We're number 1!

We have two weapons. 1. Reduce spread through masks and social distancing which the GOP hates. 2. Covid shot to build up immunity which the GOP hates.

After you ignore those then we are just left with watching it spread and see who dies and who survives with immunity. The GOP loves that.
haha the GOP doesn’t hate either of those things….they hate Govt mandates of those things…try again

The GOP gave us 3 vaccines to deal with the Chinese virus in warp speed…since then we have had numerous xiden variants that the GoP vaccine doesn’t prevent and xiden has no plan, no vaccines in development …nada

Moreover there are other tools that worked, such as limited or securing the border so we know who’s coming in to limit the spread…xiden hates that, undid it, flooded the country with untested illegals…and the xiden variants poured in, and now we have record levels of hospitalizations, deaths, etc…and all the dems can do is say take the trump vaccines we bashed for a year, that have no way of preventing the new variants…oh and “we give up” there is no federal solution, oh and get ready for death and illness that’s all we can promise

this is the xiden variants and the demafascist pandemic

Thanks to the unvaccinated!
It's the vaccinated that are catching covie.....
I blame the faux vaccines and stupid people for thinking that the faux vaccines stop the virus.
haha the GOP doesn’t hate either of those things….they hate Govt mandates of those things…try again
3% of Democrats are not getting vaccinated. 40% of Republicans. What were you saying?

The GOP gave us 3 vaccines to deal with the Chinese virus in warp speed…since then we have had numerous xiden variants that the GoP vaccine doesn’t prevent and xiden has no plan, no vaccines in development …nada
Vaccine development was swift and a proud moment for Germany and America which did the most. Took over a year. We are 90 days into Omicron. Vaccines are being worked. Will be a similar year.

Moreover there are other tools that worked, such as limited or securing the border so we know who’s coming in to limit the spread…xiden hates that, undid it, flooded the country with untested illegals…and the xiden variants poured in, and now we have record levels of hospitalizations, deaths, etc…and all the dems can do is say take the trump vaccines we bashed for a year, that have no way of preventing the new variants…oh and “we give up” there is no federal solution, oh and get ready for death and illness that’s all we can promise
Biden has made minor border changes. The illegal MPP program which affect 11,000 people was ended. He reunited families separated which was a small number but grossly unAmerican. He ended the Muslim and African bans which doesn’t affect illegal immigration. The border wall program built 15 miles of barrier in areas that didn’t have barriers. Trump reinforced parts of the wall which is still being done in some places by Biden but much has stopped. None of those things are dramatic and it’s actually disappointing to liberals how little he’s changed

So basically nothing you posted was very accurate but thanks for playing.
Come on don’t be coy.

"So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just a very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked because of the testing," Trump said, speaking to Bryan during the briefing. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're going to test that, too."

He added: "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

He didn't specify the kind of disinfectant.
So, no then. Cool.
3% of Democrats are not getting vaccinated. 40% of Republicans. What were you saying?

Vaccine development was swift and a proud moment for Germany and America which did the most. Took over a year. We are 90 days into Omicron. Vaccines are being worked. Will be a similar year.

Biden has made minor border changes. The illegal MPP program which affect 11,000 people was ended. He reunited families separated which was a small number but grossly unAmerican. He ended the Muslim and African bans which doesn’t affect illegal immigration. The border wall program built 15 miles of barrier in areas that didn’t have barriers. Trump reinforced parts of the wall which is still being done in some places by Biden but much has stopped. None of those things are dramatic and it’s actually disappointing to liberals how little he’s changed

So basically nothing you posted was very accurate but thanks for playing.
I am saying that the GOP doesn't like mandates....thought i was clear about that.

It took less then a year, and Xiden has been in office for more then a year...and zero developments on vaccines....zero....he's already given up, made it clear the only thing Americans can hope for is death and illness ""But it's here now and it's spreading and it's gonna increase. ... We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death" Joe Xiden

and given up ""Look, there is no federal solution," Biden said
We have two weapons. 1. Reduce spread through masks and social distancing which the GOP hates. 2. Covid shot to build up immunity which the GOP hates.

After you ignore those then we are just left with watching it spread and see who dies and who survives with immunity. The GOP loves that.
The shots are worthless, sub-cretin.
That's a damned stupid statement as those that have been vaccinated are getting the Chinese virus as well.

Hell over Christmas my nephew who had both vaccinations and the booster came down with it.

It ain't only the unvaccinated.

Double vaxxed, boosted bucktoothed superspreader.

Thanks to the unvaccinated!
Actually, thanks to the vaccinated......your goofy blue states with all the vaccinations lead the way with all the infections. Are you stupid or something Forrest??
"Cases" is a meaningless number, used by the panic pornographers for maximum scare effect.

So piss off.
You go ahead and go visit your local hospital and tell them it's a meaningless number.

Please post the video of you getting your little ass beaten by a bunch of tired nurses, you asshole.
unless its an illegal immigrant coming over the border, then its real, hmm?

Well, xiden and co. are importing unvaxxed illegals by the trainload, so yeah.

This is ALL xidens fault.
We have two weapons. 1. Reduce spread through masks and social distancing which the GOP hates. 2. Covid shot to build up immunity which the GOP hates.

After you ignore those then we are just left with watching it spread and see who dies and who survives with immunity. The GOP loves that

You go ahead and go visit your local hospital and tell them it's a meaningless number.

Please post the video of you getting your little ass beaten by a bunch of tired nurses, you asshole.
What do case counts have to do with the hospital? I'd be happy to tell anyone that case counts dont really mean anything. If math hurts their feelings that's their problem not mine.

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