Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

Do you "evangelicals" realize "Jews" think the deity you worship, Jesus, is Satan (another fake middle east deity)? :laugh:

This is really silly, Satan??

No, simply a confused young man in somewhat too late puberty stage crisis,
of whom Rome adopted a trend. The original "chiristians" were Jewish folk who believed a prevalent rumor at the time, about someone and anyone of their thousands brothers and sisters and children they saw were crucified outside the city walls during siege.

Christianity is a Jewish rumor,
blown out by Rome, and somewhat partially corrected by Josephus.

Eventually, do most people in the west think that a man can be a god?
Do Arabs still worship the moon and bury their newborn daughters in the sand?
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Serious question. At what point did Judaism come into being, as opposed to being a gentile?
"JEWS" are the children of ONE of the he Tribes of Israel (or Jacob). That Tribe was "Judah." Also, some of Levi and Benjamin are included.

Jacob was the grandson of Abraham and Sarah.
So Adam and Eve were technically not Jews. Nor was anyone else before the Abrahamic Covenant.
Yes. They were not Jews. Jews didn't exist until after Judah was born to Jacob/Israel.

Another interesting point: all Jews are Israelite but not all Israelites are Jews. Just as all Ohioans are American but not all Americans are Ohioans. Jews are basically ONE TRIBE of Israel.
Jews are the posterity of Judah who was the son of Jacob who was the son of Isaac who was the son of Abraham. Judah was the father of the Jews and the first Jew not Abraham. Abraham was the grandfather of all Israel.
Adam and Eve were not Jewish. The title Jewish develops from the label given to members of the nation of Judah (the southern Kingdom, IIRC, which had members of Judah and Benjamin, plus some of Levi, and a few stragglers from other tribes). The national identity was codified through the adherence to the "Judean" religion (for lack of a better word. This was the same religion that the northern kingdom of Israel was also following until they got involved in idolatry and were exiled. So the religion which was known by the named of the Judahite kingdom would also be part of the Israelite kingdom.

This religion continued to be practiced by the members of the kingdom of Judah (Yehudah, in Hebrew). The people of that nation/religion were then known as Yehudim (look in II Kings 16 for an example). Think about the scroll of Esther in which (in events that took place outside of Israel) Mordechai is identified as "HaYehudi" even though he was from the tribe of Benjamin.

So if you want to look at the label, you can say that it wasn't really used to refer to the religion (in a vacuum) until after the southern Kingdom was no longer identified as a kingdom because before that it signaled both the religion and the nationality.

But if you want to say that the label came after the religion already existed (call it the Mosaic Code) then that means that adherents to the code dating back to the time of Moses would be considered Jews even though the label wasn't used. Jewish tradition teaches that the forefathers followed many of the laws as they were taught orally even before they were written down by Moses and this would make those forefathers also part of this group, regardless of label.
If you read Revelation chapter 7, you will realize that the original 12 tribes will once again be known and the whole house of Israel will be established not just the tribe of Judah.
If you read Revelation chapter 7, you will realize that the original 12 tribes will once again be known and the whole house of Israel will be established not just the tribe of Judah.
The Two Witnesses will reveal the Lost Tribes to the world during the Time of Jacobs (Israel's) Trouble.

"I am your brother, Joseph!"
The Two Witnesses will reveal the Lost Tribes to the world during the Time of Jacobs (Israel's) Trouble.

"I am your brother, Joseph!"
You don't think that Israel had trouble when Rome destroyed Jerusalem and scattered the Jews around the globe while taking their nation by force in 70 A.D.? Biblical Israel has not existed upon earth for well over 2000 years now, and there is no hope of the Nation calling itself Israel today of taking back the land of promise or rebuilding a Temple, as the nation is not guided by a King appointed by God............its laws do not come from a Royal Priesthood of Levites. The land was given to them not by God, but by the Untied Nations.....which is governed by the laws as directed by politicians.....not priests that represent God.

The only thing that modern Israel shares with the nation of Biblical Israel........is the name.

God had warned Israel that if it continued to disobey the righteous covenant of God..........He would take their nation from them and they would never be whole again. God declared that He would destroy Israel when it disobeyed (Lev.26:27-39).
They would be driven from the land of promise (Deut 4:25-28). Israel would cease being a nation (Deut. 8:19-20) Israel will never be made whole again, like it was in its days of glory (Jer. 19:7-13)

Jesus called the total destruction of Israel by the Roman Empire..........the "The Abomination of Desolation" prophesied by Daniel (Matthew 24:15). Jesus warned the Jewish leadership of the 1st century that God would allow this destruction to come upon Israel in that very generation of the 1st century, and it did........70 A.D. (Matthew 23:34-39)
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You don't think that Israel had trouble when Rome destroyed Jerusalem and scattered the Jews around the globe while taking their nation by force in 70 A.D.? Biblical Israel has not existed upon earth for well over 2000 years now, and there is no hope of the Nation calling itself Israel of taking back the land of promise or rebuilding a Temple.
I have hope of exactly that so "no hope" might not be entirely accurate.
I have hope of exactly that so "no hope" might not be entirely accurate.
I place my HOPE in God, as His will is revealed in the Holy Scriptures.......its the only way to communicate with God today. If you fail to address His will as revealed by the Holy Spirit of Truth...i.e, the 66 books of the Holy Bible. (All scripture is inspired by God....-- 2 Tim. 3:16-17.

Do you really expect to find His will addressed in any other format, that would contradict His will as revealed in scripture?...... as if He was a respecter of person? "God has no respect of person....." -- Romans 2:11

God is sure to keep His promises.........as presented by Book, Chapter and Book. You dismiss these promises at your own risk, and you are without any hope. Jesus warned the Jewish leadership that they would be punished in the 1st century (Mathew 23:34-39)...........Jesus told them this would be the "Abomination of Desolation" spoken of by the prophet Daniel (Matthew 24:15)

History actual provides the evidence that the Nation of Biblical Israel was totally destroyed by the Roman Empire in the 1st century.
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The destruction of Israel consisted of destroying Jerusalem and chasing the Jews out of their nation. It did consist of killing many Jews but many escaped and there are the posterity of original Jews today. Part of my genealogy consists of Jews going way back.
I place my HOPE in God, as His will is revealed in the Holy Scriptures.......its the only way to communicate with God today. If you fail to address His will as revealed by the Holy Spirit of Truth...i.e, the 66 books of the Holy Bible. (All scripture is inspired by God....-- 2 Tim. 3:16-17.

Do you really expect to find His will addressed in any other format, that would contradict His will as revealed in scripture?...... as if He was a respecter of person? "God has no respect of person....." -- Romans 2:11

God is sure to keep His promises.........as presented by Book, Chapter and Book. You dismiss these promises at your own risk, and you are without any hope.
You quote books that mean nothing to me in order to make an argument that means nothing to me. You are amusing but just barely.

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