What a Biden Presidency would look like

Building walls keep millions of illegals in their own countries where they don't cost us billions each year. And it is indeed immigrations policy.

Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

They do not answer what you do with people who grew up in this country and know nothing of where they came from
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

President Trump's Tremendous accomplishment of achieving energy self-sufficiency is what will allow America not to send soldiers to distant battles for our nation's security.

Unless, and until there are better and less expensive ways to create the tremendous amounts of energy we need, limiting oil exploration including fracking in any way makes that goal impossible.

Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer
Are you an idiot?
Is anybody telling Tesla not to experiment with alternative energy?
The market is doing quite an amazing job.

Electric vehicles rely on a charging infrastructure

The US invested heavily in infrastructure to support internal combustion. It would not have survived without it.
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

President Trump's Tremendous accomplishment of achieving energy self-sufficiency is what will allow America not to send soldiers to distant battles for our nation's security.

Unless, and until there are better and less expensive ways to create the tremendous amounts of energy we need, limiting oil exploration including fracking in any way makes that goal impossible.

Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer
Are you an idiot?
Is anybody telling Tesla not to experiment with alternative energy?
The market is doing quite an amazing job.

Electric vehicles rely on a charging infrastructure

The US invested heavily in infrastructure to support internal combustion. It would not have survived without it.
An entity, in this case a nation, has to invest in what is feasible at any given time, to sustain it's population.
I, for instance, have solar panels.
The majority of devices in our homes are now electrical as opposed to mechanical.
Companies are constantly advancing in order to reduce their expenses and the future looks good.
Government need not take our money from our pockets.
Building walls keep millions of illegals in their own countries where they don't cost us billions each year. And it is indeed immigrations policy.

Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

They do not answer what you do with people who grew up in this country and know nothing of where they came from

If their parents are illegal then they go where their parents go. Simple as that.

Walls keep illegals out and save we tax payers billions each year. Every American wants ALL illegals out of our country.
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
How will you accomplish that if you believe in Open Borders and that US college students are stupid?
You see how your Leftist brain is all mixed up?
Only you said open borders.

I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship.

Building walls is not an immigration policy

So you think anyone who comes here should be given entry and a path to citizenship, but that isn't supporting open borders. Double speak comes naturally to you
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

President Trump's Tremendous accomplishment of achieving energy self-sufficiency is what will allow America not to send soldiers to distant battles for our nation's security.

Unless, and until there are better and less expensive ways to create the tremendous amounts of energy we need, limiting oil exploration including fracking in any way makes that goal impossible.

Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer
Are you an idiot?
Is anybody telling Tesla not to experiment with alternative energy?
The market is doing quite an amazing job.

Electric vehicles rely on a charging infrastructure

The US invested heavily in infrastructure to support internal combustion. It would not have survived without it.

The "infrastructure" that supports internal combustion are gasoline pipelines and stations all financed by outfits like Exxon Mobil, Chevron and Texaco. Not by the federal government. XOM et al pay huge gasoline taxes on their sales.
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

President Trump's Tremendous accomplishment of achieving energy self-sufficiency is what will allow America not to send soldiers to distant battles for our nation's security.

Unless, and until there are better and less expensive ways to create the tremendous amounts of energy we need, limiting oil exploration including fracking in any way makes that goal impossible.

Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer

"Alternative energy" is nowhere near our technical capability. Hence California and brown outs.

There are two things we could do today that would dramatically reduce carbon emissions, nuclear and fracking for natural gas.

Democrats oppose both, proving you don't believe global warming is real or a threat
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
How will you accomplish that if you believe in Open Borders and that US college students are stupid?
You see how your Leftist brain is all mixed up?
Only you said open borders.

I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship.

Building walls is not an immigration policy

Building walls keep millions of illegals in their own countries where they don't cost us billions each year. And it is indeed immigrations policy.

If they want to become citizens then they can follow the law like thousands of others have.

Yep. Without a border, we are not a country.

If we can control immigration, including with a wall, we can maintain a sustainable level of immigration while keeping out criminals, people carrying diseases and people who can't support themselves.

Allowing illegal aliens to self select to come here is our destruction. But for RW, it's about getting as much free government cheese as he can before we go down
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

President Trump's Tremendous accomplishment of achieving energy self-sufficiency is what will allow America not to send soldiers to distant battles for our nation's security.

Unless, and until there are better and less expensive ways to create the tremendous amounts of energy we need, limiting oil exploration including fracking in any way makes that goal impossible.

Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer
Are you an idiot?
Is anybody telling Tesla not to experiment with alternative energy?
The market is doing quite an amazing job.

Electric vehicles rely on a charging infrastructure

The US invested heavily in infrastructure to support internal combustion. It would not have survived without it.

What did government spend on internal combustion engines? WTF are you talking about?
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing

President Trump's Tremendous accomplishment of achieving energy self-sufficiency is what will allow America not to send soldiers to distant battles for our nation's security.

Unless, and until there are better and less expensive ways to create the tremendous amounts of energy we need, limiting oil exploration including fracking in any way makes that goal impossible.

Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer
Are you an idiot?
Is anybody telling Tesla not to experiment with alternative energy?
The market is doing quite an amazing job.

Electric vehicles rely on a charging infrastructure

The US invested heavily in infrastructure to support internal combustion. It would not have survived without it.

What did government spend on internal combustion engines? WTF are you talking about?
I just Googled it and you're right, RWer is one of the biggest bullshit artists on earth.
Keep in mind he worked for the feds testing military equipment so he is in favor of the government taking our money.
  • Thanks
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Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

I fail to see how mandating a $15 min wage, treating capital gains to be subject to ordinary income tax rates -which will also rise- and clean/green initiatives (increased regulation) will help the economy. Collectively, you will see increase in job reduction, few new jobs, and an overall reduced incentive to invest in the American economy.

Show me how and why am wrong? Make it easy, pretend you are a small business owner. Where is your incentive under the Biden Plan? Under the Biden Plan, how and why should millionaires continue to invest in stocks with after tax money at the level they are doing so without the Biden Plan?
Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer

Government has no business in funding alternative energy. It's not what our founders created the federal government for.
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.
Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer

Government has no business in funding alternative energy. It's not what our founders created the federal government for.

It is priming the pump
We do it all the time in medical research, communications, communications and multiple other fields
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

Actually illegal aliens commit a lot of crimes. You're still making up your shit as you go
I fail to see how mandating a $15 min wage, treating capital gains to be subject to ordinary income tax rates -

I find it laughable how you attack an initiative to help our poorest workers while you rigorously defend a hand out to capitalists.
Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer

Government has no business in funding alternative energy. It's not what our founders created the federal government for.

It is priming the pump
We do it all the time in medical research, communications, communications and multiple other fields

And it's all a waste of money.

When the market is there, companies take care of it on their own.

Companies would certainly continue to explore green energy on their own. Government doesn't need to waste endless money on it.

And with or without government money, we are not technilogically advanced enough to replace significant portions of our energy production with green energy.

There are two solutions we could do to day though that would work. Nuclear power and fracking for natural gas. Democrats oppose both because you don't believe global warming is real or an issue. What you support is government control and socialism
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

Actually illegal aliens commit a lot of crimes. You're still making up your shit as you go

Prison is for those who commit crimes, not those struggling to support a family
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

I disagree, I don't think that all of these illegals are "non-violent" at all. President Trump was correct when he observed that Mexico isn't sending us their finest. Libs are lying about that.

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