We've Had The Neocon/Progressives & Socialist/Progressives. Can Things Change?


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
After enduring several years of Neocon/Progressive & Socialist/Progressive rule,is there now some hope of real change? My feeling is that yes this could be the time for some real change. I'm not usually this optimistic but i have been observing a big rise in the belief that our Constitution is important. Somewhere along the line our politicians lost their way and decided to ignore our Constitution. This has been such a disaster for our nation. It seems that our politicians only look for sly ways to circumvent our Constitution at this point. This goes for both parties.

There is a rising wave of change happening in my opinion but it's not the change the MSM were selling us. This change is good & righteous. The most interesting aspect of this change is that many supporters are young. This bodes well for the future of our nation. We need to get back to Constitutional-Rule. For the first time in many years,i think most are now agreeing with this. 2010 could be a glorious year for real Freedom & Liberty. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it all pans out though. People can make it happen.
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There is no such thing as a neocon/progressive. and there is no 'socialist progressive rule'.

nice try... maybe someone will even believe there was a 'progressive' who voted for bush. i don't think so, though.
After enduring several years of Neocon/Progressive & Socialist/Progressive rule,is there now some hope of real change? My feeling is that yes this could be the time for some real change. I'm not usually this optimistic but i have been observing a big rise in the belief that our Constitution is important. Somewhere along the line our politicians lost their way and decided to ignore our Constitution. This has been such a disaster for our nation. It seems that our politicians only look for sly ways to circumvent our Constitution at this point. This goes for both parties. There is a rising wave of change happening in my opinion but it's not the change the MSM were selling us. This change is good & righteous. The most interesting aspect of this change is that many supporters are young. This bodes well for the future of our nation. We need to get back to Constitutional-Rule. For the first time in many years,i think most are now agreeing with this. 2010 could be a glorious year for real Freedom & Liberty. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it all pans out though. People can make it happen.
By what logic do you define a Neo-Conservative Progressive? Could it be that you found the Bush regime just as inept and vile as we Liberals did? Are you now ham-handedly trying to paint that gang of idiots as "Progressives"?

It's okay to say the Neo-Cons were totally wrong and inept. That clear evidence is before us daily. But don't try to join that cabal with anything like a "Progressive" movement.
There is no such thing as a neocon/progressive. and there is no 'socialist progressive rule'.

nice try... maybe someone will even believe there was a 'progressive' who voted for bush. i don't think so, though.

Obviously i disagree with you on this. I don't see any real difference between a Neocon/Progressive and a Socialist/Progressive. They're both the same entity as far as i'm concerned. Their policies are almost identical in the end. They really do have much more in common than either would ever like to admit. Personally i would like to see some real change. I hope this happens soon.
After enduring several years of Neocon/Progressive & Socialist/Progressive rule,is there now some hope of real change? My feeling is that yes this could be the time for some real change. I'm not usually this optimistic but i have been observing a big rise in the belief that our Constitution is important. Somewhere along the line our politicians lost their way and decided to ignore our Constitution. This has been such a disaster for our nation. It seems that our politicians only look for sly ways to circumvent our Constitution at this point. This goes for both parties. There is a rising wave of change happening in my opinion but it's not the change the MSM were selling us. This change is good & righteous. The most interesting aspect of this change is that many supporters are young. This bodes well for the future of our nation. We need to get back to Constitutional-Rule. For the first time in many years,i think most are now agreeing with this. 2010 could be a glorious year for real Freedom & Liberty. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it all pans out though. People can make it happen.
By what logic do you define a Neo-Conservative Progressive? Could it be that you found the Bush regime just as inept and vile as we Liberals did? Are you now ham-handedly trying to paint that gang of idiots as "Progressives"?

It's okay to say the Neo-Cons were totally wrong and inept. That clear evidence is before us daily. But don't try to join that cabal with anything like a "Progressive" movement.

Both's policies are almost identical. Just pay closer attention and take a closer look. They may have a few slight differences but in the end they agree on most things. This has been my observation anyway. Bush a "Conservative?" I'm still shocked every time the dumbed-down MSM describes him that way.
He was all yours baby.

this is how their insane logic works..

My ideas failed and fucked EVERYTHING up so they must have been your ideas.

Bat shit crazy.
This current President has adopted almost all of the previous President's policies. There has been no change at all. People who still believe there has been change are the people who are very susceptible to believing propaganda. Unfortunately there are Millions & Millions of these people in this world. Real change is happening in my opinion but it's just not the "Change" the MSM tried to sell us.
There is no such thing as a neocon/progressive. and there is no 'socialist progressive rule'.

nice try... maybe someone will even believe there was a 'progressive' who voted for bush. i don't think so, though.

Obviously i disagree with you on this. I don't see any real difference between a Neocon/Progressive and a Socialist/Progressive. They're both the same entity as far as i'm concerned. Their policies are almost identical in the end. They really do have much more in common than either would ever like to admit. Personally i would like to see some real change. I hope this happens soon.

In other words, you're making it up as you go along and don't care what terms you assign to things so long as you try to paint everything negative, including the bush disaster, as progressive.

i think you need to reassess. i'd also point out that the current admin has don't nothing but tick off progressives, so you might want to even re-think that one.
Maybe this current President is a Neocon/Progressive? I always felt Bill Clinton was a Neocon/Progressive. Something else to ponder i guess.
After enduring several years of Neocon/Progressive & Socialist/Progressive rule,is there now some hope of real change? My feeling is that yes this could be the time for some real change. I'm not usually this optimistic but i have been observing a big rise in the belief that our Constitution is important. Somewhere along the line our politicians lost their way and decided to ignore our Constitution. This has been such a disaster for our nation. It seems that our politicians only look for sly ways to circumvent our Constitution at this point. This goes for both parties. There is a rising wave of change happening in my opinion but it's not the change the MSM were selling us. This change is good & righteous. The most interesting aspect of this change is that many supporters are young. This bodes well for the future of our nation. We need to get back to Constitutional-Rule. For the first time in many years,i think most are now agreeing with this. 2010 could be a glorious year for real Freedom & Liberty. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it all pans out though. People can make it happen.
By what logic do you define a Neo-Conservative Progressive? Could it be that you found the Bush regime just as inept and vile as we Liberals did? Are you now ham-handedly trying to paint that gang of idiots as "Progressives"?

It's okay to say the Neo-Cons were totally wrong and inept. That clear evidence is before us daily. But don't try to join that cabal with anything like a "Progressive" movement.

Both's policies are almost identical. Just pay closer attention and take a closer look. They may have a few slight differences but in the end they agree on most things. This has been my observation anyway. Bush a "Conservative?" I'm still shocked every time the dumbed-down MSM describes him that way.
I'm curious. Just how has this similarity manifested itself? The Conservatives (Republicans) lined up fore square against the president's health care reform. They seem to be banking the fires for a lockstep resistance to Cap & Trade. All the primary campaign ads I've seen for Congressional seats has the Conservative/Republican candidate as nothing other than a road block to the Obama agenda. The nation seems as polarized politically as any time since 1968.

Democrats and Republicans so similar? Try again.
What did happen to all the real Conservatives? That's another interesting question. Hmm?
By what logic do you define a Neo-Conservative Progressive? Could it be that you found the Bush regime just as inept and vile as we Liberals did? Are you now ham-handedly trying to paint that gang of idiots as "Progressives"?

It's okay to say the Neo-Cons were totally wrong and inept. That clear evidence is before us daily. But don't try to join that cabal with anything like a "Progressive" movement.

Both's policies are almost identical. Just pay closer attention and take a closer look. They may have a few slight differences but in the end they agree on most things. This has been my observation anyway. Bush a "Conservative?" I'm still shocked every time the dumbed-down MSM describes him that way.
I'm curious. Just how has this similarity manifested itself? The Conservatives (Republicans) lined up fore square against the president's health care reform. They seem to be banking the fires for a lockstep resistance to Cap & Trade. All the primary campaign ads I've seen for Congressional seats has the Conservative/Republican candidate as nothing other than a road block to the Obama agenda. The nation seems as polarized politically as any time since 1968.

Democrats and Republicans so similar? Try again.

That's why i spoke of possible coming real change. Maybe true Conservatism is making a comeback. It seems that most Independents are beginning to lean more Conservative again. I guess we'll see though.
Way to start a thread based on glenn beck talking points. LOL Beck cherry picks one group, progessives, and then falsely attributes everything negative over the last century to them and his lemmings can't wait to parrot the talking points.

Howerver, if you look at the posts from that side of the argument, starting from the OP on, there isn't a whole lot of substance. Lib just continues to make claims and never backs any of them up.
Both's policies are almost identical. Just pay closer attention and take a closer look. They may have a few slight differences but in the end they agree on most things. This has been my observation anyway. Bush a "Conservative?" I'm still shocked every time the dumbed-down MSM describes him that way.
I'm curious. Just how has this similarity manifested itself? The Conservatives (Republicans) lined up fore square against the president's health care reform. They seem to be banking the fires for a lockstep resistance to Cap & Trade. All the primary campaign ads I've seen for Congressional seats has the Conservative/Republican candidate as nothing other than a road block to the Obama agenda. The nation seems as polarized politically as any time since 1968.

Democrats and Republicans so similar? Try again.

That's why i spoke of possible coming real change. Maybe true Conservatism is making a comeback. It seems that most Independents are beginning to lean more Conservative again. I guess we'll see though.
So, what's your point? First you proffer the idea that both political parties are too similar to make a real difference. Now you're saying "true" Conservatism is making a comeback. Well? If this resistance isn't "true" Conservatism, what is?

And if it's the old saw about strict adherence to the constitution, why then do we require a third branch of government? That constitution is as open to interpretation as the New Testament. We have a Supreme Court to determine what is and what is not constitutional, Marbury v Madison made it so.

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