What a Biden Presidency would look like

I dont think they will truly make an attempt to pack the Supreme Court in my opinion. I think a lot of what's being said right now is political hyperbole culminating at the near climax of a very anticipated and contentious election. I think that if Trump were to lose then it may take a couple of years but typically once presidents leave office history usually shows that after a few years that presidents most ardent followers and that past president's policies tend to become overshadowed, replaced, or forgotten over time. Trump's strongest supporters may end up backing Trump-like candidates in two years but I have sincere doubts that four years from now you will see a resurgence of a Trump style doctrine again since that doctrine was so iconic to Trump's personality and style.

If that were the case, then both Biden and Harris would have made the public commitment not to do it. However both refused to answer the question directly multiple times. It's just like Biden dodging the question that if elected, who would he put on the Supreme Court?

They know if they were honest, it would cost them the election. The concept of we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it provided us a disaster last time. I hope Americans won't be stupid enough to fall for that again.
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt
We voted for Trump to burn those bridges.
Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.

You cannot build bridges with people that want no bridges built. Look at this current situation of the relief bill. Democrats and Piglosi said it's all our way or no way at all. Republicans have conceded several times already, each one met with rejection.
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

You know full well that if Trump tried to enforce buy American, which he, of course, already encourages, you would be screaming that Trump is a racist and a Nazi.
You're such a hypocrite.
LOL Ask Ivanka where her goods are made and MAGA hats made in China ? You pos's are fn hypocrites
That wasn't the point of my post.
You call Trump a racist anytime he does anything that is pro-American.
The economy
Biden proposes a level of public investment in American business not seen since World War II. He wants the federal government to spend $400 billion over four years purchasing U.S.-based goods and services and $300 billion in research and development for clean-energy initiatives. Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union

Like Solyndra? Maybe Joe will invest in some "shovel ready jobs" like Obama. That all worked out well. :lol:

PWA and CCC.
Which party is it, that is the party of the corrupt Mayors, Governors, and other officials who have deliberately, maliciously sabotaged their own economies, over the #CoronaHoax2020?

It was your side that did this, and it did it knowing and intending full well what it was doing.

They also not only did that, but allowed protests and riots to take place not weeks, but months for the same goal. If you read the latest rejection of the Senate proposed bill, Piglosi highlighted her demand of increased taxes on our job creators.

Okay, so what does raising taxes on our job creators have to do with the virus? Nothing. So why is that her sticking point? Because she knows that increasing their taxes now would crash the market, stop job growth, and able to blame Trump for it all.

So let's say Creepy Joe does win. What then? They will blame all his failures on Trump for the first three years of his first term. Even DumBama publicly said you never increase taxes on our job creators in a bad economy. I guess Piglosi must not have been paying attention to when he said that and had her face in her freezer of ice cream.
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

Which party is it, that is the party of the corrupt Mayors, Governors, and other officials who have deliberately, maliciously sabotaged their own economies, over the #CoronaHoax2020?

It was your side that did this, and it did it knowing and intending full well what it was doing.

They also not only did that, but allowed protests and riots to take place not weeks, but months for the same goal. If you read the latest rejection of the Senate proposed bill, Piglosi highlighted her demand of increased taxes on our job creators.

Okay, so what does raising taxes on our job creators have to do with the virus? Nothing. So why is that her sticking point? Because she knows that increasing their taxes now would crash the market, stop job growth, and able to blame Trump for it all.

So let's say Creepy Joe does win. What then? They will blame all his failures on Trump for the first three years of his first term. Even DumBama publicly said you never increase taxes on our job creators in a bad economy. I guess Piglosi must not have been paying attention to when he said that and had her face in her freezer of ice cream.

Yet, when I totaled up all of the Federal Withholding I ended up losing money. They could have kept that lousy 6 bucks and not raised everything else. Middle America is going to get screwed no matter who gets elected.
Trump had an opportunity to show leadership after COVID hit.

And he did so, spectacularly.

Unlike your guy, cowering in his basement like the worthless pussy that he is, deathly afraid of catching a flu bug.

If he's that much of a pathetic coward in the face of a flu, how much use is he going to be in a real crisis?

Trump was MIA as a leader
Denying there was a problem, looking for a quick fix, lying and misleading, refusing responsibility
Trump mobilized the Federal Government...facilitated the building of tens of thousands of ventilators...fast tracked the development of vaccines...sent a Navy hospital ship to NYC and had the largest field hospital ever constructed built at the Javit's Center in record time...but you think he was MIA? What did Joe Biden EVER do during the Swine Flu pandemic? It's laughable that you think HE'S the guy who's going to ever get something done! He's been in Washington for almost 50 years and has done next to nothing!
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
You think the Democratic Party is ready to mend bridges? Really, Grace? That's amusing! They're the Party who want to pack the Supreme Court if they take power! You think that's something that's going to make the right happy? How delusional are you?

I dont think they will truly make an attempt to pack the Supreme Court in my opinion. I think a lot of what's being said right now is political hyperbole culminating at the near climax of a very anticipated and contentious election. I think that if Trump were to lose then it may take a couple of years but typically once presidents leave office history usually shows that after a few years that presidents most ardent followers and that past president's policies tend to become overshadowed, replaced, or forgotten over time. Trump's strongest supporters may end up backing Trump-like candidates in two years but I have sincere doubts that four years from now you will see a resurgence of a Trump style doctrine again since that doctrine was so iconic to Trump's personality and style.
Then kindly explain why neither Biden OR Harris will go on record telling the American people that they won't attempt to pack the Supreme Court if elected!
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
You think the Democratic Party is ready to mend bridges? Really, Grace? That's amusing! They're the Party who want to pack the Supreme Court if they take power! You think that's something that's going to make the right happy? How delusional are you?

Payback will be a bitch

Trump will not get the courtesy exoneration of sins that other presidents got

He will be severely prosecuted
For what? Beating Hillary? (eye roll)
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
You think the Democratic Party is ready to mend bridges? Really, Grace? That's amusing! They're the Party who want to pack the Supreme Court if they take power! You think that's something that's going to make the right happy? How delusional are you?

I dont think they will truly make an attempt to pack the Supreme Court in my opinion. I think a lot of what's being said right now is political hyperbole culminating at the near climax of a very anticipated and contentious election. I think that if Trump were to lose then it may take a couple of years but typically once presidents leave office history usually shows that after a few years that presidents most ardent followers and that past president's policies tend to become overshadowed, replaced, or forgotten over time. Trump's strongest supporters may end up backing Trump-like candidates in two years but I have sincere doubts that four years from now you will see a resurgence of a Trump style doctrine again since that doctrine was so iconic to Trump's personality and style.

I agree. Even Nancy has said she would not support it. And if She won't support it, chances are, the house won't present it and it dies on the vine.
You actually think Nancy is still running the Democratic Party...don't you, Daryl? She's not. Neither is Joe Biden. They're nothing more than figureheads who will soon be replaced. The future of the Democratic Party is "The Squad"...which means we're ALL screwed!
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying

You don't think so? Let's look at that:

Biden wants to stop fossils fuel. The US is now the leading country of energy exports thanks to fracking. Harris herself stated in an interview during the primaries that if she was nominated and won, she would stop fracking on her first day in office. So what do you suppose our economy would look like if you were paying double or more for your gasoline, natural gas or propane? How about your employer?

Biden stated he will increase taxes on our job producers. Gee, that will encourage hiring and expansion, won't it?

Biden said he supports in increase on capital gains taxes which would be devastating to the stock market where possibly you, and I both have our IRA investments.

Biden said if prompted, he would be willing to shutdown the entire country, adding to the businesses already closed permanently. He also promised a huge national increase in minimum wage, again, shutting down businesses that are struggling already.

Biden's plan is to destroy our suburbs by placing high-crime people on the government dime into our currently safe and secure neighborhoods. This would cause hundreds of billions of dollars in lost property value, thus lowering property tax income to those cities. Who do you think is going to bail them out?

Everything on Biden's agenda is destructive for our country.
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