Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Shared a large Artichoke with my wife; mixed veggies (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots) stir fried in an Asian Sauce; Turkey Burgers, Greek style (Feta, garlic, oregano) and an orange picked from our tree.
I had malt o meal. I dunno, the kids had it this morning adn I've been craving it ever since.
The frozen 'Niblets' ears are yummy if you nuke 'em - almost as good as fresh : )) OK, they're expensive - but by this time of year, a person needs a taste of summer to see it through!
The kids are eating frozen ears of corn...and tilapia (from the $.99/2 servings that I got a while back) and I think leftover chicken.
Roast chicken and steamed broccoli...and a big bottle of San Pelligrino.

mr. boe had focaccia bread with his, but no carbs pour moi for 48 more days.
San Pelligrino is sparkling water. I haven't had wine...or carbs or sugar or dairy or root vegetables since New Year's Eve. Just animal protein and green, leafy vegetables. Today is Day 42.

I miss a glass of wine with dinner most of all.
I experimented with the slaves:

Hypothesis: Slaves will eat anything if I put it in a meatloaf


2 lbs ground turkey that I've defrosted a couple of times, and re-frozen
1/2 cup stale bread crumbs
1 egg
1 cup raw. frozen chopped onion
garlic powder
350 F oven
Loaf pan


Mix ingredients
place in well oiled pan
bake 45 minutes

Worst fucking shit I've ever eaten. I think the frozen onions kept the center of the loaf raw. WAY too much garlic. Slaves polished it off at about 8 PM.

Slaves will eat anything at 8 PM. The experimental error may be caused by the 2 hour variance between their normal feeding time and 2 hour delay that represented the time during the experiment. Still, the horrendous quality should have made some difference.
I thought freezing, thawing, and re-freezing meat was really dangerous???? Congratulations, samson, you survived!
But then I looked it up...apparently it's okay now:

"The U. S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) advises, "Once food is thawed in the refrigerator, it is safe to refreeze it without cooking, although there may be a loss of quality due to the moisture lost through thawing. "


We're having venison tonight. With potatoes..and probably gravy. It's the last of my venison :(
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Ok, no venison tonight after all. Gotta walk with the girl to play practice so it will be rush, rush, rush...and then sit around 2 hours...then walk back home late to drop exhausted into bed somewhere around 9:00.

More physical activity than I have been acustomed to this winter.
Samson: Next time, try about 1/3 cup of duck sauce (Chinese stuff, yes), garlic and ginger, mix with the egg, use a little soy sauce instead of salt. For a little excitement, you can dice up some water chestnuts - they give a nice crunchiness..... If you use onion, it's best to use fresh OR at least nuke it and pour off the water.
Chicken cutlet, mashed photatoes, garden salad at my mom's house. From 1 to 10 I rate it a 5.
Samson: Next time, try about 1/3 cup of duck sauce (Chinese stuff, yes), garlic and ginger, mix with the egg, use a little soy sauce instead of salt. For a little excitement, you can dice up some water chestnuts - they give a nice crunchiness..... If you use onion, it's best to use fresh OR at least nuke it and pour off the water.

That sounds divine.

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