WH Press Briefing 2/1/2017: Did Press Secretary Sean Spicer Just Guarantee War With Iran Is Coming?

All during the Bush Administration, the liberals announced an impending attack on Iran by Bush. Every six months. Like clockwork.
George Bush's memoirs reveal how he considered attacks on Iran and Syria

George Bush ordered the Pentagon to plan an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities and considered a covert attack on Syria, the former president reveals in his memoirs.

Bush, in the 497-page Decision Points, a copy of which was obtained by the Guardian in advance of its publication in the US tomorrow, writes of Iran: "I directed the Pentagon to study what would be necessary for a strike." He adds: "This would be to stop the bomb clock, at least temporarily."

Such an attack would almost certainly have produced a conflagration in the Middle East that could have seen Iran retaliating by blocking oil supplies and unleashing militias and sympathisers in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon.

Bush also discussed with his national security team either an air strike or a covert special forces raid on an alleged Syrian nuclear facility at the request of Israel.
Spicer's rhetoric is reminding me of Bush rhetoric (Lies) leading to the Iraq Wars. Most Americans don't remember this one. I can assure you, your Government will say or do anything to get you to support more war.

A complete destruction of Iran's navy and missle launching sites would be a good first start in dealing with Iran.
Wait, your MessiahRushie said Reagan already destroyed Iran's navy.

March 28, 2008
CALLER: Ronald Reagan, why did he never respond to the Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon in 1983?


RUSH: By the way, to answer the guy's question, "Why didn't Reagan respond?" He did. It's one of the most underreported aspects in world history. Amir Taheri wrote about it on April 18th, 2007, in a publication called Gulf News. Basically, Reagan sunk Iran's navy, if I could just sum this up. We sunk Iran's navy. The attacks from Lebanon came from Iran, as they still do to this day. We sunk Iran's navy, but we didn't talk about it much then because that would have made us look mean, and the mullahs didn't talk about it because they didn't want the world to know their navy had been sunk, but it happened.

Iran pulled their shit because Obama was weak as piss...now they are testing Trump
Many of his flock, supported him because they believed he was NOT a war monger like Hillary.... boy oh boy, he fooled you, eh?

So much for him not being a globalist.... fooled you twice!
Trump's first mission didn't go well.

Look at the leftists dissing SEAL Team 6 - you're back to your old habit of hating the military, now that flouncing Barry is gone...
I didn't see them mentioned at all in my post.
I'm sure they can stick up for themselves in any case...you go back to your safe place, Snowflake...I think CNN might have said something mean about the Precedent.
WH Press Briefing 2/1/2017: Did Press Secretary Sean Spicer Just Guarantee War With Iran Is Coming?

Nope. Iran is guaranteeing war, by firing ballistic missiles in violation of treaties it signed.

We just have a President now who isn't turning and running with his tail between his legs any more when they do it.
WH Press Briefing 2/1/2017: Did Press Secretary Sean Spicer Just Guarantee War With Iran Is Coming?

Nope. Iran is guaranteeing war, by firing ballistic missiles in violation of treaties it signed.

We just have a President now who isn't turning and running with his tail between his legs any more when they do it.

I don't want more quagmire wars in he Middle East. I want out. Time to disengage.
We should bomb them from the air and let Israel go in with ground troops. I don't like war, but we can't allow Iran to get nukes.
We should bomb them from the air and let Israel go in with ground troops. I don't like war, but we can't allow Iran to get nukes.

I can't support more war. Enough is enough. Time to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East.
WH Press Briefing 2/1/2017: Did Press Secretary Sean Spicer Just Guarantee War With Iran Is Coming?

Nope. Iran is guaranteeing war, by firing ballistic missiles in violation of treaties it signed.

We just have a President now who isn't turning and running with his tail between his legs any more when they do it.
That's right.
He guaranteed that if the other side shout rude things at his Navy boats he'll invade them.
I don't want more quagmire wars in he Middle East.

Time to sit down, figure out what would force Iran to change their ways whether they like it or not, and then put them into effect, hard and fast. Defeat Iran and then get out.

It worked against Japan and Germany, who also wanted war. Hopefully Iran will read the writing on the wall a little earlier than those two did. But that part is up to them. Our job is simply to force them to change their ways regardless of if/when they decide to change them.
We should bomb them from the air and let Israel go in with ground troops. I don't like war, but we can't allow Iran to get nukes.
Gosh...well..when you put it that way...it sounds so easy!
I bet they will be greeted as liberators.
He guaranteed that if the other side shout rude things at his Navy boats he'll invade them.
When liberals get a severe drubbing in an election, they often start ranting hysterically like this.

It's been happening a lot recently.:itsok:
I don't want more quagmire wars in he Middle East.

Time to sit dow, figure out what would force Iran to change their ways whether they like it or not , and then put them into effect, hard and fast. Defeat Iran and then get out.

It worked against Japan and Germany, who also wanted war. Hopefully Iran will read the writing on the wall a little earlier than those two did. But that part is up to them.

Agreed. The only way Iran will clean up its act is if a strong America is in its way. Then perhaps Iran will change course. But a weak America will eventually come back to bite America in the ass.
Spicer's rhetoric is reminding me of Bush rhetoric (Lies) leading to the Iraq Wars. Most Americans don't remember this one. I can assure you, your Government will say or do anything to get you to support more war.

At what point does he declare war on Iran? That video is an hour and 23 minutes.
I don't want more quagmire wars in he Middle East.

Time to sit down, figure out what would force Iran to change their ways whether they like it or not, and then put them into effect, hard and fast. Defeat Iran and then get out.

It worked against Japan and Germany, who also wanted war. Hopefully Iran will read the writing on the wall a little earlier than those two did. But that part is up to them. Our job is simply to force them to change their ways regardless of if/when they decide to change them.

Nah, let's stop trying to force nations to do what we want them to do. Time to stop trying to be an Empire. Let's start by leaving all Muslim Lands. We don't belong there. We never did.

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