Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

I don't know what we're having tonight. Something easy. Stir fry actually sounds sort of good.
Ok we had di giornio and the girl had fried egg sandwiches.

What can I say.

The dogs are enjoying the roast I destroyed this weekend, though. It looks absolutely beautiful...it's pink on the inside, just about a perfect medium...and tastes like shoe leather. Perfect for dogs.
A disappointing meal tonight - I was cooking for my friend who just had a baby and my dad who is recovering from surgery so I made black bean taco soup (which smelled fabulous!) and a chicken penne with mushrooms and sundried tomatoes (which tasted fantastic!)...but then I packed them both into tupperware to deliver to them tomorrow. :(

Thinking I was being smart I just bought a pre-made pulled pork bbq and made a quick broccoli slaw. We had pork bbq sandwiches and slaw...which sounds great - but the bbq was gristly and gross. My husband's comment was, "um...maybe tomorrow you could try cooking something for us???"
I had grilled Sockeye salmon and steamed fresh broccoli with sliced almonds and raw carrots. I had a salad with sesame and teriyaki dressing with red grapes . For dessert I had cherry chocolate chip ice cream, dark chocolate.
I have a potluck at work on Friday, and apparently there's a Mexican theme happening. I was thinking some sort of side dish. What would you all suggest?
We grilled burgers and had a salad last night.

Tonight, I'm making chicken tacos. I have some leftover rotisserie chicken from a couple of days ago to use up.
We grilled burgers and had a salad last night.

Tonight, I'm making chicken tacos. I have some leftover rotisserie chicken from a couple of days ago to use up.

Sounds delicious.

Thanks! I like simple food for day to day...and get a lot of mileage out of putting a chicken or two on the rotisserie. Add some applewood chips, and it's one ingredient cooking at it's finest!
You mash up avocado, add a little salsa, or chopped up onion and tomato, a splash of lemon or lime juice...salt....pepper....mebbe a little garlic.

It's pretty basic.

I make it for myself - avocado, lime/lemon, salt. That's it.
You mash up avocado, add a little salsa, or chopped up onion and tomato, a splash of lemon or lime juice...salt....pepper....mebbe a little garlic.

It's pretty basic.

I make it for myself - avocado, lime/lemon, salt. That's it.

And then you rush to the hospital to have your fingers reattached after trying to get the pit out of the avocado.

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