Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

Serious question. At what point did Judaism come into being, as opposed to being a gentile?

I gave that a WOW reaction bc my first thought was "Yes"....then I thought, "wait, no"....then, "wait...???"

And I appreciate having to ponder something over, esp something important and lovely like the Word of God!

I guess my preliminary answer would be "no" because I'm thinking God "founded" the Jewish nation with Abram. Which the Jews acknowledge by calling him "Father Abraham". But I'm going to read and ponder some more and may have to refine my answer. Thanks for a great OP!
I gave that a WOW reaction bc my first thought was "Yes"....then I thought, "wait, no"....then, "wait...???"

And I appreciate having to ponder something over, esp something important and lovely like the Word of God!

I guess my preliminary answer would be "no" because I'm thinking God "founded" the Jewish nation with Abram. Which the Jews acknowledge by calling him "Father Abraham". But I'm going to read and ponder some more and may have to refine my answer. Thanks for a great OP!

The sad thing is, because Adam and Eve were the original sinners and never had the opportunity to accept Christ, they'll probably end up in Hell.

But at least they got the opportunity to eat shrimp, crab, lobster, and ham.:laughing0301:
The sad thing is, because Adam and Eve were the original sinners and never had the opportunity to accept Christ, they'll probably end up in Hell.

But at least they got the opportunity to eat shrimp, crab, lobster, and ham.:laughing0301:

No. Abraham believed God even though he didn't know Christ, and it was "credited to him as righteousness". Romans 4:5. That means, as God's plan was unfolding but before people knew Christ, a belief in God (that pointed to Christ) was a credit to righteousness.
No. Abraham believed God even though he didn't know Christ, and it was "credited to him as righteousness". Romans 4:5. That means, as God's plan was unfolding but before people knew Christ, a belief in God (that pointed to Christ) was a credit to righteousness.

Even though Abraham was not perfect, he did many things that were pleasing, in God's eyes. I'm not sure He was too thrilled with Adam and Eve, though.
Serious question. At what point did Judaism come into being, as opposed to being a gentile?
I read somewhere that the three main religions of Christianity, Hebrew and Islam took root with Abraham and his sons. Something about God rewarding Abraham by decreeing that each of his sons would have great followings.
jewish, colored folks, right?
Men in that part of the Holy Land back in those days were dark skinned, swarthy. Which is why it is a little amusing to see Jesus depicted as kind of looking like a blond Fabio in a lot of churches nowadays.
Serious question. At what point did Judaism come into being, as opposed to being a gentile?

Strictly speaking, a Jew is a member of the Tribe of Judah, though I understand they now consider descendants of Benjamin also to be Jews.

In any event, Judah and Benjamin did not come along until many generations after Adam and Eve, so it is really rather meaningless, at best, to discuss whether Adam and Eve were Jewish.
Even though Abraham was not perfect, he did many things that were pleasing, in God's eyes. I'm not sure He was too thrilled with Adam and Eve, though.

Pretty much every single Bible figure is like that save Jesus. Moses was chosen to lead Israel from slavery but was then shut out of the Promised Land. He was also a murderer. Doesn't mean none of these people aren't in heaven. Thank God (literally) that His standard for us is not perfection. It is faith. See the verse I cited below.

The above is pretty standard theology. In my own defense of Adam and Eve:

They did sin, and pretty egregiously. But after they did not go out of the garden and say okay that's it, debauchery from now on, forget God! The genealogy of Christ traces right back to Adam. So it would seem there was atonement.

Were Adam & Eve Jewish?..A better question..were Adam and Eve Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal​

Strictly speaking, a Jew is a member of the Tribe of Judah, though I understand they now consider descendants of Benjamin also to be Jews.

In any event, Judah and Benjamin did not come along until many generations after Adam and Eve, so it is really rather meaningless, at best, to discuss whether Adam and Eve were Jewish.
so it is really rather meaningless, at best, to discuss whether Adam and Eve were Jewish...or even existed at all.
Abraham was the first monotheist and is considered the father of the Jewish people. ... :cool:
Actually........ Originally Judaism was derived from the name Judah, one of Jacob's 12 sons. A Jew in the Bible is considered to be a member of the 1 of the Tribes of Israelites......previous to the kingdom of Israel being divided into two, with 10 tribes in the north and two in the south side of the kingdom......the Israelites were called HEBREWS/ISRAELITES. (1 Kings 12:2 and 2 Chronicles 10). Judah was an ancestor of one these tribes of Israel....thus the name Judaism.....and later the term is used to describe anyone from Judah. After the exile the term Jew became synonymous with anyone who settled in Judea, everyone was called JEW regardless of tribal ancestry.

In the new testament all 3 terms, Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews are used as one in the same when used to describe descendants of Jacob.
So much ignorance.

Long story short, all the middle east mythology (most plagiarized from more benign sources) is evil. Please check out Adam Green's vids if you feel you can handle the fact you have been lied to your entire life.

Do you "evangelicals" realize "Jews" think the deity you worship, Jesus, is Satan (another fake middle east deity)? :laugh:


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