‘We’re going to make her life unpleasant’: Activists aren’t finished with Kyrsten Sinema

Not at all. I disagree that it is just an inconvenience. I see it as thuggery.
Nope. No one threatened her with violence.

violent behavior, especially of a criminal nature.
"a cowardly act of mindless thuggery"

You should learn the definition of these multisyllabic words before you try to use them.
Nope. No one threatened her with violence.

violent behavior, especially of a criminal nature.
"a cowardly act of mindless thuggery"

You should learn the definition of these multisyllabic words before you try to use them.
It’s not about legal threat but perceived threat. Once violence occurs it’s too late. Most normal people (not you) see a bathroom as a place for privacy. You follow me there I consider it a threat and will deal with that threat appropriately.
Fascists are people like those who followed Sinema into the toilets and you. You are trying to frighten her into following your agenda.
The people hasseling Sinema are brainless assholes.

Just like the BLM assholes who harass people trying to enjoy lunch in an outside dining area.
On an aside: I am new and learning the ropes here. How do we contact a mod. I am unclear whether our liberal members, supposedly against racism and bigotry, are allowed to spew antisemitism with every post.
I am somewhat new myself, but have noticed a lot of racism, antisemitism, and bigotry from the left as well. Every time I point out their racism, they come back with more racism. Not against me specifically, but against the group I am defending.
Thank you.This might not be the forum for me, then. Or, I can stay here and point out the hypocrisy of liberals who on one hand decry their moral superiority in fighting against prejudice and bigotry, and on the other hand proudly screaming antisemitic statements with every post.
Just call them out when they do. The more they post it, the more the world can see what the left is actually all about. Leaving will accomplish nothing, but silencing you. Which we know the left loves to do. I wonder if the dems of today are actually more racist than the their buddies that started the KKK.
If someone followed me into the bathroom, I would throw them out the door. You are a more patient person I guess?
I would file a harrassment complaint with the police. If they do it more than once, that is stalking, a serious crime.
On an aside: I am new and learning the ropes here. How do we contact a mod. I am unclear whether our liberal members, supposedly against racism and bigotry, are allowed to spew antisemitism with every post.
Leave the mods out of it and destroy the leftists with common sense facts and reality. It’s really quite simple to do.
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It was a mentally ill, wife abusing, fuckwit, in the middle of a bankruptcy. Someone who should have never been allowed access to guns. And Democrats immediately condemned him.

It was Donald Trump, the Republican Party President, who incited of mob of domestic terrorists and sent them to the Capitol to murder the Vice-President, and the line of succession. The Republican Party refused to impeach him for his actions, and is now attempting to cover up and deny this insurrection.

One party operates within the law, and the other party is busy changing the law so that they can change the outcome of the next election if their guy doesn't win. I say "guy", because the Republican Party is very much and Old Boy's Club.
hahaa sorry the house impeached trump based on those accusations…we had a trial in the senate where the demafasict presented all their evidence…he was fully exonerated of those claims

meanwhile, you think it’s “operating within the law” to stalk senators , literally following then in bathrooms…your mind is completely warped by the demafacist cult
Then you're every bit the snowflake I thought you were.
Fair enough. Better safe than sorry. But as we both know the real snowflakes here are you and your fellow Transocrats who force my young daughters to share bathrooms and locker rooms with trans girls/women. Pretty sickening.

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