What a Biden Presidency would look like

Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

You know full well that if Trump tried to enforce buy American, which he, of course, already encourages, you would be screaming that Trump is a racist and a Nazi.
You're such a hypocrite.
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt
Who's it booming for ??? The1% or the millions out of jobs? Not the 10's of 1000's stores going out of business

Which party is it, that is the party of the corrupt Mayors, Governors, and other officials who have deliberately, maliciously sabotaged their own economies, over the #CoronaHoax2020?

It was your side that did this, and it did it knowing and intending full well what it was doing.

not the ones losing their health care because of AH republicans

It is not Republicans who are responsible for the ObamaCare scam, which fucked up the medical industry.

Again, that's on your side.
Yeah Trump isn't responsible for 1000's of deaths because he didn't want to panic Americans Trump is a low life scumbag a Putin loving pos
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

You know full well that if Trump tried to enforce buy American, which he, of course, already encourages, you would be screaming that Trump is a racist and a Nazi.
You're such a hypocrite.
LOL Ask Ivanka where her goods are made and MAGA hats made in China ? You pos's are fn hypocrites
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
Biden has hammered the Trump administration for failing to coordinate a unified national pandemic response, and one of his first appointments would be a single official charged with addressing persistent shortages in testing supplies and personal protective equipment. Biden wants the federal government to hire 100,000 people to conduct contact tracing
So Slow Joe is going to hire 100,000 people to conduct contact tracing of the virus next January when the virus is pretty much done because of vaccines finally coming on line? Typical left wing policies. Spend all kinds of money on looking like you're doing something...when you're not actually doing anything at all!
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
You think the Democratic Party is ready to mend bridges? Really, Grace? That's amusing! They're the Party who want to pack the Supreme Court if they take power! You think that's something that's going to make the right happy? How delusional are you?
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
Grace I wish what you say could transpire BUT imo the right wing scum that support trump and his cowards in the senate will always be with us Like an incurable cancer
Trump had an opportunity to show leadership after COVID hit.

And he did so, spectacularly.

Unlike your guy, cowering in his basement like the worthless pussy that he is, deathly afraid of catching a flu bug.

If he's that much of a pathetic coward in the face of a flu, how much use is he going to be in a real crisis?

Trump was MIA as a leader
Denying there was a problem, looking for a quick fix, lying and misleading, refusing responsibility
How has this made it to 15 pages. Is it that difficult to envision what an open toilet looks like?
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

But the Party of the Rumpers will still continue to lie out their asses.
Fine. Let them lie out of power. I have no problem ignoring them. They voted in trump (people say) because they were ignored. Boohoo! Sometime they deserve to be ignored. Let them be ignored for another 4 years while the country gets some of the problems created by trump party, sorted out.

And what problems were those ? Exactly ?

You think a booming economy is a problem ?
Who's it booming for ??? The1% or the millions out of jobs? Not the 10's of 1000's stores going out of business , not the ones losing their health care because of AH republicans


Prior to Covid, it was rolling.

Trump's approval among blacks was improving because they were finally seeing some economic opportunity.

You fuckers and your lockdown have screwed them over.

So shove your oversized red herring up your oversized ass.

Trump had an opportunity to show leadership after COVID hit.
Instead, it has destroyed his presidency

Hey, watch her mouth. I live in an RV Park. I am beneath trailer trash. And I am a Republican of old. And as you can see..... (see tag)
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

Pretty much in order...



All that looks like what we are seeing in the Trump presidency

Only in DEMOCRAT controlled States. If hiden biden wins this would be nationwide. The chinese LOVE biden, and they will happily run his death camps.
You have shown Trumps America

Thank God for Biden

No, that is DEMOCRAT hell.

Trump has shown us what DEMOCRATS have in store for America, if they ever get power again.

You picked him

He will bring your party down with him

Sorry, but he was elected.

The Lincoln project will bring the party down. They already have.
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

But the Party of the Rumpers will still continue to lie out their asses.
Fine. Let them lie out of power. I have no problem ignoring them. They voted in trump (people say) because they were ignored. Boohoo! Sometime they deserve to be ignored. Let them be ignored for another 4 years while the country gets some of the problems created by trump party, sorted out.

And what problems were those ? Exactly ?

You think a booming economy is a problem ?
Who's it booming for ??? The1% or the millions out of jobs? Not the 10's of 1000's stores going out of business , not the ones losing their health care because of AH republicans


Prior to Covid, it was rolling.

Trump's approval among blacks was improving because they were finally seeing some economic opportunity.

You fuckers and your lockdown have screwed them over.

So shove your oversized red herring up your oversized ass.

Trump had an opportunity to show leadership after COVID hit.
Instead, it has destroyed his presidency

Hey, watch her mouth. I live in an RV Park. I am beneath trailer trash. And I am a Republican of old. And as you can see..... (see tag)

You were never a Republican.
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
You think the Democratic Party is ready to mend bridges? Really, Grace? That's amusing! They're the Party who want to pack the Supreme Court if they take power! You think that's something that's going to make the right happy? How delusional are you?

Payback will be a bitch

Trump will not get the courtesy exoneration of sins that other presidents got

He will be severely prosecuted
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

But the Party of the Rumpers will still continue to lie out their asses.
Fine. Let them lie out of power. I have no problem ignoring them. They voted in trump (people say) because they were ignored. Boohoo! Sometime they deserve to be ignored. Let them be ignored for another 4 years while the country gets some of the problems created by trump party, sorted out.

And what problems were those ? Exactly ?

You think a booming economy is a problem ?
Who's it booming for ??? The1% or the millions out of jobs? Not the 10's of 1000's stores going out of business , not the ones losing their health care because of AH republicans


Prior to Covid, it was rolling.

Trump's approval among blacks was improving because they were finally seeing some economic opportunity.

You fuckers and your lockdown have screwed them over.

So shove your oversized red herring up your oversized ass.

Trump had an opportunity to show leadership after COVID hit.
Instead, it has destroyed his presidency

Hey, watch her mouth. I live in an RV Park. I am beneath trailer trash. And I am a Republican of old. And as you can see..... (see tag)

You were never a Republican.

Keep watching my site in my tag. You ain't gonna like it. The Dems are pussies.
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
You think the Democratic Party is ready to mend bridges? Really, Grace? That's amusing! They're the Party who want to pack the Supreme Court if they take power! You think that's something that's going to make the right happy? How delusional are you?

I dont think they will truly make an attempt to pack the Supreme Court in my opinion. I think a lot of what's being said right now is political hyperbole culminating at the near climax of a very anticipated and contentious election. I think that if Trump were to lose then it may take a couple of years but typically once presidents leave office history usually shows that after a few years that presidents most ardent followers and that past president's policies tend to become overshadowed, replaced, or forgotten over time. Trump's strongest supporters may end up backing Trump-like candidates in two years but I have sincere doubts that four years from now you will see a resurgence of a Trump style doctrine again since that doctrine was so iconic to Trump's personality and style.
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
You think the Democratic Party is ready to mend bridges? Really, Grace? That's amusing! They're the Party who want to pack the Supreme Court if they take power! You think that's something that's going to make the right happy? How delusional are you?

I dont think they will truly make an attempt to pack the Supreme Court in my opinion. I think a lot of what's being said right now is political hyperbole culminating at the near climax of a very anticipated and contentious election. I think that if Trump were to lose then it may take a couple of years but typically once presidents leave office history usually shows that after a few years that presidents most ardent followers and that past president's policies tend to become overshadowed, replaced, or forgotten over time. Trump's strongest supporters may end up backing Trump-like candidates in two years but I have sincere doubts that four years from now you will see a resurgence of a Trump style doctrine again since that doctrine was so iconic to Trump's personality and style.

I agree. Even Nancy has said she would not support it. And if She won't support it, chances are, the house won't present it and it dies on the vine.
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
You think the Democratic Party is ready to mend bridges? Really, Grace? That's amusing! They're the Party who want to pack the Supreme Court if they take power! You think that's something that's going to make the right happy? How delusional are you?

Payback will be a bitch

Trump will not get the courtesy exoneration of sins that other presidents got

He will be severely prosecuted

Obummer first.
The economy
Biden proposes a level of public investment in American business not seen since World War II. He wants the federal government to spend $400 billion over four years purchasing U.S.-based goods and services and $300 billion in research and development for clean-energy initiatives. Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union

Like Solyndra? Maybe Joe will invest in some "shovel ready jobs" like Obama. That all worked out well. :lol:

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