What a Biden Presidency would look like

Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The college graduates I worked with got a bad deal from our society.

Saddled with heavy debt and offered jobs at low relative pay and few benefits. That is why they have to live with mom and dad when they graduate.

When I graduated, I had no student debt and got a job where I could support myself and buy a brand new car in a year. I was able to buy a house within five years.

So what's your idea to reduce the costs in colleges? Reducing the pay of professors? Eliminating administrative jobs? Getting rid of non-revenue producing sports?
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The college graduates I worked with got a bad deal from our society.

Saddled with heavy debt and offered jobs at low relative pay and few benefits. That is why they have to live with mom and dad when they graduate.

When I graduated, I had no student debt and got a job where I could support myself and buy a brand new car in a year. I was able to buy a house within five years.

So what's your idea to reduce the costs in colleges? Reducing the pay of professors? Eliminating administrative jobs? Getting rid of non-revenue producing sports?
Invest in local community colleges and encourage students to attend for the first two years.
More remote and on-line classes
Less expensive books
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The college graduates I worked with got a bad deal from our society.

Saddled with heavy debt and offered jobs at low relative pay and few benefits. That is why they have to live with mom and dad when they graduate.

When I graduated, I had no student debt and got a job where I could support myself and buy a brand new car in a year. I was able to buy a house within five years.

So what's your idea to reduce the costs in colleges? Reducing the pay of professors? Eliminating administrative jobs? Getting rid of non-revenue producing sports?
The same colleges that are charging an arm and a leg are also teaching their students that Asians are smarter and will get all the jobs.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The college graduates I worked with got a bad deal from our society.

Saddled with heavy debt and offered jobs at low relative pay and few benefits. That is why they have to live with mom and dad when they graduate.

When I graduated, I had no student debt and got a job where I could support myself and buy a brand new car in a year. I was able to buy a house within five years.

So what's your idea to reduce the costs in colleges? Reducing the pay of professors? Eliminating administrative jobs? Getting rid of non-revenue producing sports?
Invest in local community colleges and encourage students to attend for the first two years.
More remote and on-line classes
Less expensive books
What's your opinion of allowing a flood of Asian students to take away the seats of US students?
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The college graduates I worked with got a bad deal from our society.

Saddled with heavy debt and offered jobs at low relative pay and few benefits. That is why they have to live with mom and dad when they graduate.

When I graduated, I had no student debt and got a job where I could support myself and buy a brand new car in a year. I was able to buy a house within five years.

So what's your idea to reduce the costs in colleges? Reducing the pay of professors? Eliminating administrative jobs? Getting rid of non-revenue producing sports?
Invest in local community colleges and encourage students to attend for the first two years.
More remote and on-line classes
Less expensive books

"Investing" means more spending in lib speak, we need LESS costs for the taxpayers in academia.

As far as community colleges, it was the Left who panned that program when Sarah Palin was attacked as "stupid" as a community college alumni.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The college graduates I worked with got a bad deal from our society.

Saddled with heavy debt and offered jobs at low relative pay and few benefits. That is why they have to live with mom and dad when they graduate.

When I graduated, I had no student debt and got a job where I could support myself and buy a brand new car in a year. I was able to buy a house within five years.

So what's your idea to reduce the costs in colleges? Reducing the pay of professors? Eliminating administrative jobs? Getting rid of non-revenue producing sports?
Invest in local community colleges and encourage students to attend for the first two years.
More remote and on-line classes
Less expensive books
What's your opinion of allowing a flood of Asian students to take away the seats of US students?
There were a lot of foreign students when I went to college 40 years ago.
I‘m not sure they are taking seats from US students but in many fields......US students just suck
"Investing" means more spending in lib speak, we need LESS costs for the taxpayers in academia.

Investing in an educated workforce yields dividends for a nation. That includes better Community Colleges and Trade Schools.
I would like to see more Apprentice programs in both trade and technical areas
"Investing" means more spending in lib speak, we need LESS costs for the taxpayers in academia.

Investing in an educated workforce yields dividends for a nation. That includes better Community Colleges and Trade Schools.
I would like to see more Apprentice programs in both trade and technical areas

What's wrong with letting people pay tuition to defer the costs? They are the ones who are really benefiting.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The college graduates I worked with got a bad deal from our society.

Saddled with heavy debt and offered jobs at low relative pay and few benefits. That is why they have to live with mom and dad when they graduate.

When I graduated, I had no student debt and got a job where I could support myself and buy a brand new car in a year. I was able to buy a house within five years.

So what's your idea to reduce the costs in colleges? Reducing the pay of professors? Eliminating administrative jobs? Getting rid of non-revenue producing sports?
Invest in local community colleges and encourage students to attend for the first two years.
More remote and on-line classes
Less expensive books
What's your opinion of allowing a flood of Asian students to take away the seats of US students?
There were a lot of foreign students when I went to college 40 years ago.
I‘m not sure they are taking seats from US students but in many fields......US students just suck
US students just suck
Which is the exact opposite of what you posted before when you cried they couldn't get jobs.
Now elaborate, based on experience with both US and Foreign students, why you believe US students suck.
"Investing" means more spending in lib speak, we need LESS costs for the taxpayers in academia.

Investing in an educated workforce yields dividends for a nation. That includes better Community Colleges and Trade Schools.
I would like to see more Apprentice programs in both trade and technical areas
There are plenty of trade jobs...taken by trespassers.
And you love trespassers.

There are plenty of technical jobs...taken by Business Visas.
And you love Business Visas

Basically, you're using your emotions and not using your brain
You obviously think anyone with a trade is gullible and uneducated. You've made that statement many times on this thread. You obviously think all college educated are brilliant.

More nonsense. My youngest son didn’t go to college, went to trade school and became a Welder

However, he did not drop out of High School

Oh so you think all Trump supporters dropped out of high school?? Typical.
"Investing" means more spending in lib speak, we need LESS costs for the taxpayers in academia.

Investing in an educated workforce yields dividends for a nation. That includes better Community Colleges and Trade Schools.
I would like to see more Apprentice programs in both trade and technical areas

What's wrong with letting people pay tuition to defer the costs? They are the ones who are really benefiting.

No problem with paying tuition for students who can afford it.

I do have a problem with tuition that forces students to assume massive debt.
I also have a problem with historically low minimum wages that do not come close to paying for college.
I also have a problem with employers who reap the benefit from an educated workforce but contribute little.
"Investing" means more spending in lib speak, we need LESS costs for the taxpayers in academia.

Investing in an educated workforce yields dividends for a nation. That includes better Community Colleges and Trade Schools.
I would like to see more Apprentice programs in both trade and technical areas
You do realize how when it to cultivating a nation of cheap labor, how much you Liberals (LWers) have in common with Neo-Conservatives (RWers).
You both have exactly the same point of view.
in Ivory Coast's election, three of the leading contenders are 86, 78 and 75. The median age in Ivory Coast is 19.⁠

Biden and Trump are of similar old age. so the US is now like a 3rd world African nation

that's what America looks like
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

"What a Biden Presidency would look like" ?
Like this unqualified, smug, obnoxious, arrogant, condescending Cee yoU Next Tuesday Beotch, that's what. If elected, Biden won't be President long enough to qualify for the pension let alone perform any official duty.
Madam President.jpg
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

Yes, under a Biden Presidency:

1) Cars would be fueled by the gentle stroke of a butterfly's wings

2) Wars would end as love spreads across the earth like a soft breeze across a wheat field on a warm, sunny afternoon

3) Money cease to exist as we all coexist in a brotherhood of man where we are all serve each other

Can I put my order in now for a pet unicorn?
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The knowledge base for specialties is much higher than it used to be.
It doesn't mean they know squat about how an economy runs or an infrastructure is maintained.
Trump hasn't lost any votes and all you do all day like a typical emotional Liberal is try to hypnotize yourself.
Your lack of a detailed response belies you denial of reality.
Nah. Just no point. You’ve knelt at the alter of Trump so pointing out the obvious like, Trump has lost quite a bit of support and the economy was humming pre-Trump is wasted. Charts, facts and figures are meaningless to you. You only believe the religion of Trump. Once you birds lost your ability (or desire) to discern facts fiction truth or lies it became just an insult stand up routine. It’s tiring like watching a drug addict that just self destructs no matter who is there to help. #sad.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The knowledge base for specialties is much higher than it used to be.
It doesn't mean they know squat about how an economy runs or an infrastructure is maintained.
Trump hasn't lost any votes and all you do all day like a typical emotional Liberal is try to hypnotize yourself.
Your lack of a detailed response belies you denial of reality.
Nah. Just no point. You’ve knelt at the alter of Trump so pointing out the obvious like, Trump has lost quite a bit of support and the economy was humming pre-Trump is wasted. Charts, facts and figures are meaningless to you. You only believe the religion of Trump. Once you birds lost your ability (or desire) to discern facts fiction truth or lies it became just an insult stand up routine. It’s tiring like watching a drug addict that just self destructs no matter who is there to help. #sad.
I knelt at the altar of being pro-US citizen; I know that bothers Open Borders LWers and RWers.
No one is voting for a Biden economy which will last far beyond a COVID vaccination.
In the meanwhile, Blue cities run by Blue Mayors have record numbers of dead and not one Democratic member of Congress called for closing the borders even though they knew about COVID back in November 2019.
You may now continue to lie to yourself how everything bad is a result of Trump's policies.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The knowledge base for specialties is much higher than it used to be.
It doesn't mean they know squat about how an economy runs or an infrastructure is maintained.
Trump hasn't lost any votes and all you do all day like a typical emotional Liberal is try to hypnotize yourself.
Your lack of a detailed response belies you denial of reality.
Nah. Just no point. You’ve knelt at the alter of Trump so pointing out the obvious like, Trump has lost quite a bit of support and the economy was humming pre-Trump is wasted. Charts, facts and figures are meaningless to you. You only believe the religion of Trump. Once you birds lost your ability (or desire) to discern facts fiction truth or lies it became just an insult stand up routine. It’s tiring like watching a drug addict that just self destructs no matter who is there to help. #sad.

Just blather and rhetoric, it's all you have

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