WH Press Briefing 2/1/2017: Did Press Secretary Sean Spicer Just Guarantee War With Iran Is Coming?

Iran launched a nuclear-capable missle and attacked a Saudi ship. Last year, the Iranians attacked two U.S. Navy ships and took American sailors hostage.

Trump wouldn't be starting a war with Iran, he would be responding to a war the Iranians have been fighting for a long time, and Obama has been allowing to go on without response.
Sounded like it to me. We're really ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Looks like war with Iran is coming soon. What are your thoughts?
Everybody already knows that's going to happen. Trump and the alt-right have been after it for years. The only chance at avoiding it is if Putin vetoes Trump.

Yeah, it does look inevitable. I've been around awhile. I can translate Spicer's language pretty well. Sounds to me like he did guarantee an attack on Iran is imminent.

It's too bad though, because i was really hoping Trump didn't go the Warmonger route. But i guess i should have known better. He did place 3 Generals in his Cabinet. That pretty much guarantees more wars.
Yea same here. Iran can be a great ally but the us is so much under the thumb of Israel it will take a miracle for that to happen
Sounded like it to me. We're really ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Looks like war with Iran is coming soon. What are your thoughts?

Iran is a Russian client state. War with Iran will mean a Russian conflict, which could be a serious problem. Iran MUST be contained, but a military conflict is not advised at this time.
Sounded like it to me. We're really ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Looks like war with Iran is coming soon. What are your thoughts?
We need to get the NO FLY ZONE in Iran going right away. Then we need to start recruiting other countries to form a "COALITION OF THE WILLING". Then we need to put American BOOTS ON THE GROUND and occupy Iran. America needs to OCCUPY IRAN. This will cost approximately 12 TRILLION DOLLARS but the safety of the American people is more important than money.

Then we just hand of Iran to a Muslim businessman who supports America. He'll run the country and then we'll be safe.
Trump would love a war. He would love winning a war to be his legacy. That is the sort of megalomaniac he is.
"I reaffirmed the policy of the United States to use all elements of our power to secure our core interests in the Gulf region and to deter and confront external aggression against our allies and our partners," Obama said in Riyadh on Thursday after the summit with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
Obama vows to deter any Iran aggression on Gulf states

No different from this from Obama

Sounded like it to me. We're really ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Looks like war with Iran is coming soon. What are your thoughts?
Covert US operations, Yemen 2016
Confirmed drone strikes Possible drone strikes Additional US attacks
Total reported strikes: 32 10-11 6-12
Total reported killed: 88-123 23 57-83
Civilians reported killed: 0 0 0
Children reported killed: 0 0 0
Total reported injured: 6-11 4 28-30
Yemen: Reported US covert actions 2016 - The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Clearly we're ramping up that intervention. And Spicer's language was pretty serious. That kind of language usually indicates setting things up for an attack. I've heard that rhetoric before. Sadly, we are likely gonna see more Americans killed and more Tax Dollars flushed over there.

And all for what? To defend the most evil nation on earth, Saudi Arabia? Man, i don't wanna see a single American get killed for the Saudis. And i certainly don't wanna see American Taxpayers forced to fund that. We need to really think this thing through. I hope & pray Trump does that.
Sounded like it to me. We're really ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Looks like war with Iran is coming soon. What are your thoughts?
Sounded like it to me. We're really ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Looks like war with Iran is coming soon. What are your thoughts?
Everybody already knows that's going to happen. Trump and the alt-right have been after it for years. The only chance at avoiding it is if Putin vetoes Trump.

Yeah, it does look inevitable. I've been around awhile. I can translate Spicer's language pretty well. Sounds to me like he did guarantee an attack on Iran is imminent.

It's too bad though, because i was really hoping Trump didn't go the Warmonger route. But i guess i should have known better. He did place 3 Generals in his Cabinet. That pretty much guarantees more wars.
Lets hope you are wrong, but I am getting the same vibes I did when I first heard hints of an Iraqi invasion. When the whole bloomin cabinet started talking mushroom clouds and WMDs circling Nantucket in 45 minutes and all the rest of the ginning-up hypes. Spicer planted a seed and the rest of the admin will nurture it into a righteous military per-emption bloom and all the usual suspects will bang the drums just like they did before. And it will end badly just like before. Only this time I suspect a coalition will be hard to come by.

Yeah, i've heard this kind of rhetoric before. It usually indicates they're setting the stage for war. Saudi Arabia is really struggling to defeat the Shiite/Sunni coalition in Yemen. Most in Yemen don't support reinstating the former Saudi-backed leader.

Some Sunni groups have even joined Shiite groups in fighting against Saudi Arabia. So now Saudi Arabia is demanding the US get more involved. And i think that's gonna happen. It's sad though, i really was hoping Trump wouldn't get us into more quagmire wars over there. I'm very disappointed.
A complete destruction of Iran's navy and missle launching sites would be a good first start in dealing with Iran.
Sounded like it to me. We're really ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Looks like war with Iran is coming soon. What are your thoughts?
We need to get the NO FLY ZONE in Iran going right away. Then we need to start recruiting other countries to form a "COALITION OF THE WILLING". Then we need to put American BOOTS ON THE GROUND and occupy Iran. America needs to OCCUPY IRAN. This will cost approximately 12 TRILLION DOLLARS but the safety of the American people is more important than money.

Then we just hand of Iran to a Muslim businessman who supports America. He'll run the country and then we'll be safe.

Cost? Just grab them by their oil, they got lots and lots of oil.

We should just take it. Just take it!

Sounded like it to me. We're really ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Looks like war with Iran is coming soon. What are your thoughts?
Everybody already knows that's going to happen. Trump and the alt-right have been after it for years. The only chance at avoiding it is if Putin vetoes Trump.

Yeah, it does look inevitable. I've been around awhile. I can translate Spicer's language pretty well. Sounds to me like he did guarantee an attack on Iran is imminent.

It's too bad though, because i was really hoping Trump didn't go the Warmonger route. But i guess i should have known better. He did place 3 Generals in his Cabinet. That pretty much guarantees more wars.
Yea same here. Iran can be a great ally but the us is so much under the thumb of Israel it will take a miracle for that to happen

Personally, i find the Shiites to be more reasonable than Sunnis in general. They don't adhere to Wahabbi Islamic teachings. I watched a great speech by Nasrallah in Lebanon awhile back. He pointed out some major differences between Sunnis and Shiites.

But we're in bed with the Saudis. So we're gonna do whatever it desires. We sold our soul to the Saudi Devil a long time ago. And it's really struggling in Yemen. It wants the US more involved. And i'm betting we will oblige.
Sounded like it to me. We're really ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Looks like war with Iran is coming soon. What are your thoughts?

Iran is a Russian client state. War with Iran will mean a Russian conflict, which could be a serious problem. Iran MUST be contained, but a military conflict is not advised at this time.

Most of the carnage is gonna take pace in Yemen. We're currently ramping up our intervention there. Saudi Arabia is struggling to defeat the Sunni/Shiite coalition there. Most in Yemen don't want the former Saudi-backed leader reinstated. But the Saudis are still attempting to force him on them. So because they're struggling so much, they're now demanding the US get more involved. I really do hope Trump doesn't oblige. But it isn't looking good.
Sounds to me like he did guarantee an attack on Iran is imminent

That's a bold statement. What did he say that makes you think an attack is imminent?

I heard the banging of War Drums in his rhetoric. They're accusing Iran of new 'offenses' every day. They're ramping things up. It'll start with us increasing our intervention in Yemen. The Saudis aren't do well in their Yemen War. They're not defeating the Sunni/Shiite coalition there. So now they're demanding the US get more involved. And it looks like we're gonna oblige. So brace yourself, more war is coming.

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