What a Biden Presidency would look like

1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

1) You're the ones who block domestic exploration keeping us dependent on oil cartels. That while you block the only two solutions to dramatically cut carbon emissions at our current level of technology, nuclear and fracking for natural gas. You want to screw the whole country by plunging us into the endless energy shortages and brown outs that you did to Califnornia.

2) Democrats want peace and aren't militaristic????? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

What a liar. Trump has been far less militaristic than Clinton or Obama. You're a L-I-A-R. The drone king Obama was a total war hawk. You're just brainwashed

3) It's funny how you think you'd have more money if you just destroyed the 1%. It's not a zero sum game. Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, Russia, they have taught you nothing. Then if you could learn, you wouldn't be a Democrat ...
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
How will you accomplish that if you believe in Open Borders and that US college students are stupid?
You see how your Leftist brain is all mixed up?
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

1) You're the ones who block domestic exploration keeping us dependent on oil cartels. That while you block the only two solutions to dramatically cut carbon emissions at our current level of technology, nuclear and fracking for natural gas. You want to screw the whole country by plunging us into the endless energy shortages and brown outs that you did to Califnornia.

2) Democrats want peace and aren't militaristic????? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

What a liar. Trump has been far less militaristic than Clinton or Obama. You're a L-I-A-R. The drone king Obama was a total war hawk. You're just brainwashed

3) It's funny how you think you'd have more money if you just destroyed the 1%. It's not a zero sum game. Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, Russia, they have taught you nothing. Then if you could learn, you wouldn't be a Democrat ...
If you flowchart what Liberals say, you will see they have zero logic.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The knowledge base for specialties is much higher than it used to be.
It doesn't mean they know squat about how an economy runs or an infrastructure is maintained.
Trump hasn't lost any votes and all you do all day like a typical emotional Liberal is try to hypnotize yourself.
Your lack of a detailed response belies you denial of reality.
Nah. Just no point. You’ve knelt at the alter of Trump so pointing out the obvious like, Trump has lost quite a bit of support and the economy was humming pre-Trump is wasted. Charts, facts and figures are meaningless to you. You only believe the religion of Trump. Once you birds lost your ability (or desire) to discern facts fiction truth or lies it became just an insult stand up routine. It’s tiring like watching a drug addict that just self destructs no matter who is there to help. #sad.
I knelt at the altar of being pro-US citizen; I know that bothers Open Borders LWers and RWers.
No one is voting for a Biden economy which will last far beyond a COVID vaccination.
In the meanwhile, Blue cities run by Blue Mayors have record numbers of dead and not one Democratic member of Congress called for closing the borders even though they knew about COVID back in November 2019.
You may now continue to lie to yourself how everything bad is a result of Trump's policies.
You are conflating things. Biden is not for open borders. Neither was Clintons platform. The biggest difference is two things. Dems want to secure the border without a sea to shining sea wall and second they want to process refugees for legitimate asylum requests not just shoot them without asking questions.

Now you can’t link a single criticism about the faux travel ban which wasn’t a travel ban. If you could you wouldn’t be relying on Biden’s general comment on Xenophobia. You want a specific travel ban with democratic opposition look up the 10,000 specific comments on the Muslim ban. Specific, direct and pointed. You can’t on the faux China ban cuz you bought into the right wing “cover our ass” lie.

Honestly if you start processing information instead of hanging on to soundbites of us against them right wing media you’d be better off.
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

President Trump's Tremendous accomplishment of achieving energy self-sufficiency is what will allow America not to send soldiers to distant battles for our nation's security.

Unless, and until there are better and less expensive ways to create the tremendous amounts of energy we need, limiting oil exploration including fracking in any way makes that goal impossible.
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

President Trump's Tremendous accomplishment of achieving energy self-sufficiency is what will allow America not to send soldiers to distant battles for our nation's security.

Unless, and until there are better and less expensive ways to create the tremendous amounts of energy we need, limiting oil exploration including fracking in any way makes that goal impossible.

It's amazing how Democrats always fought against energy independence and now we have it and they want to give it back. Then while forcing us to pay dictators for oil, they decry paying dictators for oil
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
How will you accomplish that if you believe in Open Borders and that US college students are stupid?
You see how your Leftist brain is all mixed up?
Only you said open borders.

I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship.

Building walls is not an immigration policy
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The knowledge base for specialties is much higher than it used to be.
It doesn't mean they know squat about how an economy runs or an infrastructure is maintained.
Trump hasn't lost any votes and all you do all day like a typical emotional Liberal is try to hypnotize yourself.
Your lack of a detailed response belies you denial of reality.
Nah. Just no point. You’ve knelt at the alter of Trump so pointing out the obvious like, Trump has lost quite a bit of support and the economy was humming pre-Trump is wasted. Charts, facts and figures are meaningless to you. You only believe the religion of Trump. Once you birds lost your ability (or desire) to discern facts fiction truth or lies it became just an insult stand up routine. It’s tiring like watching a drug addict that just self destructs no matter who is there to help. #sad.
I knelt at the altar of being pro-US citizen; I know that bothers Open Borders LWers and RWers.
No one is voting for a Biden economy which will last far beyond a COVID vaccination.
In the meanwhile, Blue cities run by Blue Mayors have record numbers of dead and not one Democratic member of Congress called for closing the borders even though they knew about COVID back in November 2019.
You may now continue to lie to yourself how everything bad is a result of Trump's policies.
You are conflating things. Biden is not for open borders. Neither was Clintons platform. The biggest difference is two things. Dems want to secure the border without a sea to shining sea wall and second they want to process refugees for legitimate asylum requests not just shoot them without asking questions.

Now you can’t link a single criticism about the faux travel ban which wasn’t a travel ban. If you could you wouldn’t be relying on Biden’s general comment on Xenophobia. You want a specific travel ban with democratic opposition look up the 10,000 specific comments on the Muslim ban. Specific, direct and pointed. You can’t on the faux China ban cuz you bought into the right wing “cover our ass” lie.

Honestly if you start processing information instead of hanging on to soundbites of us against them right wing media you’d be better off.
Both parties are for Open Borders simply by dint of the fact that they are all talk and zero action.
If your spouse said he/she was making dinner and never did so, would you fool yourself in to believing he/she wants to so do but someone else's spouse keeps getting in the way?

Hillary wanted Training Programs without enforcement of business hiring them.
This was done in 2006 by GW and no business wanted to hire "expensive" US citizens.

Thanks for admitting you don't follow the news unless it's anti-Trump.
Both parties knew what was going on and when Trump wanted a ban, you're psychotic LW congress critters called his a racist.
In fact, a shitload of LWers here posted that Trump was a racist.
Biden has hammered the Trump administration for failing to coordinate a unified national pandemic response, and one of his first appointments would be a single official charged with addressing persistent shortages in testing supplies and personal protective equipment. Biden wants the federal government to hire 100,000 people to conduct contact tracing

Biden is too late for the party and we're throwing him out in November. How many people have paid out of pocket for COVID tests? Biden makes a non-issue an issue, because he knows his base are non-thinking emotionally driven snowflakes. Take note, the USA has conducted 120 million tests on a population of 328 million.

Do you like the part they're pretending to be FDR wanna-be's without doing anything while Trump DEMONSTRATES his already there and above? Biden wouldn't know a policy unless it belonged to someone else, his a politician only, and really, he's not running for POTUS, Bid N Harris is.
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1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

President Trump's Tremendous accomplishment of achieving energy self-sufficiency is what will allow America not to send soldiers to distant battles for our nation's security.

Unless, and until there are better and less expensive ways to create the tremendous amounts of energy we need, limiting oil exploration including fracking in any way makes that goal impossible.

Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
How will you accomplish that if you believe in Open Borders and that US college students are stupid?
You see how your Leftist brain is all mixed up?
Only you said open borders.

I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship.

Building walls is not an immigration policy
So you are of the opinion that until every American is employed, trespassers are sent back home?
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
How will you accomplish that if you believe in Open Borders and that US college students are stupid?
You see how your Leftist brain is all mixed up?
Only you said open borders.

I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship.

Building walls is not an immigration policy

Refusing to send people back to their home countries is an "open border" policy. Giving Illegals discounted tuition at state university is an open border policy. Its unfair to those who play by the rules and wait their turn to come to America.
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

President Trump's Tremendous accomplishment of achieving energy self-sufficiency is what will allow America not to send soldiers to distant battles for our nation's security.

Unless, and until there are better and less expensive ways to create the tremendous amounts of energy we need, limiting oil exploration including fracking in any way makes that goal impossible.

Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer
Are you an idiot?
Is anybody telling Tesla not to experiment with alternative energy?
The market is doing quite an amazing job.
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
How will you accomplish that if you believe in Open Borders and that US college students are stupid?
You see how your Leftist brain is all mixed up?
Only you said open borders.

I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship.

Building walls is not an immigration policy

Refusing to send people back to their home countries is an "open border" policy. Giving Illegals discounted tuition at state university is an open border policy. Its unfair to those who play by the rules and wait their turn to come to America.
You know RWer will change the nomenclature to say the same bullshit.
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

President Trump's Tremendous accomplishment of achieving energy self-sufficiency is what will allow America not to send soldiers to distant battles for our nation's security.

Unless, and until there are better and less expensive ways to create the tremendous amounts of energy we need, limiting oil exploration including fracking in any way makes that goal impossible.

Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer

Subsidies aren't "investment".
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
How will you accomplish that if you believe in Open Borders and that US college students are stupid?
You see how your Leftist brain is all mixed up?
Only you said open borders.

I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship.

Building walls is not an immigration policy

Building walls keep millions of illegals in their own countries where they don't cost us billions each year. And it is indeed immigrations policy.

If they want to become citizens then they can follow the law like thousands of others have.
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Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

It's all Biden can do to plan getting the hell out of bed in the morning. In the very near future even that capability will escape him and that is the democratic plan and what their intentions are. They every intent is to put that despicable whore in the whitehouse and everyone but an outright fool knows it going in. But fear not because it's not going to happen because the American people as a whole are not the drooling idiots that the democratic party membership is.
The economy
Biden proposes a level of public investment in American business not seen since World War II. He wants the federal government to spend $400 billion over four years purchasing U.S.-based goods and services and $300 billion in research and development for clean-energy initiatives. Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union
IOW, he desperately wants to make TRUMP! look like a fiscal conservative.

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