Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

grilled buffalo chicken wraps, chips and dip and LaCrema Pinot Noir :)

EDIT: Baked chicken. the wraps have slaw and is wrapped in egg roll wraps. Cant wait!

That was one of the best meals of my life. Thank you pintrest or whatever its called
My special, healthy tuna casserole. Dice up an onion and a bell pepper and saute them. Add some sliced mushrooms and give them a little saute, too. Stir in lowfat cream of mushroom soup, lawfat milk, and lowfat shredded Cheddar cheese. When the cheese is melty, add tuna and hot cooked pasta of choice. Spread in a casserole dish and sprinkle with some more lowfat Cheddar cheese and your choice of bread crumbs or French-fried onions (yes, I know these aren't very healthy, but I like the crunch and flavor). Bake for twenty minutes or so.
One of the first things the children in our family learn...

Never criticize the cook, and if you don't like what's on the table, keep your mouth closed or you may wear the next meal...if there is one.
Grilled salmon and a green salad, with a big bottle of San Pelligrino.
We had simple fare tonight - small 'shredded' salad, chicken sausages with bits of apple, French cut green beans garnished with craisins, and little roasted red potatoes. And some Mike's blackberry stuff to drink. The dessert will be choice of fruit tart or apple pie.... with a slice of Vermont cheddar by the pie.

NB: if we have brownies, they have nuts.
Lesson learned for Sunday Dinner:

Trying to eyeball the ratio between rice and a cheese bechamel (and the thickness of the cheese sauce) to make "cheesey rice" is not the best idea. It tasted ok, but the consitency is more of what you get in a rice ball.
Baked chicky, fresh froze corn, applesauce.



Something of a relief for us all: No TOST SALAT

What the hell is "fresh frozen" mean?

Corn is either fresh OR Frozen or Canned.....or are you distinguishing fresh frozen corn from canned frozen corn, in which case WTF are you freezing cans of corn?
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Hey, that sort of sounds like a plan!!!
I bought some beautiful No 2 spuds the other day...
Tuna. Casserole.


My sympathies .......... It has occurred to me that Beloved Husband develops a sudden need to work late if I announce that we're having tuna casserole for dinner. Curious, that!

We had: fruit salad, no lettuce. Chicken 'fingers' from the sub shop, and a heap o' steaming broccoli.... Dessert was apple pie for himself, and I'm having a snickerdoodle (they are BIG)

On the menu for tomorrow: something along the lines of 'shepherds' pie' with ground lamb and something I do with potatoes...... I suspect there will be carrots, too.
Right now what I WANT is a gin and tonic for dinner.

By the time it's dinnertime, I will feel differently though.
Right now what I WANT is a gin and tonic for dinner.

By the time it's dinnertime, I will feel differently though.

My namesake used to have 'cocktail hour' before dinner - especially in summer out at Sag Harbor, when there'd usually be a lot of company. "Pour a good cocktail and pass around some tasty tidbits" she'd say "and if in an hour dinner is slightly singed or there's sand in the lettuce, they won't care"......

That probably won't work if you family are still 'under age'.....
Baked chicky, fresh froze corn, applesauce.



Something of a relief for us all: No TOST SALAT

What the hell is "fresh frozen" mean?

Corn is either fresh OR Frozen or Canned.....or are you distinguishing fresh frozen corn from canned frozen corn, in which case WTF are you freezing cans of corn?


Those little Steam Fresh frozen veggie packets are da bomb. Nothing added. Just corn.
Frozulated corn. Mighty tas-tee.

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