Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Tonight I grilled Kobe beef and fed it to my dog just because I can. I then wanted to celebrate my Irish heritage by boiling potatoes in a pot of Macallan 25, but that didn’t taste very good, so I tossed it out into my backyard. I wound up going to Taco Bell for dinner because, mmmmmm, tacos ...
!0 oz cod filet, 1 sweet potato and a protein shake. I eat that 4 times a day with a few ounces of some other carb , minus the shake. Then 6 eggs and a cup of oatmeal in the morning. Rinse, repeat, daily.

That's 4000 calories, boys. Get it in ya.
Last night I had a lot of potato salad.

It was yummy. We ate an entire vat of the stuff hahahaha. I made it with a dozen eggs, 13 or so spuds, a whole can of olives chopped onion chopped dill pickle and best foods mayo.

The kids caught 12 trout at the lake including the day's biggest at the lake, a 16 inch lunker, but I haven't cooked them yet and may not.
I think tonight I am going to have grilled chicken/apple sausage slices stirred into some pesto pasta and garlic bread.
My current fave piece of meat..top round/london broil.

Last night I took a big one, cut it in half.
I didn't have any good oil so I just slathered some lard on it, salt, pepper, and then splashed some good balsamic vinegar over it and rubbed it in and called it good.

It was good when I cooked it last night, but the stuff I made tonight was even better, so the longer it marinates the better.

Sear on higher heat (med-hi) about 3-4 min each side, push down on it to make sure it browns evenly.

Take it off heat let rest 10 minutes, slice very thin across the grain.

More salt or melted butter...yesterday I served with cole slaw and fried potatoes. Tonight it was cooked cabbage (I have cabbage haha) and biscuits.

You can serve it in tortillas too...or with fried rice.

Or any old way you like.

It will be rare/medium rare and it is yummy.

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