What a Biden Presidency would look like

Speaking of what a Biden presidency would look like...who thinks Hillary is blackmailing Biden for a cabinet position like she did with Obama?
To be fair the lockdowns and restrictions on businesses and life across the country and throughout the world would have severely impacted the unemployment rate and the GDP for any president who happened to be in office at this time in our history in my opinion. I don't put a lot of blame on him personally for the current unemployment rate or pain in our economy. Countries across the world have had their unemployments rates double from pre-covid numbers due to the impacts.

They don't believe it either. However their transparent strategy is to try and convince you that only the US is suffering because of Trump.

Liberals believe people are dumb. The problem is, only liberals are dumb, not the Republicans and not the Independents. Their motto is, lie enough times, and a lie becomes the truth. To them it actually does, but not to other people.
COVID calls the shots not a President only concerned with getting re-elected

Based on our population, we should have had 50,000 deaths instead of the 210,000 under Trumps inept leadership

The economy is a direct result of the degree of COVID infections. Lower infections, more business opens. High infections result in shutdowns

Trump owns the economy
<sob> But....But.....What about ABORTION???

As long as you defend abortion, or any “right” thereto, you forfeit any credibility in claiming to have any concern about any human life.

If you won't stand up for the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, who are murdered in far greater numbers than all other human beings of all other categories combined; then what credibility do you think you can possibly have in expressing any concern about the lives of any of those other human beings?

The only rational answer to that question would be, “none at all”.
<sob>. Why talk about a presidential election when we can be talking about.......ABORTION?
Based on our population, we should have had 50,000 deaths instead of the 210,000 under Trumps inept leadership

Take into account, the CDC's recent admission that only about 4% of claimed #CoronaHoax2020 deaths were actually caused by the #CoronaHoax virus, and that 210,000 becomes 8,400, way below what you think should be expected from the size of our population.

If Trump is responsible for the discrepancy between the 50,000 deaths that you claim we ought to have had, by population, and the amount we've actually had, from the #CoronaHoax2020 virus, then it appears that you need to give him credit for saving more that 41,000 lives.
Based on our population, we should have had 50,000 deaths instead of the 210,000 under Trumps inept leadership

The economy is a direct result of the degree of COVID infections. Lower infections, more business opens. High infections result in shutdowns

Trump owns the economy

Right. If it makes you feel better, I wrote to Trump this time last year and told him not to start a worldwide pandemic, but I guess he didn't want to listen to me.

Typical leftist with selective memory. Our earlier estimates were over 2 million deaths. Are you going to give Trump credit for saving over 1.7 million lives? Are you going to give him credit for us never running out of hospital beds? Are you going to give him credit for having enough ventilators to meet the need in this time of crisis?

Given you're a leftist, you have no idea how stupid you sound to everybody else in your failed attempt to blame Trump for Covid. Let me give you an example: Is DumBama responsible for the over 200,000 deaths from influenza during his two terms? If not, why not? See how stupid that sounds? This is what you sound like to normal people. Ears had not more control over the flu than Trump did with Covid. A President cannot stop people from their behaviors therefore a President cannot stop a virus.

This is not to mention the fact that our numbers are bogus. My cousins stopped down for a visit yesterday. Their father died last month from colon cancer, and one of them showed me a picture of his fathers death certificate. Cause of death was not colon cancer. It was not the fact he was 94 years old. Cause of death was Covid. This has been happening all around the country since the start of this thing.

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