What a Biden Presidency would look like

When asked (Health Care Professional) when can we expect a vaccine to prevent Covid, the response has been a year or two. Not a month or two. Once again, Rump is lying out his ass to try and get reelected.

What are you talking about? There are several vaccines already in the final stages of testing. The deep staters in the FDA decided to add on several more months of additional testing to take it past the election. We've had vaccines for a while, but it's the testing that's holding things up.

And not one is a cure. 6% success rate isn't a cure. And when Rump is an investor in the one he touts as being the miracle cure (with a 6% success rate of "Shortening" the hospital stay) then once again, Donnie is trying to make a buck.

You can't go by what Rump says on anything.
When asked (Health Care Professional) when can we expect a vaccine to prevent Covid, the response has been a year or two. Not a month or two. Once again, Rump is lying out his ass to try and get reelected.

What are you talking about? There are several vaccines already in the final stages of testing. The deep staters in the FDA decided to add on several more months of additional testing to take it past the election. We've had vaccines for a while, but it's the testing that's holding things up.

Imagine actually wanting to test to make sure a vaccine is safe and effective before inflicting it on 300 million people?

Damn Deep State! Don’t they know an election is coming up?
From the start Trump has mislead the public on how long COVID will last and how quickly a vaccine would be available.

From the beginning, Trump has tried to provide hope to the American people. If in February, Trump would have closed down the country and announced it would probably be years before they could come out of their bunkers, it would have been devastating.

What are we? children?

This is a disease that kills people. People needed to be told how serious it was and what actions needed to be taken
Instead, Trump blew sunshine up our ass and told us it was no worse than the flu

The disease also kills minks.

I don't know about chinchillas, or rabbits or anything else. I saw a dead mouse just outside my domicile in my yard, and a dead deer just a few blocks away on a nearby highway. Did they die of coronavirus? Don't know, but they could have.
From the start Trump has mislead the public on how long COVID will last and how quickly a vaccine would be available.

From the beginning, Trump has tried to provide hope to the American people. If in February, Trump would have closed down the country and announced it would probably be years before they could come out of their bunkers, it would have been devastating.

What are we? children?

This is a disease that kills people. People needed to be told how serious it was and what actions needed to be taken
Instead, Trump blew sunshine up our ass and told us it was no worse than the flu

The disease also kills minks.

I don't know about chinchillas, or rabbits or anything else. I saw a dead mouse just outside my domicile in my yard, and a dead deer just a few blocks away on a nearby highway. Did they die of coronavirus? Don't know, but they could have.

Wow, ask your Orange Deity that. I am sure he's a Medical Expert. If you don't believe him, just ask him.
When I read your first sentence and found it was a lie, why bother to read the rest of your BS. Biden doesn't want to stop fossil fuels. What he wants to do is move into the future where it isn't the driving force in transporation. And that day IS coming. We can play these stupid games but in the end, we all move on. Now, if you want to not move on with life, so be it. But stop lying.

Gosh darn it, you caught me.

Because we have four times the infection and death rate that our population would warrant

Trump has taken a “do what you want” attitude.
Let people decide if they want to protect, let states decide on what to do
Meanwhile, he attacks states that require strict compliance and applauds states that loosen rules.

How did he attack them? There is a difference between criticism and attack.
Biden proposes taxing corporations and the wealthy at much higher rates. His plans would raise about $3.8 trillion over the next decade, with 75 percent of that coming from the top 1 percent of households, and more than half of that coming from the top 0.1 percent — Americans making more than $3.2 million a year.

Now that's a joke. Corps and rich people have book keepers and those that handle their money. That money would disappear. LOL

Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew and know cutting taxes brings far more money into the Fed coffers than raising taxes ever did.

You will find that once Biden and his team find out they aren't getting the money they thought they would they will raise taxes on everyone.

As for his green crap? That will bankrupt the country as small business wouldn't be able to afford his green shit. Biden in office will be a train wreck for the country.
Right now, I think packing the Court is just a threat

Oh please. The Democrats will cheat, lie and steal to gain or maintain power. They have a record of it. If it were a threat, both Biden and Harris would answer the question when presented. You know what we get instead? You'll have to wait until we take office to find out. What does that mean? Hell yes we're going to pack the court.
I voted for Biden and so I get to plagiarize.

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again​
The economy
Biden proposes a level of public investment in American business not seen since World War II. He wants the federal government to spend $400 billion over four years purchasing U.S.-based goods and services and $300 billion in research and development for clean-energy initiatives. Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union

Biden is going to double our energy prices or more drastically hurting business.

Biden is going to tax our job creators when we need them the most killing our economy.

Biden is going to increase capital gains with will greatly hurt our stock market.

Biden is going to destroy suburbs by inserting high crime lowlifes into them, costing Americans hundreds of billions of dollars in lost property value.

Biden is once again going to torture businesses and individuals with Commie Care on steroids.

Biden is going to stop wall construction and reverse all the successful Trump polices that greatly reduced our illegal border crossings.

Biden said himself he'd be willing to shutdown the country causing us to lose a lot of businesses and creating huge product shortages including food.

Great post and spot on.

If Biden is elected it will be a train wreck for this country.
When I read your first sentence and found it was a lie, why bother to read the rest of your BS. Biden doesn't want to stop fossil fuels. What he wants to do is move into the future where it isn't the driving force in transporation. And that day IS coming. We can play these stupid games but in the end, we all move on. Now, if you want to not move on with life, so be it. But stop lying.

Gosh darn it, you caught me.

And he is right. WE just don't have the correct time line. Either we end it or it ends us. Can you imagine the person that said that we were going to end Coal Burning? What a charleton that person must have been. Or the Medical Doctor that first said that using leeches to bleed off blood was not a healthy thing to do? it's Heresy, I cried, Heresy. And the Earth is the center of the Universe according to the Catholic Church and everything revolves around the Earth. To say otherwise is Heresy and demands death.

Are you saying that someday, we aren't going to stop using Fossil Fuels to power our cars and trucks? Are you afraid that you may be burned at a stake if you agree to that? BBQ may be the only answer.
Biden is going to destroy suburbs by inserting high crime lowlifes into them, costing Americans hundreds of billions of dollars in lost property value.

Not to mention the human cost of ruining some of the few good communities left in this country.

Correct, but what's a few thousand dead Americans? Nothing to a Democrat. Look at Detroit, Baltimore or many other large ghettos. That's the Democrat vision for all of America.
Because we have four times the infection and death rate that our population would warrant

Trump has taken a “do what you want” attitude.
Let people decide if they want to protect, let states decide on what to do
Meanwhile, he attacks states that require strict compliance and applauds states that loosen rules.

How did he attack them? There is a difference between criticism and attack.

Was threatening schools with a cancelling of Federal funding if they did not open up in September an attack?
Biden is going to destroy suburbs by inserting high crime lowlifes into them, costing Americans hundreds of billions of dollars in lost property value.

Not to mention the human cost of ruining some of the few good communities left in this country.

Correct, but what's a few thousand dead Americans? Nothing to a Democrat. Look at Detroit, Baltimore or many other large ghettos. That's the Democrat vision for all of America.

Or we can create jobs, jobs and more jobs near the population centers. When jobs disappear, crime increases. When jobs get created, crime goes down. It's a pretty simple formulae. Invest in America.
Biden has hammered the Trump administration for failing to coordinate a unified national pandemic response, and one of his first appointments would be a single official charged with addressing persistent shortages in testing supplies and personal protective equipment. Biden wants the federal government to hire 100,000 people to conduct contact tracing

Why? We flattened the curve. This looks like politically motivated panic mongering.
Because we have four times the infection and death rate that our population would warrant

Trump has taken a “do what you want” attitude.
Let people decide if they want to protect, let states decide on what to do
Meanwhile, he attacks states that require strict compliance and applauds states that loosen rules.

Jesus your stupid. Trump nor any President has any say over what a State decides to do or not do.

And you, being the ass you are, think Americans need babysitters to tell them what to do?

Hell I went out and bought a mask and practiced distancing long before the CDC came out with those instructions and you can bet millions of other Americans did the same. We all watched the news and saw what was coming out of China and we sure don't need Govt. to tell us how to proceed.
Because we have four times the infection and death rate that our population would warrant

Trump has taken a “do what you want” attitude.
Let people decide if they want to protect, let states decide on what to do
Meanwhile, he attacks states that require strict compliance and applauds states that loosen rules.

How did he attack them? There is a difference between criticism and attack.

Was threatening schools with a cancelling of Federal funding if they did not open up in September an attack?
Should Joe win, the MSM will suddenly tell us how wonderful he is and how tremendously classy Kamala is, while promoting more war and ever greater income inequality. You’ll love it.
Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew and know cutting taxes brings far more money into the Fed coffers than raising taxes ever did.

A conservative myth

At best, you see a short term bump that quickly disappears. The tax cut is forever

What do corporations do with the extra money?
They keep it

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