Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

Jews are the posterity of Judah who was the son of Jacob who was the son of Isaac who was the son of Abraham. Judah was the father of the Jews and the first Jew not Abraham. Abraham was the grandfather of all Israel.
And father to Ishmael and the 6 sons he had with Keturah.
The destruction of Israel consisted of destroying Jerusalem and chasing the Jews out of their nation. It did consist of killing many Jews but many escaped and there are the posterity of original Jews today. Part of my genealogy consists of Jews going way back.
Judaism is not a "RACE" of people..........its a religion. As Jesus stated, "And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham as our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." -- Matthew 3:9

God's "Chosen" is representative of all races of people on earth today (there is neither Jew nor Greek/Gentile, male nor female, bond nor free.....all are one when baptized into Christ and heirs to the promise of Abraham -- Gal. 3:28-29), the religion of Judaism based upon the Mosaic Covenant was exclusive to the nation of Biblical Israel, the LAW was never intended for any Gentile (Deut. 4:8, 5:1-3). The text is clear........the Covenant of Moses, aka.,....THE LAW and PROPHETS was expressly for the Jewish religion only, not for their ancestors (........the Lord did not make this covenant with our fathers....i.e, ancestors.......but with those standing here today (where? on the day Moses delivered the covenant)

Anyone that attempts to worship under the LAW...i.e, terms of the Mosaic Covenant..........has fallen from the protective grace of Jesus Christ's sacrificial atoning blood (Gal. 5:4)..........why? Its Spiritual Adultery as God was a Husband only to Israel until the covenant was changed (Jer. 31:31-34).........today the Lord is married to the Christian Church.....i.e, the Bride of Christ (2 Cor. 11:2) which is inclusive to all the peoples on earth. God is fulfilling His promise to father Abraham, to make him a father of many nations with his offspring being numbered like the stars in the sky. (Genesis 22:17)....."......heirs to the PROMISE..." -- Gal. 3:29
Judaism is not a "RACE" of people..........its a religion. As Jesus stated, "And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham as our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." -- Matthew 3:9

God's "Chosen" is representative of all races of people on earth today (there is neither Jew nor Greek/Gentile, male nor female, bond nor free.....all are one when baptized into Christ and heirs to the promise of Abraham -- Gal. 3:28-29), the religion of Judaism based upon the Mosaic Covenant was exclusive to the nation of Biblical Israel, the LAW was never intended for any Gentile (Deut. 4:8, 5:1-3). The text is clear........the Covenant of Moses, aka.,....THE LAW and PROPHETS was expressly for the Jewish religion only, not for their ancestors (........the Lord did not make this covenant with our fathers....i.e, ancestors.......but with those standing here today (where? on the day Moses delivered the covenant)

Anyone that attempts to worship under the LAW...i.e, terms of the Mosaic Covenant..........has fallen from the protective grace of Jesus Christ's sacrificial atoning blood (Gal. 5:4)..........why? Its Spiritual Adultery as God was a Husband only to Israel until the covenant was changed (Jer. 31:31-34).........today the Lord is married to the Christian Church.....i.e, the Bride of Christ (2 Cor. 11:2)
Such a shame the New Testament creates such disdain for Jews. No wonder there’s so much antisemitism.
Such a shame the New Testament creates such disdain for Jews. No wonder there’s so much antisemitism.
Yeah.....Jer. 31:31-34 is part of the New Testament. You do not even respect your own prophets. In one hand you declare you are the chosen of God and in the next breath you refuse to accept the prophets of God and their advise. Is it any wonder that the Father ended His longsuffering with the Jews? Look around......are you, a self professed Jew, a citizen of biblical Israel today......or are you a citizen of whatever nation you find yourself located because you have no tribal ID nor Promised Land today?

It was not the N.T. that destroyed the nation of Israel............it was the Roman Empire that God allowed to wipe Israel from the face of the earth.
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Yeah.....Jer. 31:31-34 is part of the New Testament. You do not even respect your own prophets. In one hand you declare you are the chosen of God and in the next breath you refuse to accept the prophets of God and their advise. Is it any wonder that the Father ended His longsuffering with the Jews? Look around......are you, a self professed Jew, a citizen of biblical Israel today......or are you a citizen of whatever nation you find yourself located because you have no tribal ID nor Promised Land today?
As I said, the Christian Bible instills contempt for Jews. Your response is an example of it.

I see a big parallel between fundamental Christians and the leftists. In both cases, anyone who disagrees or has different believes is worthy of contempt and disdain.
As I said, the Christian Bible instills contempt for Jews. Your response is an example of it.

I see a big parallel between fundamental Christians and the leftists. In both cases, anyone who disagrees or has different believes is worthy of contempt and disdain.
Leftists tend to have more education and respect for Jews.

As I said, the Christian Bible instills contempt for Jews. Your response is an example of it.

I see a big parallel between fundamental Christians and the leftists. In both cases, anyone who disagrees or has different believes is worthy of contempt and disdain.
Lisa, God laid a curse on the Jews that accounts for all that has and is happening to them. The curse will eventually be lifted but for now you just have to live with it.
Leftists tend to have more education and respect for Jews.

Not necessarily. Only if they are opposed to Israel. Otherwise, the leftists demonize them. That’s why liberal Berkeley had their no-Jew zones where Jews weren’t allowed to speak, and why NYU wouldn’t allow a Jewish supporter of Israel to serve on the student body unless she renounced her support for Isrsel.
Lisa, God laid a curse on the Jews that accounts for all that has and is happening to them. The curse will eventually be lifted but for now you just have to live with it.
Another reader of the antisemitic NT. The Joooos are cursed by Gd!

Jews are very successful. For the most part, we are well-educated, high earners, and strong contributors to society. We lead nice lives.
What type of awful religion teaches that Gd curses an entire people?

Oh wait….
Not necessarily. Only of they are opposed to Israel. Otherwise, the leftists demonize them. That’s why liberal Berkeley had their no-Jew zones where Jews weren’t allowed to speak, and why NYU wouldn’t allow a Jewish supporter of Israel to serve on the student body unless she renounced her support for Isrsel.
The issue of Palestinian refugees is complicated.

Strictly speaking, a Jew is a member of the Tribe of Judah, though I understand they now consider descendants of Benjamin also to be Jews.

In any event, Judah and Benjamin did not come along until many generations after Adam and Eve, so it is really rather meaningless, at best, to discuss whether Adam and Eve were Jewish.
The Benjamites went their own way after the diaspora resulting from the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. See Genesis 49.

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