West Virginia exit polls show half of Senator Sanders voters would vote Trump in November!!!!!!!!!!!

"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

That is in West Virginia. Don't think you can extrapolate that across the country.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

That is in West Virginia. Don't think you can extrapolate that across the country.
I am presenting this as a matter of fact for WV. This is a significant turn of events in this election and something Trump should capitalize on for the remainder of the campaign. The question for is what turned these voters on their party, especially in light of what Trump is portrayed as.
Hillary needs to pay attention ...
Are you her coach?
You bet!


"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

That is in West Virginia. Don't think you can extrapolate that across the country.
I am presenting this as a matter of fact for WV. This is a significant turn of events in this election and something Trump should capitalize on for the remainder of the campaign. The question for is what turned these voters on their party, especially in light of what Trump is portrayed as.

Hellary wants to shut down coal mines. These people will vote their interest.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

so stupid....

a rightwing rag says Bernie voters are going to trump?

no.... trump supporters voted for Bernie to sabotage Hillary, dumbass.

that's why Bernie only wins open primaries..... Hillary wins with democrats. and 33% of the people who voted for bernie in west Virginia said they'd vote for the trump psycho in the general.

but thanks for once again proving the rightwingnut allergy to fact and your insistence in believing whatever your rightwingnut handlers tell you.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

That is in West Virginia. Don't think you can extrapolate that across the country.

this is the loon's way of saying 'nah nah nah nah nah'.... same as they pretended mittens was going to be president and that the polls were all skewed.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

so stupid....

a rightwing rag says Bernie voters are going to trump?

no.... trump supporters voted for Bernie to sabotage Hillary, dumbass.

that's why Bernie only wins open primaries..... Hillary wins with democrats. and 33% of the people who voted for bernie in west Virginia said they'd vote for the trump psycho in the general.

but thanks for once again proving the rightwingnut allergy to fact and your insistence in believing whatever your rightwingnut handlers tell you.

"so stupid...."

You are so right and for you there is no cure.:itsok:
I am a Bernie supporter

Because I don't care about Hillary does not translate to voting against the Democrats...

You right wingers project too much.. Listen, only the Rep party is in the midst of an anything goes civil war.

A support for Bernie is mainly by who don't like Hillary or feel that key party leaders need to lean further left.

Outrage against the establishment? Whatever for? The Democrat accomplished most of their goals the last few years.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

Those "switching sides" were republicans all along who engaged in crossover voting in open primaries hoping to derail Hillary. They voted for Bernie in the primary, but would never vote for him in the general.

Sanders needs open primaries because he's not winning Democrats
Self-identified Democrats seem to be following the cue given by Democratic party leaders in backing Hillary Clinton.
Sanders needs Open Primaries because he's not winning Democrats

Hillary hasn't lost anything because those votes were never democratic nor truly independent in the first place.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

Those "switching sides" were republicans all along who engaged in crossover voting in open primaries hoping to derail Hillary. They voted for Bernie in the primary, but would never vote for him in the general.

Sanders needs open primaries because he's not winning Democrats
Self-identified Democrats seem to be following the cue given by Democratic party leaders in backing Hillary Clinton.
Sanders needs Open Primaries because he's not winning Democrats

Hillary hasn't lost anything because those votes were never democratic nor truly independent in the first place.
Do you have a source to support your contention? Your article does not address your post.
West Virginia isn't representative of the U.S. as a whole.
I am a Bernie supporter

Because I don't care about Hillary does not translate to voting against the Democrats...

You right wingers project too much.. Listen, only the Rep party is in the midst of an anything goes civil war.

A support for Bernie is mainly by who don't like Hillary or feel that key party leaders need to lean further left.

Outrage against the establishment? Whatever for? The Democrat accomplished most of their goals the last few years.
The article is very clear thanks for your post.
All this says is that W. Virginia will go for Trump. Not a big deal W. Virginia has gone for the Republicans in the past several elections anyway. Not a game changer here.

Tell me when a significant amount of California's Sanders supporters say that they vote for Trump instead of Hillary.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

Those "switching sides" were republicans all along who engaged in crossover voting in open primaries hoping to derail Hillary. They voted for Bernie in the primary, but would never vote for him in the general.

Sanders needs open primaries because he's not winning Democrats
Self-identified Democrats seem to be following the cue given by Democratic party leaders in backing Hillary Clinton.
Sanders needs Open Primaries because he's not winning Democrats

Hillary hasn't lost anything because those votes were never democratic nor truly independent in the first place.
Do you have a source to support your contention? Your article does not address your post.


Republicans should support the Vermont socialist’s campaign to force Hillary left.
Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

From 2008 ..

Rush Limbaugh directs his Operation Chaos against Clinton and Obama

Rush has been encouraging Republicans among his 12-13 million daily listeners to change their party registration, since the GOP race is settled. And help Hillary. Because it hurts Democrats.
Rush Limbaugh directs his Operation Chaos against Clinton and Obama

It's the very nature of crossover voting .. vote for the oppositions weaker candidate to strengthen your own .. and this year republicans are crossing over to vote for Sanders, and democrats are crossing over to vote for Trump.

What this strategy says is that republicans really believe that Hillary would be the tougher candidate to beat.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.
How STRANGE you Americans are

It actually makes sense.
Hillary is by far the greater evil of all three.
If somehow the election was between Sanders and Hillary - I have zero doubt that the majority of Republican vote would go to Sanders.
Americans are S L O W L Y realizing that corporate corruption and wealth/property concentration is the greatest threat facing our way of life. And Hillary Clinton is a corporatist to the core.
Good Trump is going to need all the help
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.[/

Good, Trump is going to need all the help he can get--LOL.

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her.

Trump and his supporters have chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at, (except Sanders supporters). But primarily Hispanics or 17% of the population, all 23 million of them are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee needs at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Now Half of Republican women are declaring they will not cast a vote for Donald Trump, and there are million of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary, to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

So go ahead and have your temper tantrum- break out your circus peanuts--vote for Trump.

These numbers are already indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea. I suspect that Republicans will lose the Senate a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.

Good Trump is going to need all the help
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.[/

Good, Trump is going to need all the help he can get--LOL.

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her.

Trump and his supporters have chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at, (except Sanders supporters). But primarily Hispanics or 17% of the population, all 23 million of them are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee needs at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Now Half of Republican women are declaring they will not cast a vote for Donald Trump, and there are million of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary, to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

So go ahead and have your temper tantrum- break out your circus peanuts--vote for Trump.

These numbers are already indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea. I suspect that Republicans will lose the Senate a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.


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