We’re killing our natural gas supplies with failing infrastructure and protests


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

In many ways, this goes along with the previous article on deregulation. Many of the examples are not just based on federal rules and regulations but those of states and counties.

We’re killing ourselves with bureaucratic stupidity.

America is awash in natural gas. In parts of the country there’s hardly a drop to burn.

Earlier this year, two utilities that service the New York City area stopped accepting new natural-gas customers in two boroughs and several suburbs. Citing jammed supply lines running into the city on the coldest winter days, they said they couldn’t guarantee they’d be able to deliver gas to additional furnaces. Never mind that the country’s most prolific gas field, the Marcellus Shale, is only a three-hour drive away.

Meanwhile, in West Texas, drillers have so much excess natural gas they are simply burning it off, roughly enough each day to fuel every home in the state.

And this close hits the nail on the head:

So we’re left with both feast and famine in terms of energy. New construction in parts of New York City can’t be put into use because they can’t get natural gas to heat the buildings. And those buildings sit literally less than a three-hour drive from one of the largest natural gas formations in the world. This problem can be fixed, but it’s going to require elected officials who are able to swallow a healthy dose of reality before it happens.

More @ We're killing our natural gas supplies with failing infrastructure and protests
So, what would you now have done to alleviate the issue?
Are you for the FEDs trampling on individual state's laws to address the issue?

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