We're screwed.

Your Entire Life is a Lie. 666 will look good on you. I mean, you will go to Hell for it, and realize there is a God after the biggest screw up in your eternal life. Better late than never doesn't work in this case skippy.

Don't be sad, not everyone is cut out for Eternal Bliss. Besides that, The Afterlife wouldn't be all that great if you were part of it. Better off to send you to The Pit with your little god Satan and his pitiful angels and followers entrapped forever, and separated from a God who you came to realize is real far too late.

I'm not completely convinced, but the possibility remains that you just might be the biggest douchebag on USMB...

Amidst the Sturm und Drang of contemporary politics, there is much collateral damage, innocent bystanders viciously slaughtered.
So it is with Science, the unheeded Cassandra of our times.
Coastal communities inundated by rising seas?
An upsurge in the frequency and intensity of lethal heatwaves, drought, fires, floods?
Agriculture devastated?
Soaring costs and the consequent collapse of commerce?
Wars amidst ever-increasing competition for depleting resources?
Waves of undocumented migrants fleeing lands that can no longer sustain them?
Which is more frustrating?

Mindless denial to manipulate hapless goons:

Or deranged fantasies predicated upon formidable ignorance:

Deport the MOON?

You are going to be so upset when within 30 years everything you believed is proven wrong by cooling temperatures.
You are going to be so upset when within 30 years everything you believed is proven wrong by cooling temperatures.
That's a nice fantasy.

Amidst so many knowledgable, responsible people heeding the empirical evidence of apolitical climatologists as well as the ongoing climatic crises that comport with their data, blissful ignorance can always find a place.
I'm not completely convinced, but the possibility remains that you just might be the biggest douchebag on USMB...
Earth Worship will send you to Hell. All I am doing is warning you that you are on the path to destruction.

You base your entire reasoning on Global Warming on Lies, and manufactured data like the famous and now debunked "hockey stick" graph.
That's a nice fantasy.

Amidst so many knowledgable, responsible people heeding the empirical evidence of apolitical climatologists as well as the ongoing climatic crises that comport with their data, blissful ignorance can always find a place.
Hardly. We are in the middle of an ice age, you know.

We are in an interglacial cycle and our present temperature is still 2C below the peak temperature of previous interglacial cycles. The recent warming trend is due to natural causes and not a 120 ppm increase in a minor greenhouse gas.

Scientists come to opposite conclusions about the causes of recent climate change depending on which datasets they consider.

Increased climate fluctuation and environmental uncertainty are artifacts of a bipolar glaciated world where the threshold for extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation is lower than the threshold for extensive southern hemisphere continental glaciation and our the present temperature is close to the northern hemisphere threshold.

"Mainstream" science has wrongly correlated the recent warming trend with CO2. They have mistaken the increased climate fluctuation and environmental uncertainty of a bipolar glaciated world for man made warming.

The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. A configuration which has never existed before in the history of the planet. We are precariously poised for extensive northern hemisphere glaciation. A condition which has led to increased climate fluctuation and environmental uncertainty over the last 2.7 million years. It is that volatility that will be the undoing of "mainstream" science's faulty analysis and conclusion. Within 30 years everything you believe will be proven wrong.

transition to icehouse.png
Amidst so many knowledgable, responsible people heeding the empirical evidence of apolitical climatologists as well as the ongoing climatic crises that comport with their data, blissful ignorance can always find a place.
Conclusion. In the title of this paper, we asked “How much has the Sun influenced Northern Hemisphere temperature trends?” However, it should now be apparent that, despite the confidence with which many studies claim to have answered this question, it has not yet been satisfactorily answered. Given the many valid dissenting scientific opinions that remain on these issues, we argue that recent attempts to force an apparent scientific consensus (including the IPCC reports) on these scientific debates are premature and ultimately unhelpful for scientific progress. We hope that the analysis in this paper will encourage and stimulate further analysis and discussion. In the meantime, the debate is ongoing.

If all that is caused by man it can be fixed by man.

so you should be starting a thread in 2 years telling us how Biden solved the problem.

Ill wait!!!!
Lordy, lordy, do we never run out of dumb fucks here? Even were we to eliminate all our emissions next year, we would still have 20 to 30 years of warming before the effects of the elimination would be felt. There is a huge amount of inertia in the system. It is called all the water in the oceans. No, Biden will not solve the problems that we are going to see because of the GHGs we have put into the atmosphere. In fact, we will see some of those problems right through the end of this century, no matter how well we in the coming years in eliminating our GHGs.
If it will never happen then why do the Ds keep claiming they can fix it will......yep, more money!!!!!
What a liar you are. Nobody is claiming that they can fix it. What they are claiming is that we can lesson the impacts by eliminating the causes. If we do not, the impact will continue to escalate, and it will be a very damaged world our descendants inherit from us.
Lordy, lordy, do we never run out of dumb fucks here? Even were we to eliminate all our emissions next year, we would still have 20 to 30 years of warming before the effects of the elimination would be felt. There is a huge amount of inertia in the system. It is called all the water in the oceans. No, Biden will not solve the problems that we are going to see because of the GHGs we have put into the atmosphere. In fact, we will see some of those problems right through the end of this century, no matter how well we in the coming years in eliminating our GHGs.
Given the many valid dissenting scientific opinions that remain on these issues, we argue that recent attempts to force an apparent scientific consensus (including the IPCC reports) on these scientific debates are premature and ultimately unhelpful for scientific progress.

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What a liar you are. Nobody is claiming that they can fix it. What they are claiming is that we can lesson the impacts by eliminating the causes. If we do not, the impact will continue to escalate, and it will be a very damaged world our descendants inherit from us.
You can't do that either. You can NOT tax your way out of a problem that isn't caused by man to begin with.
Lordy, lordy, do we never run out of dumb fucks here? Even were we to eliminate all our emissions next year, we would still have 20 to 30 years of warming before the effects of the elimination would be felt. There is a huge amount of inertia in the system. It is called all the water in the oceans. No, Biden will not solve the problems that we are going to see because of the GHGs we have put into the atmosphere. In fact, we will see some of those problems right through the end of this century, no matter how well we in the coming years in eliminating our GHGs.
GFY moron. Its not worth my time to have a dialogue with you.

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