Wendy's Fast-Food Dreadlocks


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Our modern world is commerce-based (e.g., Wall Street, NATO, European Union, Starbucks, etc., etc.), so intelligence in this new age is closely-linked to trade shrewdness, contract reliability, and product ratings (and of course trends).

So here's a consumerism-fantasy tale I cooked up, which (IMO) is representative of the lifestyle-angst of our arguably capitalism-subjective and media-fixated 'TrumpUSA.'


Every time people drove by the Wendy's restaurant sign in a certain suburb of Michigan, they started feeling thoughts of suicide and homicide. Was it because Detroit, Michigan was the proud location of America's auto industry imagineers? Was it because the University of Michigan was considered a terrific pluralism symbol of a democratic education in the USA? Was it because Wendy's offered those craving for tasty but somewhat nutritious convenience foods in our modern hustle-bustle world? Whatever the reason, people of the modern age were somewhat congested with all the media signals about shopping, consuming, and selling, so that Wendy's sign became a real 'ominous omen' for those trying to 'escape' the confines of our contract-metaphysics Bank of America 'universe.'

When Shelbye drove by the sign, she got the urge to kidnap a small black child whom she felt was being neglected by her negligent African-American parents, and she resolved to raise the child herself with great care (even though she was Caucasian!). When Ted drove by the sign, he got the unavoidable urge to rob a Detroit bank, so he did, and he almost got away with it. When Ali drove by the sign, the got the strange urge to break into a wealthy mansion and loot its antiques and treasures, and he did and took off with his 'prizes' and drove all the way to Mexico and disappeared. When Eli drove by the sign, he decided he would become a 'Leatherface copycat,' mimicking the terrifying behaviors of the fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal Leatherface from the cult-favorite Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror film series. Eli killed a dozen police officers across Michigan as 'Leatherface,' and when he was finally captured, he stated before being administered the death-penalty (by electrocution), "Leatherface reigns and so do movies!"

The Wendy's sign in Michigan grew in folklore, and soon it became a cultural symbol of intentional angst towards consumerism, capitalism, TrumpUSA, and anything else about credit cards you could throw at it! Even the celebrated scholar Noam Chomsky wrote about it, "That Wendy's sign is something out of a movie, which is a reflexive pun!" Finally, a certain exorcist-priest named Meron came to Michigan to take photos of that Wendy's sign and upload it onto Facebook and talk about its cultural significance and all the modern folklore surrounding its inspiring various levels/kinds of 'anti-social expressionism.' Meron wrote, "People don't hate Wendy's, but it seems they seem anxious to express the inner-feelings about the general claustrophobia of disorganized consumerism, which simply demoralizes them (e.g., the Enron scandal)!" Meron's writings/blogs gained a following, but he always wondered if what he wrote about (that haunting Wendy's sign) was indeed some kind of 'electrocutioner's artifact."



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