What a Biden Presidency would look like

Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

I disagree, I don't think that all of these illegals are "non-violent" at all. President Trump was correct when he observed that Mexico isn't sending us their finest. Libs are lying about that.

I have no problem jailing violent criminals regardless of their background.

I do have a problem with lumping in people who perform menial labor, make beds, do laundry, cut grass for substandard wages with violent criminals

And why do we want to pay for the police to arrest the violent illegal aliens, the courts to process illegal aliens and the prisons to house the illegal aliens at all rather than keep them out with a wall?
We make more money off of the taxes illegals pay and the value of their low cost labor than they cost us.

Every demographic has criminals. Even the rich
Invest in local community colleges and encourage students to attend for the first two years.
More remote and on-line classes
Less expensive books

How about eliminating requirements of classes not associated with the major you chose?

Simple minded.
Colleges offer an opportunity to expand your horizons.
No problem with paying tuition for students who can afford it.

I do have a problem with tuition that forces students to assume massive debt.
I also have a problem with historically low minimum wages that do not come close to paying for college.

So who says you have to go to college right from high school. If you can, live at home with your parents. Get a full-time job and save every dime you can. When you turn 21 or 22, pay for your college and still work part-time on weekends and during the summer to continue that education until you graduate. If you run out of money before then, you can take a much smaller, easier to pay student loan.

Checking out of the game and then coming back years later has not been very successful historically.
Never said that

I did say an overwhelming majority of College graduates do not support Republicans.

And they won't until they work for a few years, pay taxes and realize what they're going for, and shed the years of liberal indoctrination from public school and college. Then they vote Republican.
Checking out of the game and then coming back years later has not been very successful historically.

That's your opinion and not fact. Nothing wrong with graduating college a few years later with little or no debt. Many kids go to college without knowing what they are going for. They have no interest in any fields of work and basically take the easiest major that will land them a job of little pay or no openings. Either that or they close their eyes, take their finger and put it down on a paper with a list of options, and choose that for their major.

Working at a place or two, learning about industries, and maturing before going to college is probably the most successful way to do it. After all, you don't marry a woman without knowing anything about her. you don't buy a new car until you test drive it. Why not go to college later with money in your pocket and experience in work before you go?
That is a great point. The same people pushing the artificial minimum wage mandates are the same people lax on immigration law enforcement which results in wages being unlawfully undercut. How much sense does that make???

About as much sense as supporting a party that does this when you're a minority Democrats claim to be supporting themselves.
RW: "I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship."

And when you support that THEY chose who gets to come here, not us, that is an open border policy.

Stop being a dumb ass. As if you are capable of not being a dumb ass ...

These people who cry about a pathway to citizenship are rewarding law breakers. The US allows nearly a million people every single year to become citizens of this great country we created and maintained. This is on top of the million green cards and Visa's we extend to foreigners to take advantage of our great opportunities and wealth.

No other first world country in the world does this for outsiders. And let's not forget all the foreign aid we taxpayers pay for and private charities we have to send money to these poorer countries.
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I have no problem jailing violent criminals regardless of their background.

I do have a problem with lumping in people who perform menial labor, make beds, do laundry, cut grass for substandard wages with violent criminals

Then the solution to that problem is don't come here illegally. If you are here illegally, then the solution to that problem is leaving and going back to your country where you belong.
It is priming the pump
We do it all the time in medical research, communications, communications and multiple other fields

Using federal tax dollars to "prime the pump" is fine when everybody benefits. When you "prime the pump" to make a small portion of our society happy, that's against what our founders created.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

You won't have to because they'll pack up their bags and go back where they came from. That's the idea of a deterrent in the first place; to deter bad activity.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

You won't have to because they'll pack up their bags and go back where they came from. That's the idea of a deterrent in the first place; to deter bad activity.

Make being here illegally a felony and you can bet a lot will stay in their own countries.
Never said that

I did say an overwhelming majority of College graduates do not support Republicans.

And they won't until they work for a few years, pay taxes and realize what they're going for, and shed the years of liberal indoctrination from public school and college. Then they vote Republican.
I was Republican, worked for a dozen years and then realized what assholes they were
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

You won't have to because they'll pack up their bags and go back where they came from. That's the idea of a deterrent in the first place; to deter bad activity.

Make being here illegally a felony and you can bet a lot will stay in their own countries.

Declare employing them a felony
It is priming the pump
We do it all the time in medical research, communications, communications and multiple other fields

Using federal tax dollars to "prime the pump" is fine when everybody benefits. When you "prime the pump" to make a small portion of our society happy, that's against what our founders created.

There is no law that can be passed that treats everyone equally.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

You won't have to because they'll pack up their bags and go back where they came from. That's the idea of a deterrent in the first place; to deter bad activity.

Make being here illegally a felony and you can bet a lot will stay in their own countries.

Declare employing them a felony

That would cause widespread discrimination against "foreign looking" job applicants, people unwilling to take a chance of committing a felony

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