West Virginia exit polls show half of Senator Sanders voters would vote Trump in November!!!!!!!!!!!

You are not anyone's teacher.

Obviously I am given that you don't know shit about crossover voting. :0) Is this your first election?
Nope and you are not the first poster who cannot defend his position.:slap:

:0) Sorry Junior .. I clearly supported my position .. as I always do.

You just don't have the capacity to interpret and analyze anything not on Fox News.

If you truly understood crossover voting you wouldn't have needed to ask how it's being done.
Some piece from 2008 and a bunch of theory does not prove the point Poindexter.

Go here Junior .. they speak a language you might be able to understand.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
What does it say about the bungling idiot politicians when a guy like Trump seemingly with little effort destroys their carefully constructed lying corrupt world :laugh::laugh::laugh: what a bunch of boobs, I mean hello the emperor has no clothes politicians are morons. Trump you go boy :eusa_clap:

Trump is in the process of caving to the GOP establishment. You lose.
What does it say about the bungling idiot politicians when a guy like Trump seemingly with little effort destroys their carefully constructed lying corrupt world :laugh::laugh::laugh: what a bunch of boobs, I mean hello the emperor has no clothes politicians are morons. Trump you go boy :eusa_clap:

Trump is in the process of caving to the GOP establishment. You lose.

Yep--those Trump walls have already caved in. The Republican Party has been shattered into pieces. Without a doubt Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

Are you of the opinion that Sanders supporters, ie; democrats, find Hillary more disgusting than Trump? :0) Obviously you don't know much about Sanders supporters .. the real ones, not the republican ones crossing over to spite Hillary.

Shouldn't the fact that Trump calls himself a democrat be more of concern for you then what democrats are going to do?

There are a ton of things that concern me about Trump. None of it more so or less so than the rest of it. We're stuck as a nation. Hilldabeast and Trump are horrible people suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. Bernie Sanders is a socialist. This country loses big no matter what happens.
What does it say about the bungling idiot politicians when a guy like Trump seemingly with little effort destroys their carefully constructed lying corrupt world :laugh::laugh::laugh: what a bunch of boobs, I mean hello the emperor has no clothes politicians are morons. Trump you go boy :eusa_clap:

Trump is in the process of caving to the GOP establishment. You lose.
I never thought I would say this - but I wish he would. He'd be far less scary if he were just another liberal Republican RINO.
Are you of the opinion that Sanders supporters, ie; democrats, find Hillary more disgusting than Trump? :0) Obviously you don't know much about Sanders supporters .. the real ones, not the republican ones crossing over to spite Hillary.

Shouldn't the fact that Trump calls himself a democrat be more of concern for you then what democrats are going to do?

There are a ton of things that concern me about Trump. None of it more so or less so than the rest of it. We're stuck as a nation. Hilldabeast and Trump are horrible people suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. Bernie Sanders is a socialist. This country loses big no matter what happens.

We're at a point where we have to pick the best out of the 2 candidates and there is no doubt that it's Hillary Clinton. In fact when Republicans aren't campaigning against her, many like her, and have praised her work, and she has worked with many of them. Like Bush Sr. in their efforts which put a major dent into AIDS in Africa.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure

So I can go to sleep at night with Hillary Clinton in the Oval office, and I think there are millions of Republicans that feel the same. You know Bill Clinton (if you get past the problems he created for himself) really wasn't a bad President. He was able to work with Newt Gingrich to cut the deficit and bring us to a balanced budget, and I think Hillary Clinton will do the same. We also had a great economy under the prior Clinton. Hillary is more of a blue dog Democrat, and not as far left as many accuse her of being.

In fact, Paul Ryan stated if Hillary Clinton would have won in 2008--they would have already fixed this fiscal mess.

So I am perfectly fine with Hillary Clinton being the next POTUS, and I have been a life long Republican but will be voting for Hillary Clinton in November.
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"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.
How STRANGE you Americans are
Why is that?
Well,Alex because How can a Democratic Voter suddenly switch Political Party,at the drop of a hat.........what is even stranger is how Candidates of the same Politik......SLAG ..each other off for months........I first came on this board when Mr Obama was running against HC and emotions from mainly Republicans was bordering lunacy....I predicted Mr Obama would be President.....the shit I received from conservatives was pathetic but all shit off a ducks back TO ME.

After he received his tenure,Out came all the Racist Bull Shit Right Wing Losers,what a thought was very poor was the insults thrown at his family inparticular his daughters.......The Right Wing in Conservative Politics..did not play the Man(who is fair game) but were cowardly creeps attacking Michelle Obama and his/her Daughters.

I then said he would win the following election,which he did easily......but still the Conservative Lemmings played to their corrupt playsheet

As I said not just strange but for the Repubs....STRANGE LOSERS..steve
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We're at a point where we have to pick the best out of the 2 candidates and there is no doubt that it's Hillary Clinton. In fact when Republicans aren't campaigning against her, many like her, and have praised her work, and she has worked with many of them. Like Bush Sr. in their efforts which put a major dent into AIDS in Africa.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure

So I can go to sleep at night with Hillary Clinton in the Oval office, and I think there are millions of Republicans that feel the same. You know Bill Clinton (if you get past the problems he created for himself) really wasn't a bad President. He was able to work with Newt Gingrich to cut the deficit and bring us to a balanced budget, and I think Hillary Clinton will do the same. We also had a great economy under the prior Clinton. Hillary is more of a blue dog Democrat, and not as far left as many accuse her of being.

In fact, Paul Ryan stated if Hillary Clinton would have won in 2008--they would have already fixed this fiscal mess.

So I am perfectly fine with Hillary Clinton being the next POTUS, and I have been a life long Republican but will be voting for Hillary Clinton in November.

Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton. There is a reason her own party can't stand her. She is so desperate for power. She's an irrational, emotional train wreck. She has no composure and can't work with the other side at all. I guarantee you if Bill Clinton were placed on a polygraph he would tell you that Trump would be a better option simply because he doesn't come completely unraveled at the first site of conflict like Hilldabeast does.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.
How STRANGE you Americans are
Why is that?
Well,Alex because How can a Democratic Voter suddenly switch Political Party,at the drop of a hat.........what is even stranger is how Candidates of the same Politik......SLAG ..each other off for months........I first came on this board when Mr Obama was running against HC and emotions from mainly Republicans was bordering lunacy....I predicted Mr Obama would be President.....the shit I received from conservatives was pathetic but all shit off a ducks back TO ME.

After he received his tenure,Out came all the Racist Bull Shit Right Wing Losers,what a thought was very poor was the insults thrown at his family inparticular his daughters.......The Right Wing in Conservative Politics..did not play the Man(who is fair game) but were cowardly creeps attacking Michelle Obama and his/her Daughters.

I then said he would win the following election,which he did easily......but still the Conservative Lemmings played to their corrupt playsheet

As I said not just strange but for the Repubs....STRANGE LOSERS..steve
"Voter suddenly switch Political Party,at the drop of a hat"

Can you substantiate that claim?

It has been 8 years of Dem control, who knows how long it took or what the issues have been and how they effected the voter's choice now.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

Problem with these polls is that people have been against Hillary for while. Put them in a different situation, ie, Hillary v. Trump and they might just think differently.
We're at a point where we have to pick the best out of the 2 candidates and there is no doubt that it's Hillary Clinton. In fact when Republicans aren't campaigning against her, many like her, and have praised her work, and she has worked with many of them. Like Bush Sr. in their efforts which put a major dent into AIDS in Africa.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure

So I can go to sleep at night with Hillary Clinton in the Oval office, and I think there are millions of Republicans that feel the same. You know Bill Clinton (if you get past the problems he created for himself) really wasn't a bad President. He was able to work with Newt Gingrich to cut the deficit and bring us to a balanced budget, and I think Hillary Clinton will do the same. We also had a great economy under the prior Clinton. Hillary is more of a blue dog Democrat, and not as far left as many accuse her of being.

In fact, Paul Ryan stated if Hillary Clinton would have won in 2008--they would have already fixed this fiscal mess.

So I am perfectly fine with Hillary Clinton being the next POTUS, and I have been a life long Republican but will be voting for Hillary Clinton in November.

Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton. There is a reason her own party can't stand her. She is so desperate for power. She's an irrational, emotional train wreck. She has no composure and can't work with the other side at all. I guarantee you if Bill Clinton were placed on a polygraph he would tell you that Trump would be a better option simply because he doesn't come completely unraveled at the first site of conflict like Hilldabeast does.

But, doesn't sound of Bill Clinton being "First Lady" make you crack up though?
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

Problem with these polls is that people have been against Hillary for while. Put them in a different situation, ie, Hillary v. Trump and they might just think differently.
I agree, this is just a poll, possibly an indicator, something for Trump and the others to consider in strategy. Beyond that not much there.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

NOt really. West Virginia was never really in the Democrat's electoral calculus to start with.

Here's the real problem.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

Polls show Trump is only tied with Hillary in the following other wise Red states-

GA, IN, AZ, NC, MO, as well as the following Swing states - IA, NH, VA, IA, CO, NV

Meanwhile, the only reliably blue state that is in Swing territory is PA. Other than that, the Blue Wall is pretty much holding.

Worse, UT and TX are only barely in the Trump column.

The last time a Democrat took Utah was 1964.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.
If this was asked in WV, well duh, hillary hates the working man so no one that wants to work for a living would vote for her.

but if this was a national poll, I call bullshit

leftist are to well trained to wonder off the rez and think for themselves.

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