WH Press Briefing 2/1/2017: Did Press Secretary Sean Spicer Just Guarantee War With Iran Is Coming?

We should bomb them from the air and let Israel go in with ground troops. I don't like war, but we can't allow Iran to get nukes.
Gosh...well..when you put it that way...it sounds so easy!
I bet they will be greeted as liberators.

If we decide regime change is the way to go, we should be hailed as liberators.
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Sounded like it to me. We're really ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Looks like war with Iran is coming soon. What are your thoughts?
Covert US operations, Yemen 2016
Confirmed drone strikes Possible drone strikes Additional US attacks
Total reported strikes: 32 10-11 6-12
Total reported killed: 88-123 23 57-83
Civilians reported killed: 0 0 0
Children reported killed: 0 0 0
Total reported injured: 6-11 4 28-30
Yemen: Reported US covert actions 2016 - The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

"Reported Covert Actions"
What's wrong with that picture?
Spicer's rhetoric is reminding me of Bush rhetoric (Lies) leading to the Iraq Wars. Most Americans don't remember this one. I can assure you, your Government will say or do anything to get you to support more war.

At what point does he declare war on Iran? That video is an hour and 23 minutes.

There was no 'declaration of war.' But our Presidents no longer need Congress to be involved to get their wars anyway. But regardless, i did hear the beating of War Drums in his rhetoric.

I expect their rhetoric to increase in the coming weeks. They're accusing Iran of a new 'offense' every day. They're prepping us for war. Keep a close eye on Yemen. That's how i see things anyway.
Sounded like it to me. We're really ramping up our intervention in Yemen. Looks like war with Iran is coming soon. What are your thoughts?
Covert US operations, Yemen 2016
Confirmed drone strikes Possible drone strikes Additional US attacks
Total reported strikes: 32 10-11 6-12
Total reported killed: 88-123 23 57-83
Civilians reported killed: 0 0 0
Children reported killed: 0 0 0
Total reported injured: 6-11 4 28-30
Yemen: Reported US covert actions 2016 - The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

"Reported Covert Actions"
What's wrong with that picture?

Yeah, and zero civilians killed? Not very credible numbers.
He laid the groundwork for pulling out of the treaty. Iran was going to cheat, that's was a given. I think trump was smart to just wait for them to do it; then we can walk away based on the fact they broke the treaty. Smart move.
But regardless, i did hear the beating of War Drums in his rhetoric.
I heard the beating of war drums in Iran's actions. Those usually supersede mere rhetoric, don't you agree?

Or are you trying to tell us that what Republicans say, is more dangerous to us than the missiles Iran fires after signing treaties not to? :cuckoo:
But regardless, i did hear the beating of War Drums in his rhetoric.
I heard the beating of war drums in Iran's actions. Those usually supersede mere rhetoric, don't you agree?

Or are you trying to tell us that what Republicans say, is more dangerous to us than the missiles Iran fires after signing treaties not to? :cuckoo:

Iran cannot pose a serious threat to the US. It doesn't have the capabilities to do so. But regardless, what the hell are we still doing in all these countries? Let's get the hell out. We need to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East. We can continue doing business, but we need to end all the meddling. We don't belong in their lands. We never did. So why the hell are we still there?
He guaranteed that if the other side shout rude things at his Navy boats he'll invade them.
When liberals get a severe drubbing in an election, they often start ranting hysterically like this.

It's been happening a lot recently.:itsok:
I know...it's hard to believe isn't it?

Speaking at a campaign rally in Pensacola, Florida, on Friday night, Donald Trump indicated that, as president, he would attack Iran if their sailors made improper gestures toward the U.S. Navy.
He guaranteed that if the other side shout rude things at his Navy boats he'll invade them.
When liberals get a severe drubbing in an election, they often start ranting hysterically like this.

It's been happening a lot recently.:itsok:
I know...it's hard to believe isn't it?

Speaking at a campaign rally in Pensacola, Florida, on Friday night, Donald Trump indicated that, as president, he would attack Iran if their sailors made improper gestures toward the U.S. Navy.
Trump Favors Regime Change in Iran, Says He’ll Attack Them Over Rude Gestures

Yeah, it's clear where they're headed on this. It's beginning to resemble the lead-up to the recent Iraq War debacle. The daily accusations against Iran are being ramped up bigtime. Clearly something's in the works. I look for some kind of False Flag attack to happen in the near future.

They floated one out there recently, with an attack on a Saudi frigate. I think we'll see more of that kind of stuff. They'll blame Iran for everything possible that goes wrong in the Middle East. I see the war propaganda being steadily ramped up. Very dark days are coming.

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