What a Biden Presidency would look like

I fail to see how mandating a $15 min wage, treating capital gains to be subject to ordinary income tax rates -

I find it laughable how you attack an initiative to help our poorest workers while you rigorously defend a hand out to capitalists.

How does getting low end workers fired help them again?

How does robbing capitalists make others richer again?

You're just a Marxist dogmatic
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

Actually illegal aliens commit a lot of crimes. You're still making up your shit as you go

Prison is for those who commit crimes, not those struggling to support a family

I notice how you didn't say that about Roger Stone and Gen. Flynn who the libs wanted to send to prison for life.
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

Actually illegal aliens commit a lot of crimes. You're still making up your shit as you go

Prison is for those who commit crimes, not those struggling to support a family

Which is why we want the wall you stupid fuck. To keep them out.

How stupid are you?

You just said you're not for open borders. But you turn around and admit then they will be here and you oppose prison too to send a message to the rest.

You obviously are FOR open borders, fucking liar
Trumps energy policy is built on short term profit with long term consequences

He has blocked investment in alternative energy, ended federal support of solar energy and clams......Windmills cause cancer

Government has no business in funding alternative energy. It's not what our founders created the federal government for.

I agree. Just like Health care. Govt. shouldn't have its hands in HC that's not in the constitution either. Obama tried that that and it cost we tax payers billions.

Solyndra anyone. No. Government has no business funding alternative energy. That's the job of the private sector.
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

I disagree, I don't think that all of these illegals are "non-violent" at all. President Trump was correct when he observed that Mexico isn't sending us their finest. Libs are lying about that.

I have no problem jailing violent criminals regardless of their background.

I do have a problem with lumping in people who perform menial labor, make beds, do laundry, cut grass for substandard wages with violent criminals
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

I disagree, I don't think that all of these illegals are "non-violent" at all. President Trump was correct when he observed that Mexico isn't sending us their finest. Libs are lying about that.

I have no problem jailing violent criminals regardless of their background.

I do have a problem with lumping in people who perform menial labor, make beds, do laundry, cut grass for substandard wages with violent criminals

And why do we want to pay for the police to arrest the violent illegal aliens, the courts to process illegal aliens and the prisons to house the illegal aliens at all rather than keep them out with a wall?
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

Actually illegal aliens commit a lot of crimes. You're still making up your shit as you go

Prison is for those who commit crimes, not those struggling to support a family

Which is why we want the wall you stupid fuck. To keep them out.

How stupid are you?

You just said you're not for open borders. But you turn around and admit then they will be here and you oppose prison too to send a message to the rest.

You obviously are FOR open borders, fucking liar

I agree and RWer obviously sees no problem with we tax payers shelling out billions each year for these illegals.

The wall will keep them in their own countries and yes, RWer likes an open border. No wall. Open border.
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

I disagree, I don't think that all of these illegals are "non-violent" at all. President Trump was correct when he observed that Mexico isn't sending us their finest. Libs are lying about that.

I have no problem jailing violent criminals regardless of their background.

I do have a problem with lumping in people who perform menial labor, make beds, do laundry, cut grass for substandard wages with violent criminals

I'm all in favor of immigration, LEGAL immigration. If someone is one of Mexico's best and they get in line, I have absolutely no problem with them coming to America.

The problem is when they just come here in violation of law.
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

Actually illegal aliens commit a lot of crimes. You're still making up your shit as you go

Prison is for those who commit crimes, not those struggling to support a family

Honest people just trying to support their families don't go out and commit crimes to do it, violent or not
Evidently not

Walls do not answer the question of what to do with millions of people who are here now

Create a law that anybody caught here illegally will be charged with a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. They'll self-deport themselves.
No thank you.

Our prisons are overstocked with 2.5 million prisoners already.
I don’t want to pay to house a non-violent offender who is trying to feed his family for five years.

I disagree, I don't think that all of these illegals are "non-violent" at all. President Trump was correct when he observed that Mexico isn't sending us their finest. Libs are lying about that.

I have no problem jailing violent criminals regardless of their background.

I do have a problem with lumping in people who perform menial labor, make beds, do laundry, cut grass for substandard wages with violent criminals

I'm all in favor of immigration, LEGAL immigration. If someone is one of Mexico's best and they get in line, I have absolutely no problem with them coming to America.

The problem is when they just come here in violation of law.

Yep. We should decide who to ask in. They have no legitimate right to self select to come here and make their families our problem
1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
How will you accomplish that if you believe in Open Borders and that US college students are stupid?
You see how your Leftist brain is all mixed up?
Only you said open borders.

I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship.

Building walls is not an immigration policy
RW: "I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship."

And when you support that THEY chose who gets to come here, not us, that is an open border policy.

Stop being a dumb ass. As if you are capable of not being a dumb ass ...
2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

If you stop us from being the world police, that doesn't mean the position closed, it means somebody else will take our place instead. Think of who would be powerful enough to take that job.
I fail to see how mandating a $15 min wage, treating capital gains to be subject to ordinary income tax rates -

I find it laughable how you attack an initiative to help our poorest workers while you rigorously defend a hand out to capitalists.
And you believe our poorest US citizens are better off having trespassers take away their jobs?
You are an idiot.
2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

If you stop us from being the world police, that doesn't mean the position closed, it means somebody else will take our place instead. Think of who would be powerful enough to take that job.

Not to mention even more basic that RW is lying about that. Obama and Clinton, the last two Democrats, were EXTREME policemen to the world
I fail to see how mandating a $15 min wage, treating capital gains to be subject to ordinary income tax rates -

I find it laughable how you attack an initiative to help our poorest workers while you rigorously defend a hand out to capitalists.

Check your class warfare at the door and put on your thinking cap for a moment. I find that wages rise when unemployment is low and workers have the leverage as multiple firms compete for their services. Private firms will deliver a "living wage" or their product or service will suffer. When there are fewer jobs and high unemployment, what happens? Private firms now have the leverage to pay the worker as minimum as possible. If the worker does not like it, they are told, "Step aside, there are many people lined up to take your job." I don't find that laughable at all in fact I consider it a travesty. Our poorest workers benefit more when the market is in their favor; not because of an artificial wage inflation which hurts them and those looking for work much more.

1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

1) We will look at other power solutions than internal combustion. We will sever our dependence on fossil fuels and international oil cartels

2) We will stop being the worlds policeman sacrificing our soldiers in distant battles that have more interest in defending corporate interests than our nations security.

3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
3) Our nations wealth will not be measured on how well our 1 percent is doing but how well our American families are doing
How will you accomplish that if you believe in Open Borders and that US college students are stupid?
You see how your Leftist brain is all mixed up?
Only you said open borders.

I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship.

Building walls is not an immigration policy
RW: "I support a unified immigration policy with documentation and a path to citizenship."

And when you support that THEY chose who gets to come here, not us, that is an open border policy.

Stop being a dumb ass. As if you are capable of not being a dumb ass ...

There should be a formal immigration test, where people who want to come to this country have to pass.

The idea is that Mexico says that they send us their very best, but do they really? Right now it just sounds like a tale.
  • Thanks
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I fail to see how mandating a $15 min wage, treating capital gains to be subject to ordinary income tax rates -

I find it laughable how you attack an initiative to help our poorest workers while you rigorously defend a hand out to capitalists.
And you believe our poorest US citizens are better off having trespassers take away their jobs?
You are an idiot.

That is a great point. The same people pushing the artificial minimum wage mandates are the same people lax on immigration law enforcement which results in wages being unlawfully undercut. How much sense does that make???
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

The Trump Administration is the first administration in decades that has not started a new war, and has scaled back aggression and deployments of troops across the world.

The second Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will launch another war. He will be a tyrant and a puppet until he is forced to step down and an even more tyrannical and Evil Harris is installed.


Tyranny, Famine, War and Pestilence will be the Hallmarks of a Biden administration.


Joe has sold out America and gotten rich off of it his whole life. If he is elected, he will sell America out to the 666 New World Order and bow down to it's coming leader, The AntiChrist.

He will kneel before AntiChrist and The New World Order and so will Harris like they knelt before the Satanic Marxist Cult of BLM.

He will get rid of the dollar just like Clinton promised she would....remember her "Amero"?

Borders will be dissolved, and Joe will implement the UN's Sustainable Development Plan from which 100% of The DemNazi political platform is derived from.

Cashless Society, and Chip Implantation will be part of The Harris-Biden Administration.

No problem with paying tuition for students who can afford it.

I do have a problem with tuition that forces students to assume massive debt.
I also have a problem with historically low minimum wages that do not come close to paying for college.

So who says you have to go to college right from high school. If you can, live at home with your parents. Get a full-time job and save every dime you can. When you turn 21 or 22, pay for your college and still work part-time on weekends and during the summer to continue that education until you graduate. If you run out of money before then, you can take a much smaller, easier to pay student loan.

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