West Virginians strongly disagree with Manchin on voting rights legislation

McConnell - Zionist 911 Biden supporter

Both are traitors...

Rachel Maddow shares details from a new poll that shows West Virginia voters of all political stripes are very supportive of the For The People Act to protect voting rights, which makes it all the more odd that Senator Joe Manchin, who represents West Virginia, does not.

What's wrong with Manchin? Even his own people strongly disagree with him on the For The People Act to protect voting rights. So, what is his excuse now?

My mother in law lives in West Virginia, and knows that the people there, dont want Manchin to vote for the Peoples Act. Rachel Madcow is full of shit and probably did local 10 democrat voters for her poll....

And your MIL is a Trump Humper who hangs out with other Trump Humpers. Who gives a shit
WV folk are a bit slow.

If you ask them

Do you support (enter feel good name of proposal here)?

They answer

Duh, uh, yeah, sounds good

But come Election Day, someone with an IQ over 10 will have filled in the details....

Wv is actually going decisively anti dem

That may be - but they sure as hell understand "voting rights"!

What you define as "voting rights" is really a license for democrats to cheat with massive fraud.

How did Democrats cheat in the 2020 elections? Proof?

Only a moron would believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden. Just think about that.
I'll ask you the same thing I did in the other thread right after I say this FAKE NEWS.

What was the methodology and what questions were asked? A lot of people know nothing more about the bill but the name, if that. Fake poll, too.
Just curious, what provisions of the bill do you find troublesome? I mean I understand perfectly whyy Republicans, and Manchin, oppose the bill. But what problems do you see with it?
Basically everything. I do not want one party rule and that is what this bill really is about.
Who told you that? Specifically, what provisions within the bill would result in one party rule? There is one big problem with the bill for Republicans, and now Manchin. That problem has arisen in numerous bills as the Democrats continually attempt to insert it in legislation. Trump vetoed the Defense Bill because of it. It has nothing to do with voting rights.
You are lying. When the Federal government runs elections they will be more corrupt and partisan than ever.
The bill has no provisions for the Federal government to take over elections, maybe you can correct me. However, it does make election day a federal holiday, maybe that is why you are confused.
Manchin switches parties, the GOP retakes the senate, and immediately removes Harris and Biden. I like it!
Hey asshole...I guess the Kremlin didn't explain how the American government works. A slim Senate Majority ain't gonna get an Impeachment

Rachel Maddow shares details from a new poll that shows West Virginia voters of all political stripes are very supportive of the For The People Act to protect voting rights, which makes it all the more odd that Senator Joe Manchin, who represents West Virginia, does not.

What's wrong with Manchin? Even his own people strongly disagree with him on the For The People Act to protect voting rights. So, what is his excuse now?

I wonder how much Moscow Mitch McConnell is paying him to torpedo Democratic legislation?
I'll ask you the same thing I did in the other thread right after I say this FAKE NEWS.

What was the methodology and what questions were asked? A lot of people know nothing more about the bill but the name, if that. Fake poll, too.
Just curious, what provisions of the bill do you find troublesome? I mean I understand perfectly whyy Republicans, and Manchin, oppose the bill. But what problems do you see with it?
Basically everything. I do not want one party rule and that is what this bill really is about.
Says the low I.Q. Trump supporter. Heard that on Tucker's show, right?

Rachel Maddow shares details from a new poll that shows West Virginia voters of all political stripes are very supportive of the For The People Act to protect voting rights, which makes it all the more odd that Senator Joe Manchin, who represents West Virginia, does not.

What's wrong with Manchin? Even his own people strongly disagree with him on the For The People Act to protect voting rights. So, what is his excuse now?

Manchin switches parties, the GOP retakes the senate, and immediately removes Harris and Biden. I like it!

Hey fucktard, hate Democracy dontcha? The Russian border is open for bozos like you. Go over there & run your mouth & see how long it takes before your sorry ass is tossed into some gulag.
WV folk are a bit slow.

If you ask them

Do you support (enter feel good name of proposal here)?

They answer

Duh, uh, yeah, sounds good

But come Election Day, someone with an IQ over 10 will have filled in the details....

Wv is actually going decisively anti dem

That may be - but they sure as hell understand "voting rights"!

What you define as "voting rights" is really a license for democrats to cheat with massive fraud.

How did Democrats cheat in the 2020 elections? Proof?

Only a moron would believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden. Just think about that.

There is the usual dem cheating - dead people voting (always dem), people crossing state lines and voting in multiple states, throwing out military ballots ... All happened, but it was not enough.

The machines cheated majorly in NH and VA and in other states where the GOP won state house and senate, the down ballot, and miraculously traitor Joe "won"

What was totally unprecedented about 2020 was

Huge late night absentee fraud ballot dumps, mostly with just Joe on the ballot, explaining the down ballot math problem your side has.
The FBI actively conspiring with the democrats to not bust it
Violent removal of GOP poll observers
Fraud in GA on video, the suitcases of fraud ballots just marked Joe and a dem senate candidate....
Six Zionist traitors on the Supreme Court involved

Rachel Maddow shares details from a new poll that shows West Virginia voters of all political stripes are very supportive of the For The People Act to protect voting rights, which makes it all the more odd that Senator Joe Manchin, who represents West Virginia, does not.

What's wrong with Manchin? Even his own people strongly disagree with him on the For The People Act to protect voting rights. So, what is his excuse now?

I wonder how much Moscow Mitch McConnell is paying him to torpedo Democratic legislation?

I have seriously wondered the exact same thing. Putin must be deliriously happy with Manchin.
I'll ask you the same thing I did in the other thread right after I say this FAKE NEWS.

What was the methodology and what questions were asked? A lot of people know nothing more about the bill but the name, if that. Fake poll, too.
Just curious, what provisions of the bill do you find troublesome? I mean I understand perfectly whyy Republicans, and Manchin, oppose the bill. But what problems do you see with it?
Basically everything. I do not want one party rule and that is what this bill really is about.
Who told you that? Specifically, what provisions within the bill would result in one party rule? There is one big problem with the bill for Republicans, and now Manchin. That problem has arisen in numerous bills as the Democrats continually attempt to insert it in legislation. Trump vetoed the Defense Bill because of it. It has nothing to do with voting rights.
You are lying. When the Federal government runs elections they will be more corrupt and partisan than ever.
The bill has no provisions for the Federal government to take over elections, maybe you can correct me. However, it does make election day a federal holiday, maybe that is why you are confused.
There is the usual dem cheating - dead people voting (always dem), people crossing state lines and voting in multiple states, throwing out military ballots ... All happened, but it was not enough.

You mean like Trump supporters did in 2020?
Basically everything. I do not want one party rule and that is what this bill really is about.
A. The Bill does not mandate one party rule. If the voters WANT one party in power it allows THEM to make that decision

B. You DO want one party rule. The TRUMP Party
It would be a Hell of lot better than what you losers want. But , no. The parties are necessary but we should elect Americans who care about the people, not lying opportunists willing to lie like there is no tomorrow.

Our Congress is corrupt. The DOJ is corrupt. The FBI is corrupt. The CDC is corrupt. And the present administation is is corrupt and illegitimate.
Bullshit, on steroids. How about asking these ridge-runners what's in the Act? No fucking idea.
I'll ask you the same thing I did in the other thread right after I say this FAKE NEWS.

What was the methodology and what questions were asked? A lot of people know nothing more about the bill but the name, if that. Fake poll, too.
Just curious, what provisions of the bill do you find troublesome? I mean I understand perfectly whyy Republicans, and Manchin, oppose the bill. But what problems do you see with it?
Basically everything. I do not want one party rule and that is what this bill really is about.
Who told you that? Specifically, what provisions within the bill would result in one party rule? There is one big problem with the bill for Republicans, and now Manchin. That problem has arisen in numerous bills as the Democrats continually attempt to insert it in legislation. Trump vetoed the Defense Bill because of it. It has nothing to do with voting rights.
You are lying. When the Federal government runs elections they will be more corrupt and partisan than ever.
The bill has no provisions for the Federal government to take over elections, maybe you can correct me. However, it does make election day a federal holiday, maybe that is why you are confused.
So, you can't tell me what specific provisions of the bill you have a problem with. You can't explain how it will result in one party rule. Basically, you probably can't tell me a single provision within the bill. You are opposed because your "Massuhs" tell you to be opposed. They are opposed because, yet again, Democrats have inserted a provision to force Political Action Committees to publicly acknowledge the source of their funds. In a very real sense, that is precisely what you are fighting for, their right to keep their funding from public knowledge.

So I got to ask. How is that helpful for a functioning Republic? And to be honest, if it is not helpful for a functioning Republic, why is it so important to Republicans, and why is Manchin now all in against it as well? The truth is, Manchin does not want his constituents to know what he is fighting for. He believes they are all like you, too disengaged to actually examine the legislation, too lazy to actually attempt to think for yourself, and perhaps too stupid to understand the legislation even if you attempted to look over it. In short, he has no respect for you or his constituents.
Basically everything. I do not want one party rule and that is what this bill really is about.
A. The Bill does not mandate one party rule. If the voters WANT one party in power it allows THEM to make that decision

B. You DO want one party rule. The TRUMP Party
It would be a Hell of lot better than what you losers want. But , no. The parties are necessary but we should elect Americans who care about the people, not lying opportunists willing to lie like there is no tomorrow.

Our Congress is corrupt. The DOJ is corrupt. The FBI is corrupt. The CDC is corrupt. And the present administation is is corrupt and illegitimate.
You just admitted that you want YOUR Trump Party to be the sole power.

You're dismissed
I'll ask you the same thing I did in the other thread right after I say this FAKE NEWS.

What was the methodology and what questions were asked? A lot of people know nothing more about the bill but the name, if that. Fake poll, too.
Just curious, what provisions of the bill do you find troublesome? I mean I understand perfectly whyy Republicans, and Manchin, oppose the bill. But what problems do you see with it?
Basically everything. I do not want one party rule and that is what this bill really is about.
Who told you that? Specifically, what provisions within the bill would result in one party rule? There is one big problem with the bill for Republicans, and now Manchin. That problem has arisen in numerous bills as the Democrats continually attempt to insert it in legislation. Trump vetoed the Defense Bill because of it. It has nothing to do with voting rights.
You are lying. When the Federal government runs elections they will be more corrupt and partisan than ever.
The bill has no provisions for the Federal government to take over elections, maybe you can correct me. However, it does make election day a federal holiday, maybe that is why you are confused.
So, you can't tell me what specific provisions of the bill you have a problem with. You can't explain how it will result in one party rule. Basically, you probably can't tell me a single provision within the bill. You are opposed because your "Massuhs" tell you to be opposed. They are opposed because, yet again, Democrats have inserted a provision to force Political Action Committees to publicly acknowledge the source of their funds. In a very real sense, that is precisely what you are fighting for, their right to keep their funding from public knowledge.

So I got to ask. How is that helpful for a functioning Republic? And to be honest, if it is not helpful for a functioning Republic, why is it so important to Republicans, and why is Manchin now all in against it as well? The truth is, Manchin does not want his constituents to know what he is fighting for. He believes they are all like you, too disengaged to actually examine the legislation, too lazy to actually attempt to think for yourself, and perhaps too stupid to understand the legislation even if you attempted to look over it. In short, he has no respect for you or his constituents.
More bullshit. There is only one thing to know about a power grab, and that is that it is a power grab. Period.

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