Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

All right, here's my banana pudding. Whole house smells of baked sugar and bananas. I can hardly wait to have some.

All right, here's my banana pudding. Whole house smells of baked sugar and bananas. I can hardly wait to have some.


Update: Took banana pudding to church dinner to welcome new pastor. It was gone in the first wave of serving, while every other dessert just sat there. I am instructed to bring TWO pans of banana pudding next time.
Have been trying to cook some Greek recipes. Last couple of nights moussaka and psari plaki. They both turned out pretty well.

Moussaka (eggplant casserole) and Psari Plaki (baked fish with vegetables).

Have been trying to cook some Greek recipes. Last couple of nights moussaka and psari plaki. They both turned out pretty well.

Moussaka (eggplant casserole) and Psari Plaki (baked fish with vegetables).


Moussaka is my favorite.
Unless my husband has other plans, I think we're going to have American goulash tonight.

These days, real cooking is for the oldest, baby food for the youngest, and whatever is left in the fridge for us.

All of my family is fully capable of eating the same things, which means I cook and they eat what I cook, or they go cook their own. No one NEEDS special food, so no one's GETTING special food.

Fortunately for me, the favorite dish of my entire family happens to be "Mom-cooked anything", so . . . ;)
Unless my husband has other plans, I think we're going to have American goulash tonight.

These days, real cooking is for the oldest, baby food for the youngest, and whatever is left in the fridge for us.

All of my family is fully capable of eating the same things, which means I cook and they eat what I cook, or they go cook their own. No one NEEDS special food, so no one's GETTING special food.

. . .

Actually, a baby less than one year old DOES need special food. Congratulations on being so ‘tough’ though.
Unless my husband has other plans, I think we're going to have American goulash tonight.

These days, real cooking is for the oldest, baby food for the youngest, and whatever is left in the fridge for us.

All of my family is fully capable of eating the same things, which means I cook and they eat what I cook, or they go cook their own. No one NEEDS special food, so no one's GETTING special food.

. . .

Actually, a baby less than one year old DOES need special food. Congratulations on being so ‘tough’ though.

Okay, what part of "all of my family is capable of eating the same things" did you miss in your rush to assume that because YOU have a baby, I must as well and am therefore "being so tough" on my apocryphal baby? My youngest happens to be almost 10.

Damn, dude. We're just talking about food. No need to get your "I'm an asshole" activated.
Marinated Tomahawk steak thin sliced with broccoli,snap peas,onion,garlic,bell peppers,bok choy,mushrooms,ginger and some home made stir fry sauce.

Haven't broken out the wok in a while....damn was it good!!
Unless my husband has other plans, I think we're going to have American goulash tonight.

These days, real cooking is for the oldest, baby food for the youngest, and whatever is left in the fridge for us.

All of my family is fully capable of eating the same things, which means I cook and they eat what I cook, or they go cook their own. No one NEEDS special food, so no one's GETTING special food.

. . .

Actually, a baby less than one year old DOES need special food. Congratulations on being so ‘tough’ though.

...your rush to assume that because YOU have a baby, I must as well ....

Your reading skills (and attitude) need work.

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