Were there Moscow Soviet troops in the Vietnam War?

I didn't see any ..... but they had more right to be there than we did.

The Russians were offering help the U.S. was offering war.
And thanks to those two bastard warmongers LBJ and DICK Nixon,the elite got the vietnam war they wanted from those two mass murderers of over 58,000 men.

American politicians, Deim, and General Motors (et. al.) … better known as the Military-Industrial Complex made heaps of money from the American tax dollar. What I find very odd is that the U.S. population didn’t (and still does not) understand this. The majority of the American population does know that there never was any strategy for “winning the war”, normally referred to as a “conflict” in order to make its involvement slippery. The general explanation is that “politics” had made a “military matter” complicated. But if the sheeple would put 2 + 2 together they might enlighten themselves and arrive at an important conclusion: The Military-Industrial Complex made money up the ying-yang ... and the war (sorry, I mean “conflict”) went on and on and on and on ……. with no “winning strategy” to be found. Duh, what could that mean? With American deaths at about 300,000 and Vietnamese deaths over 1 million dare I plunge the nation into a state of shock and tell them what that “important conclusion” is?

58,000 Americans not 300,000.
According to Guenter Lewy:

View attachment 409944
Of the 282,000 US and allies, 58,000 were US troops. The other 224,000 were South Vietnamese, Australians, New Zealanders, South Korean, Philippines and Canadian.
You're right, it was a lot.
I didn't see any ..... but they had more right to be there than we did.

The Russians were offering help the U.S. was offering war.
And thanks to those two bastard warmongers LBJ and DICK Nixon,the elite got the vietnam war they wanted from those two mass murderers of over 58,000 men.

American politicians, Deim, and General Motors (et. al.) … better known as the Military-Industrial Complex made heaps of money from the American tax dollar. What I find very odd is that the U.S. population didn’t (and still does not) understand this. The majority of the American population does know that there never was any strategy for “winning the war”, normally referred to as a “conflict” in order to make its involvement slippery. The general explanation is that “politics” had made a “military matter” complicated. But if the sheeple would put 2 + 2 together they might enlighten themselves and arrive at an important conclusion: The Military-Industrial Complex made money up the ying-yang ... and the war (sorry, I mean “conflict”) went on and on and on and on ……. with no “winning strategy” to be found. Duh, what could that mean? With American deaths at about 300,000 and Vietnamese deaths over 1 million dare I plunge the nation into a state of shock and tell them what that “important conclusion” is?

58,000 Americans not 300,000.
According to Guenter Lewy:

View attachment 409944
Of the 282,000 US and allies, 58,000 were US troops. The other 224,000 were South Vietnamese, Australians, New Zealanders, South Korean, Philippines and Canadian.
You're right, it was a lot.
And you are right .... on all three points.

John McCain on the horrors he endured as a POW in hands of Marxists

John McCain on the horrors he endured as a POW in hands of Marxists

Some of the Vietnamese who were thrown off of helicopters with blindfolds over their eyes would have liked to be interviewed about the horrors they endured as prisoners of Capitalist Americans but ... you know .... they're dead.

The Capitalist-perpetrated My Lai massacre took the lives of 504 innocent men, women, and children. Among the victims were 182 women - 17 of them pregnant - and 173 children, including 56 infants.

I am a Vietnam War Veteran, sonny boy, so don't try to tell me who did what to whom. I can tell you what "we" did in the name of Capitalism and fake Democracy that would make you vomit.
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John McCain on the horrors he endured as a POW in hands of Marxists

Some of the Vietnamese who were thrown off of helicopters with blindfolds over their eyes would have liked to be interviewed about the horrors they endured as prisoners of Capitalist Americans but ... you know .... they're dead.

The Capitalist-perpetrated My Lai massacre took the lives of 504 innocent men, women, and children. Among the victims were 182 women - 17 of them pregnant - and 173 children, including 56 infants.

I am a Vietnam War Veteran, sonny boy, so don't try to tell me who did what to whom. I can tell you what "we" did in the name of Capitalism and fake Democracy that would make you vomit.

John Kerry, is that you?

Were you sad when the Berlin Wall fell?
Were you sad when the Berlin Wall fell?
Were you sad when you flunked the GED?

Miss the USSR?
Are you sad that the war in Vietnam ended and we came home?

I'm sad that we lost in Vietnam.

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because Reagan won the Cold War?
Will you soon be entering puberty?

If you love the commies, you can tell me.

This is a safe space. Don't be afraid to share your true feelings.
Were you sad when the Berlin Wall fell?
Were you sad when you flunked the GED?

Miss the USSR?
Are you sad that the war in Vietnam ended and we came home?

I'm sad that we lost in Vietnam.

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because Reagan won the Cold War?
"I'm sad that we lost in Vietnam." we didn´t lost in Vietnam, Vietnam people lost in Vietnam.

Were you sad when the Berlin Wall fell?
Were you sad when you flunked the GED?

Miss the USSR?
Are you sad that the war in Vietnam ended and we came home?

I'm sad that we lost in Vietnam.

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because Reagan won the Cold War?
"I'm sad that we lost in Vietnam." we didn´t lost in Vietnam, Vietnam people lost in Vietnam.
View attachment 410171

They definitely lost more than we did.
Were you sad when the Berlin Wall fell?
Were you sad when you flunked the GED?

Miss the USSR?
Are you sad that the war in Vietnam ended and we came home?

I'm sad that we lost in Vietnam.

Do you still cry yourself to sleep because Reagan won the Cold War?
"I'm sad that we lost in Vietnam." we didn´t lost in Vietnam, Vietnam people lost in Vietnam.
View attachment 410171

They definitely lost more than we did.

and new, they can lose entire county . poor Vietnam can not defend itself against the red hans imperial ambitions

thediplomat.com › 2020/05 › reviewing-vietnams-strug...

May 5, 2020 — ... administrative control over the disputed Paracel and Spratly Islands. Following ... Indeed, Vietnam refers to China as a “comprehensive strategic ... Alternatively, Hanoi could look to like-minded ASEAN countries for support.
I didn't see any ..... but they had more right to be there than we did.

The Russians were offering help the U.S. was offering war.
And thanks to those two bastard warmongers LBJ and DICK Nixon,the elite got the vietnam war they wanted from those two mass murderers of over 58,000 men.

American politicians, Deim, and General Motors (et. al.) … better known as the Military-Industrial Complex made heaps of money from the American tax dollar. What I find very odd is that the U.S. population didn’t (and still does not) understand this. The majority of the American population does know that there never was any strategy for “winning the war”, normally referred to as a “conflict” in order to make its involvement slippery. The general explanation is that “politics” had made a “military matter” complicated. But if the sheeple would put 2 + 2 together they might enlighten themselves and arrive at an important conclusion: The Military-Industrial Complex made money up the ying-yang ... and the war (sorry, I mean “conflict”) went on and on and on and on ……. with no “winning strategy” to be found. Duh, what could that mean? With American deaths at about 300,000 and Vietnamese deaths over 1 million dare I plunge the nation into a state of shock and tell them what that “important conclusion” is?

58,000 Americans not 300,000.
According to Guenter Lewy:

View attachment 409944
I had to look at those stats for a moment before I realized what had been done..they lumped the South Vietnamese casualties with the US Deaths...a bit deceptive...but the numbers are correct.
The statement that about 300,000 Americans were killed is a lie. The correct number is 58,000.

John McCain on the horrors he endured as a POW in hands of Marxists

Some of the Vietnamese who were thrown off of helicopters with blindfolds over their eyes would have liked to be interviewed about the horrors they endured as prisoners of Capitalist Americans but ... you know .... they're dead.

The Capitalist-perpetrated My Lai massacre took the lives of 504 innocent men, women, and children. Among the victims were 182 women - 17 of them pregnant - and 173 children, including 56 infants.

I am a Vietnam War Veteran, sonny boy, so don't try to tell me who did what to whom. I can tell you what "we" did in the name of Capitalism and fake Democracy that would make you vomit.

LOL...Capitalism is an economic system...stating that the "Capitalists' did anything betrays your politics..just a bit...LOL!

Also..some of the Vietnamese would like weigh into the discussion..but it's hard to talk with your penis in your mouth, ya know? The Norths hand were not all that clean either.

I too am a Vet....so I think we both get it....My Lai was a war crime...but war...is what it is. I find no value in trading atrocity stories.

We should not have been there...but I find no ideological superiority in the Vietnamese system either. After all...the Russians did the same shit in Afganistan 10 years later....that their atrocities were in the name of Communism did not make them any less than horrible.
Were there Moscow Soviet troops in the Vietnam War?

answer is yes , and today is time to force Moscow bandits to pay for this, With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher

We dropped chemical defoliant on Vietnam and the Soviets dropped chemicals on American troops with the belief that we started it

So yea there was Soviet involvement
...... the horrors he endured as a POW in hands of Marxists
Some of the Vietnamese ..... would have liked to be interviewed about the horrors they endured as prisoners of Capitalist Americans but ... you know .... they're dead.
The Capitalist-perpetrated My Lai massacre took the lives of 504 innocent men, women, and children. Among the victims were 182 women - 17 of them pregnant - and 173 children, including 56 infants.
LOL...Capitalism is an economic system...
If you can name "Marxists" I can name "Capitalists". If the heat is too much don't light the match.

...stating that the "Capitalists' did anything betrays your politics..just a bit...
You're full of shit.

The Norths hand were not all that clean either.
What the hell are you talking about? What you are saying amounts to ...

1). Litwin: "A was not good"
2). Glasnost: "B was not good either"
3). EvilEyeFleegle: "But A was not good either"

Is it my turn to reply, "B was not good either"? Yeah, good idea then you can say , "A was not good either" then I can say, "B was not good either". Shall we go round and round indefinitely? Your logic is MIA and I don't think you're on track.

.... My Lai was a war crime...but war...is what it is. I find no value in trading atrocity stories.
1). It was not our country, it was the Vietnamese's country.
2). We were the aggressors, the Vietnamese were not the aggressors.
3). We were the bad guys, the Vietnamese were the good guys.
4). We had no right committing atrocities, the Vietnamese had every right to kill us by any means necessary.

...the Russians did the same shit in Afganistan 10 years later....that their atrocities were in the name of Communism did not make them any less than horrible.
So, you are "trading atrocity stories" yet saying there is "no value in it".

1). It was not the Russian's country, it was the Afghani's country.
2). The Russians were the aggressors, the Afghanis were not the aggressors.
3). The Russians were the bad guys, Afghanis were the good guys.
4). The Russians had no right committing atrocities, the Afghanis had every right to kill the Russians by any means necessary.
View attachment 409237Picture of U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) troops with Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam when Ho’s Viet Minh liberation front was fighting Japanese imperialists.

We could have chosen to fight on the winning side. Instead we supported and financed the French re-colonization of the country after WWII ended. After the French were defeated we supported the corrupt Catholic Diem family in the South, pouring hundreds of millions of dollars, advisors and ultimately millions of troops into the country.

Eisenhower admitted Ho Chi Minh would have won some 80% of the vote had scheduled elections been held in 1955. Instead twenty years and three million deaths later, Vietnamese Communist soldiers took Saigon by force.

Remembering Ho Chi Minh’s 1945 Declaration of Vietnam’s Independence
The only point I might disagree with is your statement, "After the French were defeated we supported the corrupt Catholic Diem family in the South, pouring hundreds of millions of dollars, advisors and ultimately millions of troops into the country." I would have said, we "propped up" the corrupt Catholic Diem family ..." which was a continuation of Christian favouritism introduced by the French.
" Christian favoritism introduced by the French. " nothing special for this region , still you can not compare French " Christian favoritism" with the Muscovite satanism (Marxism)


Choat Dinh Quach best remembers the “iron boxes.” Ten years later, the memory still terrifies him.

The solid steel boxes measured about 4 feet by 4 feet--not enough room for a prisoner to stand or to lie down. The boxes sat in the tropical sun. Inside, even the toughest of men usually lasted only about a month, Quach said. Then they went mad or died. Some killed themselves.

“I don’t have nightmares,” said the former South Vietnamese naval lieutenant, who arrived in Southern California last week. “But when I think about it, I am still afraid.”

The steel “Connex” boxes were discarded shipping containers that once held U.S. military materiel. According to human rights workers, they were used to torture prisoners in hundreds of Vietnamese jungle gulags to which America’s former allies and other undesirables were sent for “re-education” after the collapse of the U.S.-backed government in 1975.

Haunting Tales of Vietnam Gulag
Re-education camp (Vietnam) - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Re-education_camp_(Vietnam)

Re-education camp is a title given to the prison camps operated by the Communist government ... Xinjiang reeducation camps · Concentration camp · Gulag, Soviet Union · The Vietnamese Gulag· Laogai (Chinese, "reform through labour") ...
Government view of the ... · ‎Registration and arrest · ‎The camps

The Vietnamese Gulag - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › The_Vietnamese_Gulag

The Vietnamese Gulag is the autobiography of the Vietnamese pro-democracy activist Doan ... The Vietnamese Gulag ... Xinjiang reeducation camps ...
...... the horrors he endured as a POW in hands of Marxists
Some of the Vietnamese ..... would have liked to be interviewed about the horrors they endured as prisoners of Capitalist Americans but ... you know .... they're dead.
The Capitalist-perpetrated My Lai massacre took the lives of 504 innocent men, women, and children. Among the victims were 182 women - 17 of them pregnant - and 173 children, including 56 infants.
LOL...Capitalism is an economic system...
If you can name "Marxists" I can name "Capitalists". If the heat is too much don't light the match.

...stating that the "Capitalists' did anything betrays your politics..just a bit...
You're full of shit.

The Norths hand were not all that clean either.
What the hell are you talking about? What you are saying amounts to ...

1). Litwin: "A was not good"
2). Glasnost: "B was not good either"
3). EvilEyeFleegle: "But A was not good either"

Is it my turn to reply, "B was not good either"? Yeah, good idea then you can say , "A was not good either" then I can say, "B was not good either". Shall we go round and round indefinitely? Your logic is MIA and I don't think you're on track.

.... My Lai was a war crime...but war...is what it is. I find no value in trading atrocity stories.
1). It was not our country, it was the Vietnamese's country.
2). We were the aggressors, the Vietnamese were not the aggressors.
3). We were the bad guys, the Vietnamese were the good guys.
4). We had no right committing atrocities, the Vietnamese had every right to kill us by any means necessary.

...the Russians did the same shit in Afganistan 10 years later....that their atrocities were in the name of Communism did not make them any less than horrible.
So, you are "trading atrocity stories" yet saying there is "no value in it".

1). It was not the Russian's country, it was the Afghani's country.
2). The Russians were the aggressors, the Afghanis were not the aggressors.
3). The Russians were the bad guys, Afghanis were the good guys.
4). The Russians had no right committing atrocities, the Afghanis had every right to kill the Russians by any means necessary.
I see....if it's 'your country' atrocity is OK---nice ethical position you've carved out for yourself. Good guys and bad guys..are pretty much a matter of perspective.

Yeah...it would appear that you have substituted knee jerk opinion for a cogent and nuanced review of history.

Good guys and bad guys..is the world view of a 6 year old. I did say that the US was wrong..that did not make the US soldier..who was doing his job...a bad guy.

but whatever, your reply to me is full of attempted rhetorical revisionism and very short on actual value..IMO.

BTW...I did not name Marxists..nor would I ever use economics systems in a conversation such as that. Do try to keep up, eh? Yes...the terms you use do indeed betray your political dog in the fight. don't like it/ don't do it.
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