Whas up wid Iran?


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
The thing that bothers me is that they seem so confident....one would think a small nation like Iran with not much of a military to speak of seemingly to be so un-impressed by the military might of the U.S.

Is it all bluff? What are they trying to accomplish? According to Israeli intelligence...it appears they are considering an attack on American interests or on American forces.

They seem convinced they have nothing to fear from the U.S.A. Do they know something most of us do not --as in do they have some sort of capability unknown to the American People and covered up by our leaders?

What could it be? A couple of nukes positioned somewhere and ready to be launched at a moment's notice? The target or targets?

Quite possibly as they have claimed in the past they have a covert capability already positioned in America to conduct horrific acts of terrorism...up to and possibly including weapons of mass destruction...aka a dirty bomb, chemical or biological weapons which they believe they can black mail Trump with? I would not rule it out.

Something just does not look right from the reports I am reading....especially the claim they can destroy our fleet over there with one missle? Empty boast?

I think not....the Iranians are very intelligent as well as very fanatical....something is up....the question being....what is it?

U.S. warns merchant ships of possible Iranian attacks; cleric threatens U.S. fleet

Whatever is really going on in this current 'situation' with Iran you can bet this guy is heavily involved or perhaps in control of the operation..................Qasem Soleimani - Wikipedia
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.....saber-rattling has been going on for hundreds of years--by countries large and small
Vietnam --5 times smaller than Iran---thumbed their nose at the US

...Iran did it during the Hostage Crisis
...maybe we should've let loose the B52s during the Hostage Crisis--that was an act of war by the Iranians--but what would be the costs vs the advantages?..difficult to browbeat a country with bombing as history clearly shows....it sometimes makes them even more obstinate
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The thing that bothers me is that they seem so confident....one would think a small nation like Iran with not much of a military to speak of seemingly to be so un-impressed by the military might of the U.S.

Is it all bluff? What are they trying to accomplish? According to Israeli intelligence...it appears they are considering an attack on American interests or on American forces.

They seem convinced they have nothing to fear from the U.S.A. Do they know something most of us do not --as in do they have some sort of capability unknown to the American People and covered up by our leaders?

What could it be? A couple of nukes positioned somewhere and ready to be launched at a moment's notice? The target or targets?

Quite possibly as they have claimed in the past they have a covert capability already positioned in America to conduct horrific acts of terrorism...up to and possibly including weapons of mass destruction...aka a dirty bomb, chemical or biological weapons which they believe they can black mail Trump with? I would not rule it out.

Something just does not look right from the reports I am reading....especially the claim they can destroy our fleet over there with one missle? Empty boast?

I think not....the Iranians are very intelligent as well as very fanatical....something is up....the question being....what is it?

U.S. warns merchant ships of possible Iranian attacks; cleric threatens U.S. fleet

Whatever is really going on in this current 'situation' with Iran you can bet this guy is heavily involved or perhaps in control of the operation..................Qasem Soleimani - Wikipedia

1.) They have the Russian military at their disposal.
2.) They have enough of an arsenal
to obliterate isreal. They would also be obliterated but some of the radicals just don't care about that. Actually the only thing that stops them from attacking Israel is Saudi Arabia. Israel has promised to turn the Mecca into a sea of radioactive glass. The Sauds would immediately blame Iran.
3.) They have the ability to completely closed the straits of Hormuz. They don't need a big military or even a big Navy to do that.

.....saber-rattling has been going on for hundreds of years--by countries large and small
Vietnam --5 times smaller than Iran---thumbed their nose at the US

...Iran did it during the Hostage Crisis
...maybe we should've let loose the B52s during the Hostage Crisis--that was an act of war by the Iranians--but what would be the costs vs the advantages?..difficult to browbeat a country with bombing as history clearly shows....it sometimes makes them even more obstinate

We have reached a point in our global balance were there is far more cost and advantage for almost any military action.
I'm not saying we won't see some there will definitely be cost to everyone.

Arrest John Kerry and Iran will do a complete about face. Kerry is feeding them propaganda about how powerless and disliked Trump is. Iran can do whatever it likes. The American people will not let Trump do anything to Iran. The biggest mistake of Trump's entire presidency is the failure to arrest and prosecute John Kerry.
.....saber-rattling has been going on for hundreds of years--by countries large and small
Vietnam --5 times smaller than Iran---thumbed their nose at the US

...Iran did it during the Hostage Crisis
...maybe we should've let loose the B52s during the Hostage Crisis--that was an act of war by the Iranians--but what would be the costs vs the advantages?..difficult to browbeat a country with bombing as history clearly shows....it sometimes makes them even more obstinate

What is needed in Iran is a regime change....there are lots of folks...perhaps even the majority of Iranians who are very unhappy with the corrupt mullahs who run that theocracy.
.....saber-rattling has been going on for hundreds of years--by countries large and small
Vietnam --5 times smaller than Iran---thumbed their nose at the US

...Iran did it during the Hostage Crisis
...maybe we should've let loose the B52s during the Hostage Crisis--that was an act of war by the Iranians--but what would be the costs vs the advantages?..difficult to browbeat a country with bombing as history clearly shows....it sometimes makes them even more obstinate

We have reached a point in our global balance were there is far more cost and advantage for almost any military action.
I'm not saying we won't see some there will definitely be cost to everyone.


I do not think anyone wants a war with Iran...but how can you have peace in that neighborhood when there is a state like Iran there who does not want peace....and constantly uses proxies and terrorists to committ violence.

All we have to do is give Israel the green light....they know how to deal with them and very quickly.
Arrest John Kerry and Iran will do a complete about face. Kerry is feeding them propaganda about how powerless and disliked Trump is. Iran can do whatever it likes. The American people will not let Trump do anything to Iran. The biggest mistake of Trump's entire presidency is the failure to arrest and prosecute John Kerry.

We have never had so many traitors as we have seen emerge in the past couple of decades....made possible because our treasonous media supports and protects them....time to hold the msm accountable along with their running dogs.
If they hook up with Russia, then they wouldn't have to worry about Trump
If they hook up with Russia, then they wouldn't have to worry about Trump


Putin has better sense. He is not about to confront The USA in a military manner

besides he knows he needs America to help protect Russian from the expansionist Nation called China.

The Yellow Peril is on the march again...not Japan this time though.....China.

The Japanese understand all this as well they should.

It is only the liberal dupes who think Russia is the one we should be worrying about....cuz dey be white....da libbies think no colored folks be they black, yellow or red amount to a threat or danger to USA.

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