Western Europe shows no sign of waking up.

I'm sure that you don't want to talk about anything that goes outside your narrative that Muslims are going to kill us all and that's why we need to support the Zionist Entity continuing to find new ways to piss them off.

But this was a single mentally ill man who acted out.

Walk in any major US city, you'll find dozens of guys like this.

I never said any of that. You did. That’s why it’s pointless to debate this stuff with you.
I never said any of that. You did. That’s why it’s pointless to debate this stuff with you.

Then what was the point of the thread, otehr than "EEK, Europe better wake up to scary Muslims", like Islam was responsible for this guy's mental illness.

Yes, it is pointless to get out here and try to spread your racist bullshit because I WILL CALL YOU ON IT.
^ As things stand now, the attacker is In a PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL due to indications he is mentally ill. That is the standard line in Germany and other Western European countries.

It is also the "standard line" here in the United States.

Woke Dems always claim that those young gentlemen who commit horrific crimes of violence in our cities are suffering from mental problems and need treatment, not punishment.

Those Dems have no sympathy for the victims of those "mentally ill" entities.
Then what was the point of the thread, otehr than "EEK, Europe better wake up to scary Muslims", like Islam was responsible for this guy's mental illness.

Yes, it is pointless to get out here and try to spread your racist bullshit because I WILL CALL YOU ON IT.

Sounds like you have the mental illness.
. You choose one incident to condemn 2billion people.
Where did I do that? :cuckoo:

You are a joke.
Laugh then.

No chance of that.

Is that all you come here to do? Hurl insults to anonymous people on the internet?

Hiding your cowardice behind a computer screen?

The funny thing is that muslim immigrants in Europe are a problem but the news doesn't cover it. In France, which has a significant muslim population, French authorities are attacked when entering muslim neighborhoods:

"The violence is worsening. Figures released last month by the government revealed that in the first seven months of 2019 there had been 23,000 assaults against security forces, firefighters and ambulance crews, a 15 per cent rise from the same period in 2018."

French citizens are increasingly fed-up and French politicians professing anti-immigrants views are gaining popularity - they are so popular in fact that presidential elections in May 2022 could see one of them becoming the next president of France.

Even the French military is voicing its disapproval of the influence of muslim extremists in France:

"The French government has condemned an open letter signed by active soldiers that said the country was heading for "civil war" due to religious extremism".

The funny thing is that muslim immigrants in Europe are a problem but the news doesn't cover it. In France, which has a significant muslim population, French authorities are attacked when entering muslim neighborhoods:

There are some areas of Frankfurt where the police will not go.
Not only Muslims.

The Russian mafia has a stronghold in Frankfurt.

Sending Russians back to Russia for breaking the law is easier than sending muslims back to the Middle East. The biggest fear many Europeans have is being called a racist.

it is undeniable that the muslims/Middle East are much more terroristic --it's part of their culture

says a Barbar who speaks not any word Greek? You are good and everyone else is evil?

just in the US:
Ft Hood
San Bernadino
Shoe bomber
..out of a population of 600,000, with just ONE percent muslim, the Boston Bombers were muslim

The Kyrgyz and the Chechen who made the marathon bombing in Boston? A classical right-wing terror attack on reason to spread fear by attacking people in their normal way to live. ... hmmm .... They were Muslims? ... Are you sure? ... Even 9/11 had a concept. The terrorists there tried to attack the head of the economy (=world trade center), the head of the government (white house) and the head of the military (Pentagon).

...in the Beslan SCHOOL killings and Moscow Theater, it was not 1 or 5 terrorists, but DOZENS--including females!!!!!!

No wonder. Russians murdererd the husbands of this Chechen women. This had been a revenge. And this has also nothing to do with Muslims. This had more to do with freedom fighters who lost the way.

.and this is not counting all the world wide terrorism
Achille Lauro

¿Achille Lauro? ... Ah. A cruise ship what had been hijacked from PLO members. What did they not try to hijack before everywhere new security concepts had to be installed which are reducing freedom all over the world? Even when terrorists lose they force others to do what they don't like to do.

Munich? The break of the Olympic Peace by Palestinian terroists from the PLO in in Munich in 1972? This was by the way the first time in my life I heard that people exist who are called Palestinians and who were not Jews but Arabs. Or do you think about the "Iranian" mass-shooter in 2016? This German idiot with Iranian roots saw in himselve an Aryan and he had murdered Muslims and people who looked "mediterranian"(as he on his won also looked like). As an excuse it was said he had been mobbed in school - but in reality this idiot always tried to mob all others. This had been a right-wing Nazi-terror attack.


It exist many Muslims. And terror regimes with a strict authoritarian structure exist in wide areas of their world. Specially also in Saudi-Arabia. Turkey is in the moment a good example for this what we Germans call "If a donkey feels much to well then he will start to dance on thin ice". But Lukashenko is more worse than Erdogan. The authoritarian yearning in the countries of the Slaws is not far from the authoritarian yearning in the countries of the Muslims. But also "Catholic" nations like Poland and Hungaria are acting as a deterrent for everyone who loves democracy. In China regrows an extremist authoritarian style too - and in many other countries of Asia. And even about countries like Australia I was a little shocked when I heard that citizens of Australia had no right to come back to Australia in times of Corona and were banned about 2 years from Australia on reason they had been tourists outside of Australia. What a crime! And what to say about the authoritarian pfe (="president for ever") Donaldo Trumpo who knows only one form of loyalty - the loyalty to his own person? ... Nice planet our planet ... Sometimes - ¿or always? - a little more mad than only mad, I fear ...

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The Germans I hang out with aren’t like you. They understand nuance and context. In English!

I not. I do not speak English. For example I hate it very much to hear Germans use anglicisms like "to fuck" (or the wrong English use of the German word "ficken" ) in the totally perverted English way to use this word. Such things will never become part of my personality in whatever language of the world.
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I not. I do not speak English. For example I hate it very much to hear Germans use anglicisms like "to fuck" (or the wrong English use of the German word "ficken" ) in the totally perverted English way to use this word. Such things will never become part of my personality in whatever language of the world.

The latest trend is: sorry.

In English.
Sending Russians back to Russia for breaking the law is easier than sending muslims back to the Middle East. The biggest fear many Europeans have is being called a racist.


And why do you not live in fear to be called "racist"? Because you love the truth?

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