We're Not Going Back to Brunch

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
A threat from an airhead. The full quote is, "If we (Democrats) win in November, we're not going back to brunch."

Another ignorant socialist determined to use the power of government to DOCTATE every aspect of your life

If democrats would really just stay at home and not leave their house, I'm all for that.

Also, don't use your phones or internet to communicate with the outside world in any way cuz you might get Covid that way as well.
Roving bands of black thugs will eat your brunch and make you get on your knees and swear allegiance.
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What the fuck is she talking about? What brunch, who's involved with it?
This ho is dumber than fuck.......
Democrats have the dumbest people on the planet
Hank Johnson, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Watters, AOC...I know 5 years olds with higher IQ than all 4 of those morons combined.
I'm trying to figure out what Trump's perpetually triggered snowflakes are whining about here. Best I can tell, they're all in screaming meltdown mode because AOC used a figure of speech.

This is reason #17 why it's so good to be a liberal. We don't waste our lives looking for really stupid reasons to get triggered.
I'm trying to figure out what Trump's perpetually triggered snowflakes are whining about here. Best I can tell, they're all in screaming meltdown mode because AOC used a figure of speech.

This is reason #17 why it's so good to be a liberal. We don't waste our lives looking for really stupid reasons to get triggered.
First learn what triggered means
Mocking and laughing at does not mean triggered
What figure of speech did she use?

Second you're not a liberal, you're a lefty....big difference....
The violence of this administration?
What a dumbfuck
The only thing useful from her is tagging it with a bag on her.....she's ugly and other than some bangs...she offers nothing to anyone...she is a complete shit show and idiot.
Mocking and laughing at does not mean triggered

But screaming hysterically is.

And that's you. See your last post.
I wasn't screaming, I just got to show 4 democrats......the 4 dumbest people on Earth, each are easy and very fun to mock........which I did. As for the brunch, what is the fuck is AOC talking about, that bitch is crazy as hell.
They don't call it the Washington Compost for nothing.
This is another THREAT by a government employee against the people of this country. The bitch needs to be removed

After her Daddy died, she will forever blame 'the system' for her and her mommy returning to the tenements!
Poor lil' Marxist.
Mocking and laughing at does not mean triggered

But screaming hysterically is.

And that's you. See your last post.
I wasn't screaming, I just got to show 4 democrats......the 4 dumbest people on Earth, each are easy and very fun to mock........which I did. As for the brunch, what is the fuck is AOC talking about, that bitch is crazy as hell.
I guess I understand crazy. Michael said pretty much the same.

Shes warning you if they gain power forget about Godvernment leveanig you alone. They will DICTATE (as in DICTATOR) every aspect of your life
Mocking and laughing at does not mean triggered

But screaming hysterically is.

And that's you. See your last post.
I wasn't screaming, I just got to show 4 democrats......the 4 dumbest people on Earth, each are easy and very fun to mock........which I did. As for the brunch, what is the fuck is AOC talking about, that bitch is crazy as hell.
I guess I understand crazy. Michael said pretty much the same.

Shes warning you if they gain power forget about Godvernment leveanig you alone. They will DICTATE (as in DICTATOR) every aspect of your life
Well we know that, and let that bitch come to my house and try....fuck her

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