.

Have to learn my way around as far as shopping.
I made prawn stir fry last night! and then added noodles at the end... very delicious :D

(not mine but something like this)

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