West should build bridges with Russia after end of Ukrainian conflict

West should build bridges with Russia after end of Ukrainian conflict, expert says

Gerald Hyman, the senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, suggested persuading the Russian leaders "to negotiate a tolerable resolution, and to provide clear benefits for doing so"

Remote : Sun, 23 Apr 2023 01:03:09 +0300
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i *also* think that the Ukranian conflict can not be solved by military force alone.
not with Beijing, North-Korea, Iran and Turkey backing the Russians.

how about you people?
Undoubtedly, Americans worship militarism. That means no lasting peace in the world. Stop daydreaming about the bridges! lol. :)

Here are some details about some key US military bases in Europe( 2021) against Russia.

Ramstein Air Base (Germany): This base is home to the US Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines, and serves as a critical logistics hub for American forces operating throughout Europe and Africa. It has been instrumental in supporting operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, among other places.

Incirlik Air Base (Turkey): Located near Adana in southern Turkey, this air base provides strategic access to the Middle East and Mediterranean regions, serving as a forward operating site for operations in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, and Syria. Key missions include intelligence gathering, combat support, and strategic bomber deterrence.

Aviano Air Base (Italy): Positioned northwest of Venice, this airbase hosts US F-16 fighter jets and KC-767 tanker aircraft capable of rapid global mobility across European skies. Missions range from aerial bombardment over Yugoslavia during Operation Deliberate Force to humanitarian relief efforts for crisis situations in Africa.

Allied Land Component Command Headquarters (Ramstein/Böhl, Germany) - responsible for directing ground forces as part of multinational contingencies and exercises in Eastern Europe. Prepares for possible collective defense actions under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Allied Air Command Headquarters (Mons, Belgium) - manages airpower operations involving combined alliance air wings flying out of numerous bases scattered across Western Europe, including British, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Turkish, Romanian, Polish and Spanish facilities; also maintains close relations with non-NATO neighbors Finland and Sweden.

Headquarters Naval Support Activity Naples (Napoli Nato Base, Italy) – The operational head of all American naval activity in Europe, including six major shore commands in Spain, Greece, Portugal, Crete, Sicily, and Bahrain; supports Task Force 68 flagship USS Mount Whitney, destroyers, submarines, maritime patrol planes, SEAL team command elements, diving school, explosive ordnance disposal unit, communications stations, research vessels and afloat prepositioning groups SPS-30 & MPS-45 at Gaeta & Rota, respectively.

EUCOM HQ Stuttgart (Stuttgart Panzer Kaserne, Germany) - Coordinates deployment of troops into African countries experiencing security crises, disaster response and peacekeeping roles plus counsel diplomatic ambassadors to nearly three dozen nations ranging from Morocco through Egypt plus several embassies "downrange" positioned closer to conflict zones in volatile areas like Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, Sudan or South Sudan as well as liaising with Israel.
Originally posted by John Edgar Slow Horses
Sigh. Russia will lose no matter how many words are written.

We already know your christmas wishlist, John. But this is a private issue between you and Santa Claus.

We are here trying to determine what's really gonna happen in Ukraine.
Yes, of course. First of the legal possibilities is that they can cancel previous peace treaty with the USA and declare that they are going to return their borders of 1821 year.
Same way we can say that Kosovo is a part of Serbia, or Taiwan is a part of China (or, visé versa, consider one or both of them as independent states).
Second way - they can recognize, say, independence of Texas and sign a treaty about mutual defense with it.
Third, and most simple way - they can proclaim a Crusade for "decolonization of America", with the mottos "America for [Native or Spanish-speaking] Americans", " Luggage. Airport. Europe (Africa, Asia) for all descendants of the colonisateurs"
But all those legal issues are irrelevant. The only question matters is simple - "Will the USA use all possible means, including, if necessary nuclear weapons, to eliminate Mexican treat (backed by the whole Shanghai Block and Bolivarian Union) or not?" If latter - the USA won't survive.
You are a moron.
How many brand new main battle tanks produced the USA and EU during 2022? How many of them were produced by Russia, China and India? The USA and EU are "post-industrial" countries, that's the problem.
The USA doesn't have new tanks because the ones we build aren't junkers that break down within a hundred kilometers of the production lines and we store our spare tanks indoor so they don't deteriorate in the weather like yours's do because you store them outside in the weather. Also, American troops in custody of our spare tanks don't strip them of any valuable parts to sell on the black market. We strip those tanks down to bare metal hulls and remanufacture them to modern standards upgrading the armor, electronic systems, weapons and power plants. Russia has produced less than 20 Armatas since 2015 and no other tanks at all. All other tank production has been cancelled min the hope of eventually managing to actually build tanks that aren't just prototypes.
As for India in twenty years it has managed to build 124 Arjun MBTs and had depended on T-90s bought from Russia. It bought about three hundred of them and almost none are still operational AND India can't get spares because Russia can't produce any.
As for China, it was only produced 1200 of it's current tank the Type 99 which is a slightly upgraded T-72 equipped with western fire control, guns and power packs.
Good luck getting any tanks from either India or China .
Undoubtedly, Americans worship militarism. That means no lasting peace in the world. Stop daydreaming about the bridges! lol. :)
why? the Americans are also a reasonable people, who can be guided away from militarism.
just like the Russians and the Chinese, i believe.
The USA doesn't have new tanks because the ones we build aren't junkers that break down within a hundred kilometers of the production lines and we store our spare tanks indoor so they don't deteriorate in the weather like yours's do because you store them outside in the weather. Also, American troops in custody of our spare tanks don't strip them of any valuable parts to sell on the black market. We strip those tanks down to bare metal hulls and remanufacture them to modern standards upgrading the armor, electronic systems, weapons and power plants.
Ok. The USA and EU doesn't produce new tanks during 2022 at all. That's all what matters. That's the weak point of the "postindustrial economy". "We always can buy everything in China", they said...

Russia has produced less than 20 Armatas since 2015 and no other tanks at all.
No, of course. They had produced 350 new T-90M and few tens of T-14 during 2022, they had increased production, and they are going to produce 1400-1500 new tanks during 2023 and restore and modernize larger number.

As for India in twenty years it has managed to build 124 Arjun MBTs and had depended on T-90s bought from Russia. It bought about three hundred of them and almost none are still operational AND India can't get spares because Russia can't produce any.
As for China, it was only produced 1200 of it's current tank the Type 99 which is a slightly upgraded T-72 equipped with western fire control, guns and power packs.
Good luck getting any tanks from either India or China .
China and India are raising their tank production too. Shanghai block has more than 8 of active tank-producing plants (4 of them in Russia) , and NATO-countries have zero. That's what I call "economical problems", and those problems should be solved if we want to make America great again.
You are a moron.
And you are a wishful-thinker as well of all other soya-boys who doesn't care about reality at all and live in the imaginary world created by fake-news and their own mental laziness.
Bad news - reality matters.
Hmmm, let's see if we can help you identify who we're talking about. Potato head, Quid Pro Joe, The Plagiarizer, Plugs, The Sniffer, The Mumbler, The Whisperer, The Angry Old Man, Rich White Guy. Do any of these ring a bell?

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on April 27 codifying conditions for the further large-scale deportation to Russia of residents of occupied areas of Ukraine. Putin signed a decree entitled “On the Peculiarities of the Legal Status of Certain Categories of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation” that defines those who are living in Russian-occupied territories who have declared their desire to retain their current citizenship and refuse to accept Russian passports as “foreign citizens and stateless persons currently residing in the Russian Federation.”[8] The decree holds that such individuals may continue to reside in occupied territories until July 1, 2024, suggesting that these individuals may be subject to deportation following this date.[9] This decree codifies coercive methods to encourage residents of occupied areas to receive Russian passports and also sets conditions for the deportation of Ukrainians who do not agree to become Russian citizens. Russian authorities are also continuing other efforts to deport Ukrainians, particularly children, to Russia under various schemes.[10] ISW continues to assess that all lines of effort aimed at deporting Ukrainians to Russia may constitute a violation of the Geneva Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, as well as a potential deliberate ethnic cleansing campaign.
That shows how sick your mind is that you would think that was funny
homophobic moron.
these days, gay jokes should be acceptable for any reasonable human being.
you've just proven that you're anything but that.

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