What a Biden Presidency would look like

Well another RIOT in ultra liberal Portland, OR. The RIOTERS toppled Lincoln's statue and said, "F all you colonizers, black lives matter" while police did nothing. Liberals please explain how things have gone so wrong in YOUR liberal run cities?
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

Depends on the House and the Senate, and not just their numbers. Who's occupying the seats will matter, too.

And with just one tragic exception, people who occupy the White House always understand and appreciate the gravity of the position.

Obviously Trump hasn't, but I remain confident that he's a sad one-off.
/——/ Main Street USA under a Biden administration.
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Wow, that's horrible! I'm sure you're right! Cuz you speak Da Troof 'n stuff!
Biden has hammered the Trump administration for failing to coordinate a unified national pandemic response, and one of his first appointments would be a single official charged with addressing persistent shortages in testing supplies and personal protective equipment. Biden wants the federal government to hire 100,000 people to conduct contact tracing

Why? We flattened the curve. This looks like politically motivated panic mongering.
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

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Those are the people our President calls losers
He didn't say that and you know it, lying sack of shit.
Trump called our soldiers losers and our Generals War mongers
Link with the exact quote, or shut up. But there is audio of Biden calling them stupid bastards.
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
You think the Democratic Party is ready to mend bridges? Really, Grace? That's amusing! They're the Party who want to pack the Supreme Court if they take power! You think that's something that's going to make the right happy? How delusional are you?

I dont think they will truly make an attempt to pack the Supreme Court in my opinion. I think a lot of what's being said right now is political hyperbole culminating at the near climax of a very anticipated and contentious election. I think that if Trump were to lose then it may take a couple of years but typically once presidents leave office history usually shows that after a few years that presidents most ardent followers and that past president's policies tend to become overshadowed, replaced, or forgotten over time. Trump's strongest supporters may end up backing Trump-like candidates in two years but I have sincere doubts that four years from now you will see a resurgence of a Trump style doctrine again since that doctrine was so iconic to Trump's personality and style.
Right now, I think packing the Court is just a threat

If the 6-3 Court shows constraint and leans right passing moderate decisions, I think Dems will just live with it.

But if the Court becomes a tool of the far right, abolishing Roe v Wade, abolishing Obamacare, restricting gay rights.......I would expect Dems to pack it
The economy
Biden proposes a level of public investment in American business not seen since World War II. He wants the federal government to spend $400 billion over four years purchasing U.S.-based goods and services and $300 billion in research and development for clean-energy initiatives. Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union

Like Solyndra? Maybe Joe will invest in some "shovel ready jobs" like Obama. That all worked out well. :lol:

The Government invests in oil production, makes federal land available, appropriates land for pipelines.

Investing in alternative fuels makes us stronger
Biden has hammered the Trump administration for failing to coordinate a unified national pandemic response, and one of his first appointments would be a single official charged with addressing persistent shortages in testing supplies and personal protective equipment. Biden wants the federal government to hire 100,000 people to conduct contact tracing

Why? We flattened the curve. This looks like politically motivated panic mongering.
Because we have four times the infection and death rate that our population would warrant

Trump has taken a “do what you want” attitude.
Let people decide if they want to protect, let states decide on what to do
Meanwhile, he attacks states that require strict compliance and applauds states that loosen rules.
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying

You don't think so? Let's look at that:

Biden wants to stop fossils fuel. The US is now the leading country of energy exports thanks to fracking. Harris herself stated in an interview during the primaries that if she was nominated and won, she would stop fracking on her first day in office. So what do you suppose our economy would look like if you were paying double or more for your gasoline, natural gas or propane? How about your employer?

Biden stated he will increase taxes on our job producers. Gee, that will encourage hiring and expansion, won't it?

Biden said he supports in increase on capital gains taxes which would be devastating to the stock market where possibly you, and I both have our IRA investments.

Biden said if prompted, he would be willing to shutdown the entire country, adding to the businesses already closed permanently. He also promised a huge national increase in minimum wage, again, shutting down businesses that are struggling already.

Biden's plan is to destroy our suburbs by placing high-crime people on the government dime into our currently safe and secure neighborhoods. This would cause hundreds of billions of dollars in lost property value, thus lowering property tax income to those cities. Who do you think is going to bail them out?

Everything on Biden's agenda is destructive for our country.

When I read your first sentence and found it was a lie, why bother to read the rest of your BS. Biden doesn't want to stop fossil fuels. What he wants to do is move into the future where it isn't the driving force in transporation. And that day IS coming. We can play these stupid games but in the end, we all move on. Now, if you want to not move on with life, so be it. But stop lying.
Biden has hammered the Trump administration for failing to coordinate a unified national pandemic response, and one of his first appointments would be a single official charged with addressing persistent shortages in testing supplies and personal protective equipment. Biden wants the federal government to hire 100,000 people to conduct contact tracing

Why? We flattened the curve. This looks like politically motivated panic mongering.
Because we have four times the infection and death rate that our population would warrant

Trump has taken a “do what you want” attitude.
Let people decide if they want to protect, let states decide on what to do
Meanwhile, he attacks states that require strict compliance and applauds states that loosen rules.

So its your view that Biden should lock down America tight in 2021, on an indefinite basis unless and until a vaccine is found and 100% of the people are protected?

You do know that this could last 40 years or more- that's how long aids has been popular and we still don't have a vaccine or cure for that ailment.
Meanwhile, he attacks states that require strict compliance and applauds states that loosen rules.

States with strict compliance, like New York and New Jersey, have much higher rates of Corona Death than do states with looser compliance like South Dakota and Wyoming.
Biden has hammered the Trump administration for failing to coordinate a unified national pandemic response, and one of his first appointments would be a single official charged with addressing persistent shortages in testing supplies and personal protective equipment. Biden wants the federal government to hire 100,000 people to conduct contact tracing

Why? We flattened the curve. This looks like politically motivated panic mongering.
Because we have four times the infection and death rate that our population would warrant

Trump has taken a “do what you want” attitude.
Let people decide if they want to protect, let states decide on what to do
Meanwhile, he attacks states that require strict compliance and applauds states that loosen rules.

So its your view that Biden should lock down America tight in 2021, on an indefinite basis unless and until a vaccine is found and 100% of the people are protected?

You do know that this could last 40 years or more- that's how long aids has been popular and we still don't have a vaccine or cure for that ailment.

Almost every practicing Health Care Professional has answered the same question with the same answer. "What is more important, a workable vaccine or a mask". Their answer is always a mask along with social distancing and other things until a handle is gotten on Covid.

First of all, that miracle cure that Rump is touting that he took decreases the stay in a hospital on the average of 6%. And the last time anyone got their hands on his taxes, he was an investor in that company. Another case of Rump placing his own interests above America.

When asked (Health Care Professional) when can we expect a vaccine to prevent Covid, the response has been a year or two. Not a month or two. Once again, Rump is lying out his ass to try and get reelected. There comes a time when we should be no longer lied to and we are long past that point. And we need to send the liars, cheats and thieves packing. Notice my tag.
Meanwhile, he attacks states that require strict compliance and applauds states that loosen rules.

States with strict compliance, like New York and New Jersey, have much higher rates of Corona Death than do states with looser compliance like South Dakota and Wyoming.
South Dakota and Wyoming have no population density

Trumps White House Staff has the highest infection rate in the country. What does that tell you about compliance?
When asked (Health Care Professional) when can we expect a vaccine to prevent Covid, the response has been a year or two. Not a month or two. Once again, Rump is lying out his ass to try and get reelected.

From the start Trump has mislead the public on how long COVID will last and how quickly a vaccine would be available.

Initially, COVID would be over by Easter, then the Summer heat would kill it, then Trump urged it would be cured by a miracle.

Initially a vaccine would be available in three months, then the summer and then by the election. When it became obvious there would be no vaccine, Trump started touting miracle cures for COVUD
Meanwhile, he attacks states that require strict compliance and applauds states that loosen rules.

States with strict compliance, like New York and New Jersey, have much higher rates of Corona Death than do states with looser compliance like South Dakota and Wyoming.
South Dakota and Wyoming have no population density

Trumps White House Staff has the highest infection rate in the country. What does that tell you about compliance?

Doesn't say anything, the WH is right in the middle of one of the most Liberal Cities on the Planet. President Trump should have temporarily moved the seat of government to Wyoming until the pandemic was over. Masks are useless according to many experts. You do know animals transmit the virus as well, and minks don't wear masks and neither do dogs, cats, rats or cockroaches.
From the start Trump has mislead the public on how long COVID will last and how quickly a vaccine would be available.

From the beginning, Trump has tried to provide hope to the American people. If in February, Trump would have closed down the country and announced it would probably be years before they could come out of their bunkers, it would have been devastating.
When asked (Health Care Professional) when can we expect a vaccine to prevent Covid, the response has been a year or two. Not a month or two. Once again, Rump is lying out his ass to try and get reelected.

What are you talking about? There are several vaccines already in the final stages of testing. The deep staters in the FDA decided to add on several more months of additional testing to take it past the election. We've had vaccines for a while, but it's the testing that's holding things up.
Meanwhile, he attacks states that require strict compliance and applauds states that loosen rules.

States with strict compliance, like New York and New Jersey, have much higher rates of Corona Death than do states with looser compliance like South Dakota and Wyoming.
South Dakota and Wyoming have no population density

Trumps White House Staff has the highest infection rate in the country. What does that tell you about compliance?

Doesn't say anything, the WH is right in the middle of one of the most Liberal Cities on the Planet. President Trump should have temporarily moved the seat of government to Wyoming until the pandemic was over. Masks are useless according to many experts. You do know animals transmit the virus as well, and minks don't wear masks and neither do dogs, cats, rats or cockroaches.

Yet almost every health care professional touts the wearing of the Masks. I really want to see Rumps Medical degree. Yah, I know, we'll see it right after we see his taxes and he presents a healthcare plan to replace the ACA.
From the start Trump has mislead the public on how long COVID will last and how quickly a vaccine would be available.

From the beginning, Trump has tried to provide hope to the American people. If in February, Trump would have closed down the country and announced it would probably be years before they could come out of their bunkers, it would have been devastating.

What are we? children?

This is a disease that kills people. People needed to be told how serious it was and what actions needed to be taken
Instead, Trump blew sunshine up our ass and told us it was no worse than the flu

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