‘We’ve learned to love the guy': Biden has so far charmed the left...but will the Honeymoon last?

It will be a long honeymoon because the left is really horny since Trump is gone.
Trump had more in common with the left than Biden.
I'm old enough to remember when Antifa attacked globalism. Look at them now.
They beat up people who oppose globalism.
Trump had more in common with the left than Biden.
I'm old enough to remember when Antifa attacked globalism. Look at them now.
They beat up people who oppose globalism.
You have zero clue what you are talking about, it's comedy ,in fact so far from reality that it just is funny.
These hurt little haters, from the right are a gas, we too their God away from them. poor poor baby's Ya hoo!
Trump had more in common with the left than Biden.
I'm old enough to remember when Antifa attacked globalism. Look at them now.
They beat up people who oppose globalism.
You have zero clue what you are talking about, it's comedy ,in fact so far from reality that it just is funny.
Have you heard of Black Block opposing globalisation in thre 90's and noughties.?
How they morphed into an organisation defending Facebook, Google, and beating up anti-globalisation people.
How they received funding from big corporations, bail from neocons, and adulation from mainstream media??
And how the working class backed Trump and are now called domestic terrorists from the CIA and media swamp??
Eh, it's just like anything in life it comes, and it goes.
You voted him in.
What a weak, watery statement after one month.
I voted for my cousin Howie Hawkins..The Green Party founder.
Funny that you never mention him here.
You just don't get around I have been telling people that o USMB for months. Newbie.
Well, I've been here a month and only see you turn up when people attack Biden, and you appear like his Chinese concubine.
Biden is just another swamp rat and career politician who does nothing good for the American people. Someone really has to be a mind controlled dim wit to actually like this guy. Drink some more fluoride Sally. :D
The left are about to learn that Biden is no Obama. Not even in the same league and that will be the end of the honeymoon.
this won't last. rain will come. the summer will pass

What the trump Nazis refuse to accept, is that over one third of the 81 million voters that elected Biden were actually voting against the wannabe führer trump and his Nazi/fascist agenda.

"Biden" just happened to be the other name on the ballot.


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