We're screwed.

Amidst the Sturm und Drang of contemporary politics, there is much collateral damage, innocent bystanders viciously slaughtered.
So it is with Science, the unheeded Cassandra of our times.
Coastal communities inundated by rising seas?
An upsurge in the frequency and intensity of lethal heatwaves, drought, fires, floods?
Agriculture devastated?
Soaring costs and the consequent collapse of commerce?
Wars amidst ever-increasing competition for depleting resources?
Waves of undocumented migrants fleeing lands that can no longer sustain them?
Which is more frustrating?

Mindless denial to manipulate hapless goons:

Or deranged fantasies predicated upon formidable ignorance:

Deport the MOON?

So basically the same thing that's been happening for the past 5,000 years got it. :sleeping-smiley-015:

Amidst the Sturm und Drang of contemporary politics, there is much collateral damage, innocent bystanders viciously slaughtered.
So it is with Science, the unheeded Cassandra of our times.
Coastal communities inundated by rising seas?
An upsurge in the frequency and intensity of lethal heatwaves, drought, fires, floods?
Agriculture devastated?
Soaring costs and the consequent collapse of commerce?
Wars amidst ever-increasing competition for depleting resources?
Waves of undocumented migrants fleeing lands that can no longer sustain them?
Which is more frustrating?

Mindless denial to manipulate hapless goons:

Or deranged fantasies predicated upon formidable ignorance:

Deport the MOON?

I got a great idea. Go jump off a cliff.

Amidst the Sturm und Drang of contemporary politics, there is much collateral damage, innocent bystanders viciously slaughtered.
So it is with Science, the unheeded Cassandra of our times.
Coastal communities inundated by rising seas?
An upsurge in the frequency and intensity of lethal heatwaves, drought, fires, floods?
Agriculture devastated?
Soaring costs and the consequent collapse of commerce?
Wars amidst ever-increasing competition for depleting resources?
Waves of undocumented migrants fleeing lands that can no longer sustain them?
Which is more frustrating?

Mindless denial to manipulate hapless goons:

Or deranged fantasies predicated upon formidable ignorance:

Deport the MOON?

Via The Dr. Mengele Gene Therapy Jabz Mandate Stupid.
Quit playing stupid. You are good at it.

Fuck you, you cum-guzzling little fuck.

You made a statement regarding something I'd heard nothing about. All I did was ask about it.

You certainly are a triggered little bitch, aren't you?

Oh, and for the record, Southwest Airlines didn't just cancel 2,000 flights.

So, not only are you fucking retarded in your approach to dealing with someone who asks a simple question, you're also a fucking liar...
Fuck you, you cum-guzzling little fuck.

You made a statement regarding something I'd heard nothing about. All I did was ask about it.

You certainly are a triggered little bitch, aren't you?

Oh, and for the record, Southwest Airlines didn't just cancel 2,000 flights.

So, not only are you fucking retarded in your approach to dealing with someone who asks a simple question, you're also a fucking liar...

Appears to Hate God?

Makes Homo Erotic Statements?

Triggered at the mere suggestion Faux Xiden is a moron?

Habitual liar that calls others liars because he wouldn't know truth if it tea bagged him in the face?

Confused about Science like XX and XY Chromosomes?

Why do you waste your life in hate? Sad little man.

"If you like your sleeping on The Airport Floor, you can keep your sleeping on The Airport Floor!"

Faux Biden to Stranded Southwest Airline Pilots.
It also may be progressive dogma that govt is where the solutions to problems ultimately lie.

For sure. And there is a role in this for the Govt, but we can never get to the "how can we adapt to the changes" part because people are too busy fighting over the why/who.
If all that is caused by man it can be fixed by man.

so you should be starting a thread in 2 years telling us how Biden solved the problem.

Ill wait!!!!
If that be so then how can man appease or change Mother Nature or the weather. ?
Simple as Simon says.Just find some little Swede { Greta Thunberg } who was
once diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and then home-schooled {Indoctrinated }
by obvious Global Warming talking pts. And give her a massive stage like at the
2019 UN Climate Action Summit by spouting out :
" How Dare You "
If all that is caused by man it can be fixed by man.

so you should be starting a thread in 2 years telling us how Biden solved the problem.

Ill wait!!!!

No, many things have built in positive feedback mechanisms that take over once a certain point is reached, and then there is little we can do about it.

For example, with Global warming.
The hotter it gets, the more the permanent glaciers/ice/snow melts, which then reduced the amount of sunlight reflected off planet.
The hotter it gets, the more frozen methane hydrate m (from frozen tundra and ocean floors), melts and evaporates into the atmosphere, retaining 27 times more heat than CO2.
The hotter it gets, the more water vapor will be in the air, retaining 15 times more heat than CO2.

Are there any negative feedback mechanisms?

Yes with Global Warming.
Increased water vapor in the sky could mean more clouds, which then reflect more incoming sun, perhaps cooling the earth back off.
Its called albeido.
But the down side of that is likely it will always be cloudy and foggy.
No stars, so no astronomy any more.
For sure. And there is a role in this for the Govt, but we can never get to the "how can we adapt to the changes" part because people are too busy fighting over the why/who.
Yeah, and we've already cut emissions to the EU's level, and China out pollutes both of us combined. Paying for charging stations on interstates, and making sure no one can buy a gas powered auto, is not really a solution.

If Winters are moderate in Penn and NE, there's a lot of land for cows. But the feds don't own the cows or the land.
So basically the same thing that's been happening for the past 5,000 years got it. :sleeping-smiley-015:

There has been no significant climate change in the last 5,000 years.
The last significant climate change was the warming that ended the last ice age and dried up the Sahara Desert, about 14,000 years ago plus.

There have been some slow, minor, continual regional changes, such as the Mideast getting slightly drier.
There have been some minor, local changes, like warming and erosion in places like Italy and Greece, where there was too much deforestation.

The future global warming changes have never before been experienced by the planet, because we artificially are adding a new warming period on top of almost the peak of the natural warming cycle.
Think if it as a double warming, which means the positive feedback mechanisms will reach extremes they never reached before.
Up to a point, but not as long as mindless denial pertains.

The cost of remediation is continually rising.

Ideology cannot not control nature.
Remediating what? Do you plan to somehow remove CO2 from the atmosphere? Or do you think pollution of the seas and soil is causing global warming?
There has been no significant climate change in the last 5,000 years.
The last significant climate change was the warming that ended the last ice age and dried up the Sahara Desert, about 14,000 years ago plus.

There have been some slow, minor, continual regional changes, such as the Mideast getting slightly drier.
There have been some minor, local changes, like warming and erosion in places like Italy and Greece, where there was too much deforestation.

The future global warming changes have never before been experienced by the planet, because we artificially are adding a new warming period on top of almost the peak of the natural warming cycle.
Think if it as a double warming, which means the positive feedback mechanisms will reach extremes they never reached before.
Global Warming is Horseshit, same as Russian Collusion and The ScamDemic.
Yes and no. If all of mankind caused it, you would need them all to help fix it, and we all know that will never happen.

The time for fixing or fighting about the cause is long past. It is long past time we started to do things to mitigate the negative effects of the changing climate and used the benefits to our advantage.

But sadly we cannot do that either because people are too busy fighting over who/what is the cause.
We ain't mitigating anything. The earth is what it is. Every person who pushed this like yourself needs to totally remove themselves the best they can from harming the earth from your so called agenda. Very few of you do. In near everything you are for.
Yeah, and we've already cut emissions to the EU's level, and China out pollutes both of us combined. Paying for charging stations on interstates, and making sure no one can buy a gas powered auto, is not really a solution.

If Winters are moderate in Penn and NE, there's a lot of land for cows. But the feds don't own the cows or the land.

We have not really done anything.
All we have done is not increased our emissions much since 1994.
We have not cut back at all.
But Europe is only doing a little better than us.
And the problem is that Asia, Africa, and South America have a right to the same life style we have, so we can't complain that they catch up.


So what are possible solutions?

I do not know, but it is NOT electric anything.
Electricity is extremely inefficient.
While electric motors are slightly better than internal combustion motors, batteries both in and out, are significantly LESS efficient.

Seems to me small changes, like gas to electric, do no good at all.
We need big changes, like much more mass transit instead of personal cars.
And no more airplanes, with trains used instead.
We ain't mitigating anything. The earth is what it is. Every person who pushed this like yourself needs to totally remove themselves the best they can from harming the earth from your so called agenda. Very few of you do. In near everything you are for.

Of course we can mitigate the harm done by the changes. Hell, that is one of the benefits of being humans with the brains we have the tools we have. We are not slaves to the whims of the environment. If we were than Yuma Az would not be the lettuce capital of the world.

Just one example...I work with farmers in the mid-west and they have seen it first hand. Rain patterns that have been constant for 4 or 5 generations have changed and they have had to adapt. More and more are adding irrigation and tiling, neither of which had been needed before. They are also looking at what they will plant when this area is no longer suited for being the bread basket.
Global Warming is Horseshit, same as Russian Collusion and The ScamDemic.
View attachment 550476

Look at your time scale.
The bottom axis marks change by 100, but on a scale of "Millions of Years Ago".
So sure there were past climate changes that were as large in magnitude, but they only happed a few times in the entire life of the whole planet, and slowly happened over half a billion years.
What we are doing is over a hundred million times faster.
Nothing will be able to adapt naturally.
Most life will perish on the planet.
Reducing carbon emissions worldwide.
This isn't that hard, kid. We know the solution.

It's not just emissions.

It's also the deforestation of our planet.

Trees and plants make the air we breathe. They also clean the air we breathe.

When the trees are removed as they have been since the 80s, we no longer have the natural mechanism that creates and cleans our air.

We have been increasing emissions while we destroy the mechanism that cleans the emissions.

I know in the 80s when the huge clear cuts started, the weather changed here. It started to get warmer. We started seeing less snow pack, ice caves that had existed for millions of years, started to melt. By the early 2000s those ice caves were totally melted and gone.

The old growth trees were a canopy for the snow pack. It shielded the snow pack from evaporating in the sun. When the trees with their canopy were removed we stared to lose water to evaporation. Rivers and lakes started to get lower.

We have been experiencing and seeing climate change in the west since the 80s. We have been trying to get the rest of the nation to realize what is going on since the 80s.

No one listened so now we don't have much time to at least mitigate the damage.

People cry about money. How much do people think hurricanes, floods, droughts and fires have been costing us? Every year we have to allocate emergency funds. It's been costing trillions through the years.

We could have spent that money to stop climate change but that would make the "wrong" people rich and the "right" people would stop getting richer.

Heaven forbid we actually spend our tax dollars for the benefit of our people and nation.
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Of course we can mitigate the harm done by the changes. Hell, that is one of the benefits of being humans with the brains we have the tools we have. We are not slaves to the whims of the environment. If we were than Yuma Az would not be the lettuce capital of the world.

Just one example...I work with farmers in the mid-west and they have seen it first hand. Rain patterns that have been constant for 4 or 5 generations have changed and they have had to adapt. More and more are adding irrigation and tiling, neither of which had been needed before. They are also looking at what they will plant when this area is no longer suited for being the bread basket.

Those changes were from 1 degree over 100 years increase.
Future generations are going to have to deal with 1 degree increase each year eventually.

But you are right that adaption is possible.
As some place desertify, others will flood.
We will have to build dams, levees, and water pipelines, but nothing is impossible.

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