CDZ WH investigating origins of Malia Obama's pic

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What do his children have to do with any of this? You want to punish the children for something you think their father has done?

Don't even go there about "childreeeeeen" not after what you people did with Sarah Palin and her CHILDREN

Staph will tell you that people who talked about Palins children are low life scum so its only right she tries to immulate them

No comparison.

The Obama's have worked very hard to keep their children out of the media while Palin dragged hers everywhere and used them as props for her own agenda.

And Palin is a nobody, a has-been and never-was.

You are wrong about Palin being a nobody, but may I assume if she was that it is OK with you to trash her kids? If your answer is yes, welcome to the low life bottom feeder scumbag club.
Okay, she's not a nobody, she's a media whore.

Which is why she dragged her kids out on the stage every chance she got. As we so recently saw, she's still doing it.

Also why she tried to hide Bristol's pregnancy. Eeeuuuwwww.
Yeah and they wailed over the monies spent on investigating something as OUR people being killed in BENGHAZI

You put the tyrant in place folks. now you get to LIVE WITH IT
What do his children have to do with any of this? You want to punish the children for something you think their father has done?

Don't even go there about "childreeeeeen" not after what you people did with Sarah Palin and her CHILDREN
In case you didn't realize, SARAH PALIN IS NOT THE PRESIDENT.
Ohh so we can not talk about the President's Kids but you can bad mouth Sarah Palin's kids all you want cause she isn't the President?

No one is bad mouthing Palin's kids - except when they do things like have bastard babies and go on drunken fighting sprees.

But yes, Palin's kids are indeed fair game. Palin made sure of that every time she pimped them out to get attention.

They are not the children of the president or even of an elected official. They're just little drunken copies of their parents.

Read their Facebook pages and compare that to this being published without permission. BIG difference.
Don't even go there about "childreeeeeen" not after what you people did with Sarah Palin and her CHILDREN

Staph will tell you that people who talked about Palins children are low life scum so its only right she tries to immulate them

No comparison.

The Obama's have worked very hard to keep their children out of the media while Palin dragged hers everywhere and used them as props for her own agenda.

And Palin is a nobody, a has-been and never-was.

You are wrong about Palin being a nobody, but may I assume if she was that it is OK with you to trash her kids? If your answer is yes, welcome to the low life bottom feeder scumbag club.

So the people who are attacking the POTUS kids now are the same huh?

If that is what they are doing, my answer is yes. I don't think showing a picture of his daughter in a T-Shirt is an attack.
It is if the family has already received death threats. Someones ass is going to fry over this.
Staph will tell you that people who talked about Palins children are low life scum so its only right she tries to immulate them

No comparison.

The Obama's have worked very hard to keep their children out of the media while Palin dragged hers everywhere and used them as props for her own agenda.

And Palin is a nobody, a has-been and never-was.

You are wrong about Palin being a nobody, but may I assume if she was that it is OK with you to trash her kids? If your answer is yes, welcome to the low life bottom feeder scumbag club.

So the people who are attacking the POTUS kids now are the same huh?

If that is what they are doing, my answer is yes. I don't think showing a picture of his daughter in a T-Shirt is an attack.
It is if the family has already received death threats. Someones ass is going to fry over this.

And its not just any family.

Its the president of the United States.

That makes this story important.
Never could understand why people insist on dragging someone's children into political machinations. The child doesn't vote, and has nothing to do with their parents political affiliations. It's disgusting.
Fortunately the subject child is not afflicted with Downs Syndrome. Though most on the right wouldn't mock her for that surely habituated liberals would not be able to resist.
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