Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Grilled cheese sammich for me and the boy, fried egg sammich for the girlie. Then I made some more sourdough which is in the oven now because i didn't want to miss the maximum rise and dammit if the top crust didn't 'separate' again (it's from not allowig it to rise enough before baking...too fast an oven rise) But dammit if I wait too long, that turns out wrong too. Grrr...well these loaves are going to my son, along with some green beans, some canned great northerns, some huckleberry jam, some home canned tuna, some home canned chicken, and oh yeah some home canned tomatoes. Maybe a jar of honey, butter and blue cheese just cuz I know he loves blue cheese with his sourdough...even if it isn't exactly the sourdough he's been accustomed to. Also going to send some white bread.
Night before last, I made beef stew from scratch. Had really been craving it. Last night, Thing #1 took me out to sushi, a movie, and pie afterward.
Fried chicken + rice pilaf + yogurt

Note : Yogurt is a Turkish meal , not Greek .
Smothered Cabbage with Sausage.

1 large head of cabbage, quartered, heart removed, then divided into 3 pieces each and seperated.
1/2 cup vegetable shortening
1 cup diced onions
1 cup diced celery
1/2 cup diced bell pepper
1 cup sliced scallions
1 lb turkey Kilbasa, sliced
2 tbsp garlic
1.5 cups chicken stock

Sautee the veggies except the cabbage in the shortening with the sausage till veggies wilted. add the cabbage sautee till wilted. add stock and cook for 45 minutes. add salt/pepper to taste and continue to cook until "smothered" or really really soft.

Serve using a slotted spoon if onto a plate, or eat out of a bowl with all the liquidy goodness.
Made a giant vat o pasta sauce that should last us a while. Later tonight I may whip up some mapo tofu.
Hey Nox, I have a great recipe for pulled pork, another for carnitas..

Good stuff!

mmmm looks delicious , but I cant risk my health , sorry : )

Surely you jest! Pork is the secret to longevity and in fact may prevent aging and death altogether.

We had leftover chicken casserole. I dumped a quart of home canned thighs in a casserole, took out the bones (thighs just have one each) added a quart of home canned broth, then cut up some sourdough bread, seasoned with salt, pepper and marjoram, and threw that in there with one package of stovetop stuffing. I baked it and dumped cream of chicken over the top of it at the end. I have no idea what to call it except....casserole. It sort of sucked because it would have been great with cranberry jelly but I didn't have any, so we had applesauce.

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