West Virginia exit polls show half of Senator Sanders voters would vote Trump in November!!!!!!!!!!!

"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.
How STRANGE you Americans are

Americans always say stuff they dont mean. If anyone thinks Bernie supporters will Identify with Trump when its time I have a bridge to sell you.
Americans always say stuff they dont mean. If anyone thinks Bernie supporters will Identify with Trump when its time I have a bridge to sell you.

You are misinterpreting.
It isn't about Trump, it is about Hillary.
Sanders supporters are not Hillary supporters...sure some are dumb and blind enough that just because she has a "D" by her name they will vote for her - right along with all of the other dumbasses that vote for a person who is polar opposite of what your party is supposed to stand for.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

Those "switching sides" were republicans all along who engaged in crossover voting in open primaries hoping to derail Hillary. They voted for Bernie in the primary, but would never vote for him in the general.

Sanders needs open primaries because he's not winning Democrats
Self-identified Democrats seem to be following the cue given by Democratic party leaders in backing Hillary Clinton.
Sanders needs Open Primaries because he's not winning Democrats

Hillary hasn't lost anything because those votes were never democratic nor truly independent in the first place.
Do you have a source to support your contention? Your article does not address your post.


Republicans should support the Vermont socialist’s campaign to force Hillary left.
Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

From 2008 ..

Rush Limbaugh directs his Operation Chaos against Clinton and Obama

Rush has been encouraging Republicans among his 12-13 million daily listeners to change their party registration, since the GOP race is settled. And help Hillary. Because it hurts Democrats.
Rush Limbaugh directs his Operation Chaos against Clinton and Obama

It's the very nature of crossover voting .. vote for the oppositions weaker candidate to strengthen your own .. and this year republicans are crossing over to vote for Sanders, and democrats are crossing over to vote for Trump.

What this strategy says is that republicans really believe that Hillary would be the tougher candidate to beat.
Suggesting what someone should do and an article from 2008 does not prove your point. Show us the actual records of this crossover taking place in this election.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

Those "switching sides" were republicans all along who engaged in crossover voting in open primaries hoping to derail Hillary. They voted for Bernie in the primary, but would never vote for him in the general.

Sanders needs open primaries because he's not winning Democrats
Self-identified Democrats seem to be following the cue given by Democratic party leaders in backing Hillary Clinton.
Sanders needs Open Primaries because he's not winning Democrats

Hillary hasn't lost anything because those votes were never democratic nor truly independent in the first place.
Do you have a source to support your contention? Your article does not address your post.


Republicans should support the Vermont socialist’s campaign to force Hillary left.
Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

From 2008 ..

Rush Limbaugh directs his Operation Chaos against Clinton and Obama

Rush has been encouraging Republicans among his 12-13 million daily listeners to change their party registration, since the GOP race is settled. And help Hillary. Because it hurts Democrats.
Rush Limbaugh directs his Operation Chaos against Clinton and Obama

It's the very nature of crossover voting .. vote for the oppositions weaker candidate to strengthen your own .. and this year republicans are crossing over to vote for Sanders, and democrats are crossing over to vote for Trump.

What this strategy says is that republicans really believe that Hillary would be the tougher candidate to beat.

Yeah you'll see this in Oregon next week. Trump has already secured the nomination, so since Oregon is an open primary Republicans will be running to the polls to vote for Bernie Sanders. But he's already lost. Right now--he would need to win 87% of all delegates left to catch her, and that's not going to happen.

But there has been a lot of Operation Trump voting going on by Democrats also in these open primary states. A focus group on CNN a couple of weeks ago (Wisconsin)--all Trump voters, 1/2 half stated they voted for Trump because they knew Hillary Clinton would cream him in the General. I wish I could pull up that link, because the look on the real Trump supporters faces was hilarious.

"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

Those willing to vote for Sanders are Swing and Green Party voters, and Clinton will have one hell of a time getting their vote.

If she loses California to Bernie Sanders then there is no doubt in my mind Sanders should win the nomination. Subtracting the super delegates from each candidate the primary race is close, and the super delegates have to realize Clinton is not a sure thing in this crazy election year.

So let see what Cali does and if she loses then it is time to ditch her and back Sanders.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

Those willing to vote for Sanders are Swing and Green Party voters, and Clinton will have one hell of a time getting their vote.

If she loses California to Bernie Sanders then there is no doubt in my mind Sanders should win the nomination. Subtracting the super delegates from each candidate the primary race is close, and the super delegates have to realize Clinton is not a sure thing in this crazy election year.

So let see what Cali does and if she loses then it is time to ditch her and back Sanders.
Clinton has to work very hard on winning those votes. I do not think she can do it without a complete makeover.
Much as I'd like seeing Nutty Old Uncle Bernie get the nod I can't see it happening. Nay, I'm still thinking (in order) Fauxahontas, John F'n Kerry, Plugs Biden.

But only because Dukakis is too smart to try again.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

I wonder if you can think of the actual reason why that was the case?

What possible motivation could these people have had for expressing so much disdain for Clinton.....given the FACT that she won the WV primary by 40 points over Obama in 2008?

Think hard.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

I wonder if you can think of the actual reason why that was the case?

What possible motivation could these people have had for expressing so much disdain for Clinton.....given the FACT that she won the WV primary by 40 points over Obama in 2008?

Think hard.
2008 long time ago in politics, people change after having 8 years of a Dem and Hillary's screw ups.
I said this at the beginning. Trump has an opening with these people if he can get them to listen. Yes they have demands that Trump isn't going to be interested in meeting, BUT he could show that he is interested in being the "outside" candidate that at least listens to them and gives them a seat at the table, as opposed to Hillary who will likely say anything she needs to say to get their votes then take a dump on them.

Wide open for the GOP to be honest with those folks and tell them "realistically you're never going to get a $15 hour min wage, you're never going to get 3 months paid leave, etc etc, but what we WILL give you is a seat at the table, a voice in the discussion."

Do that and Hillary is toast.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

I wonder if you can think of the actual reason why that was the case?

What possible motivation could these people have had for expressing so much disdain for Clinton.....given the FACT that she won the WV primary by 40 points over Obama in 2008?

Think hard.
2008 long time ago in politics, people change after having 8 years of a Dem and Hillary's screw ups.

Wrong answer.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

I wonder if you can think of the actual reason why that was the case?

What possible motivation could these people have had for expressing so much disdain for Clinton.....given the FACT that she won the WV primary by 40 points over Obama in 2008?

Think hard.
2008 long time ago in politics, people change after having 8 years of a Dem and Hillary's screw ups.

Wrong answer.
Ok, please do tell
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.
I boldly predict the democrats have lost WV forever. Of course I thought that when Gore lost the presidency and failed to even campaign there, after it went dem in every election but three since 1932 (Ike, Nixon and Reagan once apiece.)
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

I wonder if you can think of the actual reason why that was the case?

What possible motivation could these people have had for expressing so much disdain for Clinton.....given the FACT that she won the WV primary by 40 points over Obama in 2008?

Think hard.
2008 long time ago in politics, people change after having 8 years of a Dem and Hillary's screw ups.

Wrong answer.
Ok, please do tell

They obviously are registering their dissatisfaction with how Clinton has supported Obama. That's it. End of class.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

Those "switching sides" were republicans all along who engaged in crossover voting in open primaries hoping to derail Hillary. They voted for Bernie in the primary, but would never vote for him in the general.

Sanders needs open primaries because he's not winning Democrats
Self-identified Democrats seem to be following the cue given by Democratic party leaders in backing Hillary Clinton.
Sanders needs Open Primaries because he's not winning Democrats

Hillary hasn't lost anything because those votes were never democratic nor truly independent in the first place.
Do you have a source to support your contention? Your article does not address your post.


Republicans should support the Vermont socialist’s campaign to force Hillary left.
Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

From 2008 ..

Rush Limbaugh directs his Operation Chaos against Clinton and Obama

Rush has been encouraging Republicans among his 12-13 million daily listeners to change their party registration, since the GOP race is settled. And help Hillary. Because it hurts Democrats.
Rush Limbaugh directs his Operation Chaos against Clinton and Obama

It's the very nature of crossover voting .. vote for the oppositions weaker candidate to strengthen your own .. and this year republicans are crossing over to vote for Sanders, and democrats are crossing over to vote for Trump.

What this strategy says is that republicans really believe that Hillary would be the tougher candidate to beat.
Suggesting what someone should do and an article from 2008 does not prove your point. Show us the actual records of this crossover taking place in this election.

That's ridiculous .. and, if you don't get it, you just don't get it.
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.

I wonder if you can think of the actual reason why that was the case?

What possible motivation could these people have had for expressing so much disdain for Clinton.....given the FACT that she won the WV primary by 40 points over Obama in 2008?

Think hard.
2008 long time ago in politics, people change after having 8 years of a Dem and Hillary's screw ups.

Wrong answer.
Ok, please do tell

They obviously are registering their dissatisfaction with how Clinton has supported Obama. That's it. End of class.

It's ALL about coal.
I wonder if you can think of the actual reason why that was the case?

What possible motivation could these people have had for expressing so much disdain for Clinton.....given the FACT that she won the WV primary by 40 points over Obama in 2008?

Think hard.
2008 long time ago in politics, people change after having 8 years of a Dem and Hillary's screw ups.

Wrong answer.
Ok, please do tell

They obviously are registering their dissatisfaction with how Clinton has supported Obama. That's it. End of class.

It's ALL about coal.

Is that right? What is Bernies position on coal?
"Following Tuesday's Democratic primary in West Virginia exit polls showed 39 per cent of those who voted for Mr Sanders, a self-declared socialist, would back Mr Trump in a general election contest between him and Mrs Clinton.

That sounded further alarm bells for Mrs Clinton after she had lost West Virginia by a wide margin."

US election: Donald Trump surges into tie with Hillary Clinton as Bernie Sanders supporters switch sides

Could this be the death knell for Hillary? According to Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, "It's nothing short of embarrassing that Hillary Clinton has now been defeated twenty times by a 74-year old socialist."

Hillary has lost ground to Bernie and now to Trump.
How STRANGE you Americans are

Americans always say stuff they dont mean. If anyone thinks Bernie supporters will Identify with Trump when its time I have a bridge to sell you.

Agreed--that's very doubtful that a Sanders supporter would going running into Trump's column, who represents the polar opposite of Sanders. But like I said, Trump needs all the support he can gather, because Hillary Clinton is going mop the floor with him.

She is headed into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they are going to be voting heavily for her.

Trump and his supporters have chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at, primarily Hispanics 17% of the population that are in her column. This when the GOP nominee needed 46% of this block to win the White House, Trump is polling at an historic NEGATIVE 80%
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then add to that, half of Republican women will not cast a vote for Trump, and millions of Republican men are going to be voting for Hillary Clinton, just to keep him out of the White House.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

It's going to be a very BLUE election night for Republicans. So if Sanders supporters want to grab the circus peanuts and vote for Trump, to have their little temper tantrum--I'm not concerned about it in the least.


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