What a Biden Presidency would look like

Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Nazi. Guess you have nothing better to do.

. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.
Last edited:
Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew and know cutting taxes brings far more money into the Fed coffers than raising taxes ever did.

A conservative myth

At best, you see a short term bump that quickly disappears. The tax cut is forever

What do corporations do with the extra money?
They keep it

No myth about it. Cutting taxes has always brought more money into the Fed coffers because with more money people spend more. Its great for the economy. Raising taxes means you don't have much money to spend.

Corporations have more money to pour back into their business and they can expand and hire more workers.

Bidens plans will be a train wreck for this country.

That was once a reality. But today, it isn't. Sorry, trickle down economics is busted.
Yes. We need more of Biden's trickle up poverty. That's the ticket.

You're such a perfect little dem union worker. You have no idea that you're pushing a return to monarchy. So sad.




I doubt if our multi- billionaires need to worry about poverty
And we are within 5 years of no longer using fossil fuels to drive those tucks. Let's face it, Electric Heavy Trucks will cost less in almost every category to operate than fossil fueled. The Changes are going to go almost insane in during the next 4 years. It's time has come. So you can fight it and attempt to prevent it but you won't be able to. Well unless you are the President. Even then, Capitalists will still make the change with or without you.

Wherever you read that nonsense about electric trucks, do yourself a favor and never use that source again. You're not going to do it. It's not going to happen in our lifetime. They may get a lightweight truck that never has to combat inclines somewhere out in Arizona, but it's not going to be practical for most places, especially in the mountains.

Several years ago they came out with natural gas trucks. They were great. The problem was where are you supposed to get natural gas at? So drivers gave up on it and went back to plentiful diesel. Same with propane tow motors. Yes, natural gas was cleaner and you filled up the tanks yourself, but in the end costs were higher.

Funny, companies are already very interested. Capitalism drives change. So set back, scream "Heresy" at the top of your lungs and watch the Earth no longer get orbited by the sun.

Companies will only truly be interested if/when green becomes cheaper than fossil fuels. China and other countries will wipe the floor with us if we go green and they don't. Americans have already shown they will buy a cheaper product all day...take a look at Walmart. A "green" product made in the US may cost 3 time as much as the same product in China that uses fossil fuels.

As much as you would like to, you can't push your green agenda on the rest of the world. Some aren't quite as gullible(and stupid) as the American and European left.

Actually, the rest of the Western World is driving us to change. By 2025, Norway will have already made the change. Germany isn't that far behind. Japan is looking real seriously at making the change in order to save their country. Even China is making quite a lot of changes. Right now, Electrics only make up about .6% of all car sales in the world. But by 2040, that is going to be completely different. In 5 years, the Electric Heavies will be hitting the roads. I will still be driving my Electric and my hemi Wagon will still be parked out front. The changes for 2025 are happening right now. And in 2025, things are going to be a little different, okay, not much, but a little. Well at least for people like me. For people like you, it's going to be life threatening. Of course, it already is.

LOL...you have been totally fooled. I should dig up my old National Geographic from 1976 when scientists were very concerned with a cooling trend after a 6 decade warming trend. Follow the money people. Don't be so gullible.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.
Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew and know cutting taxes brings far more money into the Fed coffers than raising taxes ever did.

A conservative myth

At best, you see a short term bump that quickly disappears. The tax cut is forever

What do corporations do with the extra money?
They keep it

No myth about it. Cutting taxes has always brought more money into the Fed coffers because with more money people spend more. Its great for the economy. Raising taxes means you don't have much money to spend.

Corporations have more money to pour back into their business and they can expand and hire more workers.

Bidens plans will be a train wreck for this country.

That was once a reality. But today, it isn't. Sorry, trickle down economics is busted.
Yes. We need more of Biden's trickle up poverty. That's the ticket.

You're such a perfect little dem union worker. You have no idea that you're pushing a return to monarchy. So sad.




I doubt if our multi- billionaires need to worry about poverty

Yeah and they are by and large, Democrats. Go figure. I LOL that you believe they don't want to keep you in serfdom. LOL.
And we are within 5 years of no longer using fossil fuels to drive those tucks. Let's face it, Electric Heavy Trucks will cost less in almost every category to operate than fossil fueled. The Changes are going to go almost insane in during the next 4 years. It's time has come. So you can fight it and attempt to prevent it but you won't be able to. Well unless you are the President. Even then, Capitalists will still make the change with or without you.

Wherever you read that nonsense about electric trucks, do yourself a favor and never use that source again. You're not going to do it. It's not going to happen in our lifetime. They may get a lightweight truck that never has to combat inclines somewhere out in Arizona, but it's not going to be practical for most places, especially in the mountains.

Several years ago they came out with natural gas trucks. They were great. The problem was where are you supposed to get natural gas at? So drivers gave up on it and went back to plentiful diesel. Same with propane tow motors. Yes, natural gas was cleaner and you filled up the tanks yourself, but in the end costs were higher.

Funny, companies are already very interested. Capitalism drives change. So set back, scream "Heresy" at the top of your lungs and watch the Earth no longer get orbited by the sun.

Companies will only truly be interested if/when green becomes cheaper than fossil fuels. China and other countries will wipe the floor with us if we go green and they don't. Americans have already shown they will buy a cheaper product all day...take a look at Walmart. A "green" product made in the US may cost 3 time as much as the same product in China that uses fossil fuels.

As much as you would like to, you can't push your green agenda on the rest of the world. Some aren't quite as gullible(and stupid) as the American and European left.

Actually, the rest of the Western World is driving us to change. By 2025, Norway will have already made the change. Germany isn't that far behind. Japan is looking real seriously at making the change in order to save their country. Even China is making quite a lot of changes. Right now, Electrics only make up about .6% of all car sales in the world. But by 2040, that is going to be completely different. In 5 years, the Electric Heavies will be hitting the roads. I will still be driving my Electric and my hemi Wagon will still be parked out front. The changes for 2025 are happening right now. And in 2025, things are going to be a little different, okay, not much, but a little. Well at least for people like me. For people like you, it's going to be life threatening. Of course, it already is.

LOL...you have been totally fooled. I should dig up my old National Geographic from 1976 when scientists were very concerned with a cooling trend after a 6 decade warming trend. Follow the money people. Don't be so gullible.
Ice Age...
Global Warming...
Climate Change...

I should write a book.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.
And we are within 5 years of no longer using fossil fuels to drive those tucks. Let's face it, Electric Heavy Trucks will cost less in almost every category to operate than fossil fueled. The Changes are going to go almost insane in during the next 4 years. It's time has come. So you can fight it and attempt to prevent it but you won't be able to. Well unless you are the President. Even then, Capitalists will still make the change with or without you.

Wherever you read that nonsense about electric trucks, do yourself a favor and never use that source again. You're not going to do it. It's not going to happen in our lifetime. They may get a lightweight truck that never has to combat inclines somewhere out in Arizona, but it's not going to be practical for most places, especially in the mountains.

Several years ago they came out with natural gas trucks. They were great. The problem was where are you supposed to get natural gas at? So drivers gave up on it and went back to plentiful diesel. Same with propane tow motors. Yes, natural gas was cleaner and you filled up the tanks yourself, but in the end costs were higher.

Funny, companies are already very interested. Capitalism drives change. So set back, scream "Heresy" at the top of your lungs and watch the Earth no longer get orbited by the sun.

Companies will only truly be interested if/when green becomes cheaper than fossil fuels. China and other countries will wipe the floor with us if we go green and they don't. Americans have already shown they will buy a cheaper product all day...take a look at Walmart. A "green" product made in the US may cost 3 time as much as the same product in China that uses fossil fuels.

As much as you would like to, you can't push your green agenda on the rest of the world. Some aren't quite as gullible(and stupid) as the American and European left.

Actually, the rest of the Western World is driving us to change. By 2025, Norway will have already made the change. Germany isn't that far behind. Japan is looking real seriously at making the change in order to save their country. Even China is making quite a lot of changes. Right now, Electrics only make up about .6% of all car sales in the world. But by 2040, that is going to be completely different. In 5 years, the Electric Heavies will be hitting the roads. I will still be driving my Electric and my hemi Wagon will still be parked out front. The changes for 2025 are happening right now. And in 2025, things are going to be a little different, okay, not much, but a little. Well at least for people like me. For people like you, it's going to be life threatening. Of course, it already is.

LOL...you have been totally fooled. I should dig up my old National Geographic from 1976 when scientists were very concerned with a cooling trend after a 6 decade warming trend. Follow the money people. Don't be so gullible.
Ice Age...
Global Warming...
Climate Change...

I should write a book.

Decades from now, anthropogenic global warming will be see as the biggest scam in the history of the world used to control and manipulate people. The ultra-rich get richer and the poor get poorer...exactly as they want. I will not be a lemming. Common sense goes a long way.
Companies will only truly be interested if/when green becomes cheaper than fossil fuels

Hard to do when fossil fuels have such a strong lobby and are heavily subsidized. Fossil Fuel is not so cheap when you look at long term impact.

Oil never would have prospered without heavy Government investment.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
Fossil Fuel is not so cheap when you look at long term impact.

Sorry, I don't buy into anthropogenic global warming theory. Cooling and warming has been going on for thousands of years without our help. We had an Ice Age, we warmed up. Man had nothing to do with it. Our impact is VERY minimal at best and we can't change the cycles if we stop burning fossil fuels or not.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.

Yeah and the most successful working folks keep voting for Republicans and Trump. As salary increases so does the likelihood of a person voting Republican. Sorry, but I would trust the judgement of guy that makes 500k/yr who didn't finish college vs a 40k/yr college educated barista any day of the week.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.

College educated?? Don't make me laugh. Loads of college educated can't find a job cause the degree they have is useless.

Trump gets the working class and they sure aren't uneducated or gullible and I'd say they far outweigh those with a college degree. I'd say your college degree folks are gullible as hell if they vote for train wreck Biden.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
Thanks to my kids, I am well acquainted with college "educated" kids.
Knowing biology or history does not mean one has ever paid a utility bill.
Most of these kids don't even realize they have to pay a water or electric bill or buy the bar of soap they used when they take a shower.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?

Last I checked, there are quite a few college graduates who are older than 22 and are quite accomplished

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