West Virginia exit polls show half of Senator Sanders voters would vote Trump in November!!!!!!!!!!!

Loon. West Virginia is an open primary and republicans voted for Bernie because they thought he was easier to beat.

Now run along, sock troll.
Yeah...that's the dirty unethical tactic employed by liberals. Not conservatives.

The reason that West Virginia is so against Hitlery is because Obama has devastated their economy by punishing the coal industry and they know that Hitlery has every intention of finishing them off.

I'm worried about you Jillian. You're becoming more radical and more unhinged as you get older. You should probably speak with a mental health professional.
I believe that Trump will get more than half of Sander's voters. Hillary is finished.
Um.....why exactly would socialists support Donald Trump when Hitlery Clinton will throw exponentially more government money at them? :eusa_doh:
I am no longer discussing the election / politics of these candidates - but felt it necessary to let you know that you are right on my analysis of Sander's voters ( I was wrong) but you're wrong for calling Hillary Clinton "Hitlery." I cannot agree with taking someone's first name and turning it into a vicious personal attack against them. That is a sin. We have to give an account for every idle word we have spoken on earth when we stand at the judgment before God. That is a very serious matter. I fear the LORD. Good night.
I believe that Trump will get more than half of Sander's voters. Hillary is finished.
Um.....why exactly would socialists support Donald Trump when Hitlery Clinton will throw exponentially more government money at them? :eusa_doh:
I am no longer discussing the election / politics of these candidates - but felt it necessary to let you know that you are right on my analysis of Sander's voters ( I was wrong) but you're wrong for calling Hillary Clinton "Hitlery." I cannot agree with taking someone's first name and turning it into a vicious personal attack against them. That is a sin. We have to give an account for every idle word we have spoken on earth when we stand at the judgment before God. That is a very serious matter. I fear the LORD. Good night.
Hitlery Clinton has earned every vicious attack against her. She's a total pig. She has tried to destroy the lives of women who came forward with allegations of sexual harassment against her husband. She facilitated the deaths of American's in Benghazi and then lied to the American people about it. She stole from the White House when her husbands final term had expired. She has undermined the rule of law in America and worked to strip the American people of their Constitutional rights. She's a megalomaniac, selfish, and greedy.
I believe that Trump will get more than half of Sander's voters. Hillary is finished.

Mmmmm....maybe you were on to something. Maybe Bernie supporters hate Hitlery even more than I realized they do.

Bob Seszko, a school bus mechanic from rural Blair, Ohio, said he voted for Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary but planned to vote for Mr. Trump in November. In the 1980s, he had made good money at a steel plant in the Ohio River Valley — until it closed.

An exit poll tells you this. There's not too many people who are going to stand in another line to tell some stranger who they voted for and why. Most people think it's no ones business who they voted for and why.

I imagine there were some frantic, angry Sanders supporters, who would stand in another line after voting who wanted to let everyone know how unhappy they were with the outcome, but they are also the minut minority of the Sanders supporters.

Trump & Sanders a polar opposite in ideology. If they want to vote for Mr. Wall Street himself, let them. Trump is going to need all the support he can get anyway.
Lots of Mexicans who are American citizens are voting for The Donald!

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Hitlery Clinton has earned every vicious attack against her. She's a total pig. She has tried to destroy the lives of women who came forward with allegations of sexual harassment against her husband.

Really? Those lying witches have lived pretty high on the hog making unfounded accusations against Clinton. Paula Jones hasn't had to work for a living for years.

She facilitated the deaths of American's in Benghazi and then lied to the American people about it.

Right. She personally wen to over and instigated those angry Arabs. Oh, no, wait, she didn't.

She stole from the White House when her husbands final term had expired.

You mean they took things they rightfully thought were personal gifts?

She has undermined the rule of law in America and worked to strip the American people of their Constitutional rights. She's a megalomaniac, selfish, and greedy.

Poodle, it's going to be funny watching you melt down over the next 4 years.

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