Whaddya know! obama was really born in Kenya!

Jay Acton and Jane Dystel have a lot of explaining to do. My guess is that they'll claim they were misquoted, or that they just made an error. Either that or they'll immediately be branded as evil lying Republicans by the usual suspects. I would advise them to watch their backs though. Some very very powerful people will be paying them a visit very soon.

It should be fun watching the corrupt MSM go about covering this one up. I'm sure the first phase of the coverup will be to simply ignore it. But eventually they'll have to address it. And that's when the coverup fun begins. So stay tuned.
We know Obama has very little in common with most American, he makes it clearly every day. He does not share our diet, he does not share our values he does not understand or respect our traditions and holidays.

We got that.

That he was born in Kenya and successfully hid it says more about the "mainstream: media than Obama

And it's still Bush's fault for not honoring Obama as the first Kenyan born US Senator

All false propoganda fed to you by people making $$ on your hits. Strong work, king density.


The picture must need a translator, right?
We know Obama has very little in common with most American, he makes it clearly every day. He does not share our diet, he does not share our values he does not understand or respect our traditions and holidays.

We got that.

That he was born in Kenya and successfully hid it says more about the "mainstream: media than Obama

And it's still Bush's fault for not honoring Obama as the first Kenyan born US Senator

All false propoganda fed to you by people making $$ on your hits. Strong work, king density.


The picture must need a translator, right?

:lol: smoking gun!!!
That's not fair, Frank.

We cannot expect a mere Ambassador to know what he's talking about.

What did he say?

There isn't a marker and it's "well known", i.e. no official validation, just anecdotes.

What you have some enterprising people cashing in on a "Kenyan" president, taking advantage of those who don't know better and taking cash out of the pockets of those Americans who should know better, but want it to be true. I wonder how much a first-hand account of growing up in Kenya with Obama costs, anyway? :lol:

"What did he say?" It's on the fucking video. Just watch it and listen and you will know.

The Kenyan AMBASSADOR said it was well known. Perhaps, if it's all just anecdotal bullshit, the AMBASSADOR should have couched his language with a bit more precision. Word has it that Ambassadors often find it necessary to speak with real care.

Again, for my part, I am satisfied with the Hawaiian place of birth story. But it isn't the fault of anybody but the President and his peeps that the whole birther question ever got such traction.

There are a variety of fucking odd things at work there, and they weren't planted by others. They were all planted by the President's family, his own behaviors and the work of his own people (like his literary agent).

He did couch his answer. He admitted there was no official recognition. Sounded to me like he was saying, "well, that's what the people believe". Seems a lot more plausible that he was merely confirming "common knowledge" without indicating what he believed, than birther pronouncements that go against known facts and documentation.
EITHER (1) President Obama is Constitutionally ineligible to be President of the United States OR (2) the Indonesian school records were falsified by the Obama family AT the time of his application to be admitted into that school.

As to the former (number 1), IF the President at any time in his life was a citizen of Indonesia, which does not recognize dual citizenship, then in order for him to BECOME a U.S. citizen, he would have to be naturalized.

It doesn't matter if Indonesia doesn't recognize dual citizenship, as long as the US does. Also, no one can renouce your citizenship for you. For that to have happened, he would have had to do it as an adult. I'm sure no one consulted him on his citizenship ins-and-outs at the time being a minor, so whatever Indonesian law may be, it doesn't have any effect on US law.
Interesting, not finding any Wiki info on Acton & Dystel.
Denial is not just another river in Egypt. :lmao:

Wickidpedia is a premier leftist tool for rewriting history to erase their blacks-lynching pasts and Swiss account presents. Most of those who post here are just leg men, have nooooo idea that Pelosi is panicky and hurriedly trying to scrooge out the last cent she can from the US Treasury for relatives and friends, free flight service from the USAF, while meanwhile she is in the upper half of one percenters. :rolleyes:
Because your stance is so retarded that making fun of you is the only thing left. , You don't care to debate, you think you are right period no metter the evidence.

I present evidence.
You call me "retarded" and a "birther".

Where's the debate?
Pballs doesn't debate, he just trolls. Stupidly. And posts his desire that people he doesn't agree with would die, commit suicide, get aborted, step in front of trucks, hang themselves, etc.

That's the extent of his ability as a conversationalist.
Yes, someone should tell the warden to lay off the 'puter priviledges for Blago. :D
Nothing to see here folks. It's all just a big misunderstanding. Obama was born in the U.S.

Well, that's what they keep telling us anyway. ;)
Interesting, not finding any Wiki info on Acton & Dystel.
Denial is not just another river in Egypt. :lmao:

Wickidpedia is a premier leftist tool for rewriting history to erase their blacks-lynching pasts and Swiss account presents. Most of those who post here are just leg men, have nooooo idea that Pelosi is panicky and hurriedly trying to scrooge out the last cent she can from the US Treasury for relatives and friends, free flight service from the USAF, while meanwhile she is in the upper half of one percenters. :rolleyes:
EITHER (1) President Obama is Constitutionally ineligible to be President of the United States OR (2) the Indonesian school records were falsified by the Obama family AT the time of his application to be admitted into that school.

As to the former (number 1), IF the President at any time in his life was a citizen of Indonesia, which does not recognize dual citizenship, then in order for him to BECOME a U.S. citizen, he would have to be naturalized.

It doesn't matter if Indonesia doesn't recognize dual citizenship, as long as the US does. Also, no one can renouce your citizenship for you. For that to have happened, he would have had to do it as an adult. I'm sure no one consulted him on his citizenship ins-and-outs at the time being a minor, so whatever Indonesian law may be, it doesn't have any effect on US law.

What makes you imagine that the US "recognizes" dual citizenship? I'm sure you can source that for the class.

As for the renunciation thing, I already covered that. So, really, your "lecture" is not needed.
Interesting, not finding any Wiki info on Acton & Dystel.
Denial is not just another river in Egypt. :lmao:

Wickidpedia is a premier leftist tool for rewriting history to erase their blacks-lynching pasts and Swiss account presents. Most of those who post here are just leg men, have nooooo idea that Pelosi is panicky and hurriedly trying to scrooge out the last cent she can from the US Treasury for relatives and friends, free flight service from the USAF, while meanwhile she is in the upper half of one percenters. :rolleyes:

Well that's because wiki doesn't say so.
While I think that some of the nutbars who take their "birther" "Issues" to Court are damned unpersuasive (like Orly fucking Taitz, for example), I still laugh at the pontificators who dismiss all such questions out of hand.

The "arguments" offered by G.T., for instance, are sometimes founded on a pretty fair grasp of the facts and the law. Yet, even so, the derisive dismissal of all arguments is quite unpersuasive.

The net effect of that kind of "argument" is counter-productive.

Was President Obama REALLY born in Hawaii? Maybe. Probably. I'm satisfied with that proposition. But to deny that there is ANY valid question -- or fair reason TO question the claim -- is absurd.

And even if he is a natural born U.S. citizen, it is still troublesome that he chooses to hide his own college records. W didn't do that. Kerry didn't do that. But the Obamaphiles give The ONE a free pass on his efforts to cloud and obscure his past.
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What makes you imagine that the US "recognizes" dual citizenship? I'm sure you can source that for the class.

As for the renunciation thing, I already covered that. So, really, your "lecture" is not needed.

I beg to differ. Apparently it IS needed. Simply exercising your rights under the citizenship of one country DOES NOT effect your rights in the US, nor does it trigger any renunciation.

United States nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama said he's Kenyan, his family said he's Kenyan, the Kenyan Ambassador said he's Kenyan

But Libs have been instructed to discount the facts.

Why do they hate facts?

What prevents a Kenyan from being president? Kennedy was Irish. Van Buren was Dutch. :dunno:

Kennedy was a natural born American. So was Van Buren. If the incumbent had been born in Kenya, he would not be a natural born American and then he would be ineligible to hold the Office.
What makes you imagine that the US "recognizes" dual citizenship? I'm sure you can source that for the class.

As for the renunciation thing, I already covered that. So, really, your "lecture" is not needed.

I beg to differ. Apparently it IS needed. Simply exercising your rights under the citizenship of one country DOES NOT effect your rights in the US, nor does it trigger any renunciation.

United States nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You may beg all you wish. But if he happens to have been either a Kenyan (by place of birth) OR an Indonesian (by a claim of citizenship accepted by Indonesia and claimed by himself), then your caterwauling is of no significance.

As I said before, I already addressed the renunciation thing, so your would-be lectures are not required.
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That's the point that was being made. You're an American if you're born abroad to American parents...and Obama wasn't.

My niece and nephew were born in Canada. Their mother is American, their father Canadian. They are considered "Americans born abroad."

I do not understand the immigration laws and the way they are enforced. I certainly don't understand why my brother and I were not considered citizens when we were both born abroad to two American parents on American Air Force bases overseas.

To my understanding if you are born abroad and one of your parents is a US Citizen they can go to the US Embassy in that country and get you registered as an American born abroad. Both of your parents do not have to be American.

The laws governing citizenship have changed over the years and are different now than they were in 1961. IF Obama had been born in Kenya, he would not have been eligible to be the POTUS under the laws that were in effect at the time of his birth. The law is not retroactive so his citizenship status would have been contingent on the laws in effect at the time of his birth.

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