We're screwed.

The Mandated Dr. Mengele - Gene Therapy Clot Shot is why Southwest had to cancel all of those flights. That's all on Putin's favorite Knob Slobberer Faux Xiden.

Sweet Jesus you're stupid.

Biden is pressing major U.S. airlines to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for employees by Dec. 8, which is the date in place for all federal contractors.

Now, this may be confusing for you but, see, December 8th hasn't happened yet. Anything that happens prior to that is the decision of those involved. Southwest said it will adhere to the mandate. Southwest employees, on their own, chose to stage a "sick out", which resulted in Southwest, and not the White House, cancelling those flights.

Biden cancelled nothing, and you remain a liar...

It will be interesting watching you on Judgment Day looking down at the ground when you are asked to explain why you wasted so much of your life lying to yourself and everyone around you.

Judgement day?

God is a myth...
Sweet Jesus you're stupid.

Biden is pressing major U.S. airlines to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for employees by Dec. 8, which is the date in place for all federal contractors.

Now, this may be confusing for you but, see, December 8th hasn't happened yet. Anything that happens prior to that is the decision of those involved. Southwest said it will adhere to the mandate. Southwest employees, on their own, chose to stage a "sick out", which resulted in Southwest, and not the White House, cancelling those flights.

Biden cancelled nothing, and you remain a liar...

Judgement day?

God is a myth...
Biden if ground up in a meat grinder wouldn't be fit to feed a dog to.

Yet morons voted for him.

And yes, Biden's policies are directly responsible for people quitting their jobs, having blue flu, and 2,000 flights being cancelled by Southwest.

Are you Joe's Diaper Dealer? I realize some people fall in love in prison and things like that, but you appear obsessed.

And why is it, all you fanatical DemNazis don't believe in God? That makes you without credibility because it declares that you are a law unto yourself and advertises that morality, truth and ethics do not concern you and neither are you accountable to them.

Feel bad for you actually.
Better men than you will be burning in Hell for much the same thing.
This is what Godless People do, when Agenda is all they have:

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Biden if ground up in a meat grinder wouldn't be fit to feed a dog to.

Yet morons voted for him.

I'm as stumped as you are on that. Biden's been a disaster. Why the idiots who voted for him thought that he'd magically start fixing shit after being in DC for almost 50 years is a mystery...

And yes, Biden's policies are directly responsible for people quitting their jobs, having blue flu, and 2,000 flights being cancelled by Southwest.

No, they're not. People don't like the fact that Southwest has chosen to adhere to the mandate. That's what's causing this. Southwest could've just as easily said "No, we're not doing it" and those flights would've all been in the sky. But because of employee reactions to Southwest's decision, flights were cancelled...

Are you Joe's Diaper Dealer? I realize some people fall in love in prison and things like that.

You're such an ignorant little tool.

I detest Biden. But I'm also smart enough to know that the way to get him the fuck out of office, and away from a second term, is to not make up bullshit about him, as you've chosen to do. You're argument that he cancelled flights is untrue. He didn't do it. Insisting that he did will serve only one end: to paint you as a conservative who has no problem engaging in the same idiotic tactics of the left; lie and obfuscate and pray that enough people believe your bullshit.

You and I are probably very similar in our beliefs and ideals, but it seems we part ways when it comes to honesty, because it appears as though you don't even enjoy a passing relationship with "honesty". Idiotic comments like "Are you Joe's Diaper Dealer?" prove that you've run out of intelligent things to add. What makes it funny is that it's nonsensical. It means nothing, yet you trot it out as something clever.

It's not.

It's stupid..
I'm as stumped as you are on that. Biden's been a disaster. Why the idiots who voted for him thought that he'd magically start fixing shit after being in DC for almost 50 years is a mystery...

No, they're not. People don't like the fact that Southwest has chosen to adhere to the mandate. That's what's causing this. Southwest could've just as easily said "No, we're not doing it" and those flights would've all been in the sky. But because of employee reactions to Southwest's decision, flights were cancelled...

You're such an ignorant little tool.

I detest Biden. But I'm also smart enough to know that the way to get him the fuck out of office, and away from a second term, is to not make up bullshit about him, as you've chosen to do. You're argument that he cancelled flights is untrue. He didn't do it. Insisting that he did will serve only one end: to paint you as a conservative who has no problem engaging in the same idiotic tactics of the left; lie and obfuscate and pray that enough people believe your bullshit.

You and I are probably very similar in our beliefs and ideals, but it seems we part ways when it comes to honesty, because it appears as though you don't even enjoy a passing relationship with "honesty". Idiotic comments like "Are you Joe's Diaper Dealer?" prove that you've run out of intelligent things to add. What makes it funny is that it's nonsensical. It means nothing, yet you trot it out as something clever.

It's not.

It's stupid..
The employee's reactions were to Joe Biden's policies and dumb ass Southwest who decided to comply with the Vaccine Gestapo's mandates.

These shots are not vaccines. They are DNA altering Gene Therapies.
Sorry you are too stupid to realize that, and realize why people oppose that when they can be treated with cheap drugs instead like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, the Israeli Nasal Spray, or The New Merk Pill.

No big profit in that for Big Pharma, No mortgaging your house for a stay at the For Profit Hospital where they can charge you $100 for an aspirin, and no Gov Lockdowns and Martial Law light if they allow that to happen.

No one should be mandating Gene Therapies, for The Kung Fu Flu, when the survival rate is 99.2% and getting better all the time for a disease that can be cheaply treated, and only has impacted 0.16% of the globe.

George Orwell and Huxley were right. You people are assholes and they knew you would totally screw up the future.

Amidst the Sturm und Drang of contemporary politics, there is much collateral damage, innocent bystanders viciously slaughtered.
So it is with Science, the unheeded Cassandra of our times.
Coastal communities inundated by rising seas?
An upsurge in the frequency and intensity of lethal heatwaves, drought, fires, floods?
Agriculture devastated?
Soaring costs and the consequent collapse of commerce?
Wars amidst ever-increasing competition for depleting resources?
Waves of undocumented migrants fleeing lands that can no longer sustain them?
Which is more frustrating?

Mindless denial to manipulate hapless goons:

Or deranged fantasies predicated upon formidable ignorance:

Deport the MOON?

I have no plans to get the vaccine, you ignorant dumbfuck...
The 666 Tattoo is not the Dr. Mengele Shot, Heathen. It's a digital pass that will allow you to identify as vaxxed, serve as your passport, citizenship card in the 666 Satanic World Order, and be your all in one Bank Card, and Pledge of Loyalty to The World Order.

And you will take that, because when it comes time for that, Heathen, you believing there is No God, will fall down and worship god, after he works some lying miracles for you. You being a deceived dumbass right now will think it's "GOD" but it's not. Think of it as a marriage with Satan himself, and only fools like you will run to the altar to get hitched.

For all I know you might be so gullible and self centered that you might take it simply so you can buy a jelly doughnut, but you will take it, none-the-less,

You will take the mark on your right hand or forehead. I kinda think of you as a proud forehead kinda guy being that you'd want to brag to your friends and make sure everyone knows you love the soon to come AntiChrist. Look Mom, I'm going straight to Hell!
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The 666 Tattoo is not the Dr. Mengele Shot, Heathen. It's a digital pass that will allow you to identify as vaxxed, serve as your passport, citizenship card in the 666 Satanic World Order, and be your all in one Bank Card, and Pledge of Loyalty to The World Order.

And you will take that, because when it comes time for that, Heathen, you believing there is No God, will fall down and worship god, after he works some lying miracles for you. You being a deceived dumbass right now will think it's "GOD" but it's not. Think of it as a marriage with Satan himself, and only fools like you will run to the altar to get hitched.

For all I know you might be so gullible and self centered that you might take it simply so you can buy a jelly doughnut, but you will take it, none-the-less,

You will take the mark on your right hand or forehead. I kinda think of you as a proud forehead kinda guy being that you'd want to brag to your friends and make sure everyone knows you love the soon to come AntiChrist. Look Mom, I'm going straight to Hell!

God is a myth.

You're a fuckin' nimrod...
God is a myth.

You're a fuckin' nimrod...
Your Entire Life is a Lie. 666 will look good on you. I mean, you will go to Hell for it, and realize there is a God after the biggest screw up in your eternal life. Better late than never doesn't work in this case skippy.

Don't be sad, not everyone is cut out for Eternal Bliss. Besides that, The Afterlife wouldn't be all that great if you were part of it. Better off to send you to The Pit with your little god Satan and his pitiful angels and followers entrapped forever, and separated from a God who you came to realize is real far too late.

Perhaps you should consider investing in fireproof underwear?
Whatever the cause of the change is less important than adapting to the changes....that is no surrender, that is being smart.
Adaptation is restoring a livable environment. Evolving to live on Planet Dune is surrender.

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