What a Biden Presidency would look like

There are many many great reason to not vote for Biden for President. He is a worthless dumbass clown.

However, if you disregard all the other great reasons the fact that the shithead is considering Stacy Abrams for AG is reason enought by itself not to vote for him.
And he is right. WE just don't have the correct time line. Either we end it or it ends us. Can you imagine the person that said that we were going to end Coal Burning? What a charleton that person must have been. Or the Medical Doctor that first said that using leeches to bleed off blood was not a healthy thing to do? it's Heresy, I cried, Heresy. And the Earth is the center of the Universe according to the Catholic Church and everything revolves around the Earth. To say otherwise is Heresy and demands death.

Are you saying that someday, we aren't going to stop using Fossil Fuels to power our cars and trucks? Are you afraid that you may be burned at a stake if you agree to that? BBQ may be the only answer.

Yes, he is right and I'm right, so quit accusing people of being a liar when they bring hard evidence to the table that makes you the liar.

As I said, one day we will be off of fossil fuel but it has to come at it's own time. For government to force the issue would bankrupt the country because the cost of this underdeveloped green energy will more than double our energy costs. That means less disposable income for all 330 million of us. That means businesses may have to close, increase their prices of products or services, or move out of the country.

Stop on the side of a highway sometime. Take note at the hundreds of trucks you see. They are all moving freight. It costs hundreds of billions of dollars more to move that freight than it did 15 years ago because of this environmental nonsense. Is there any environmentalist that is now satisfied? Hell no. They tell us it's worse than ever.
Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew and know cutting taxes brings far more money into the Fed coffers than raising taxes ever did.

A conservative myth

At best, you see a short term bump that quickly disappears. The tax cut is forever

What do corporations do with the extra money?
They keep it

No myth about it. Cutting taxes has always brought more money into the Fed coffers because with more money people spend more. Its great for the economy. Raising taxes means you don't have much money to spend.

Corporations have more money to pour back into their business and they can expand and hire more workers.

Bidens plans will be a train wreck for this country.
And he is right. WE just don't have the correct time line. Either we end it or it ends us. Can you imagine the person that said that we were going to end Coal Burning? What a charleton that person must have been. Or the Medical Doctor that first said that using leeches to bleed off blood was not a healthy thing to do? it's Heresy, I cried, Heresy. And the Earth is the center of the Universe according to the Catholic Church and everything revolves around the Earth. To say otherwise is Heresy and demands death.

Are you saying that someday, we aren't going to stop using Fossil Fuels to power our cars and trucks? Are you afraid that you may be burned at a stake if you agree to that? BBQ may be the only answer.

Yes, he is right and I'm right, so quit accusing people of being a liar when they bring hard evidence to the table that makes you the liar.

As I said, one day we will be off of fossil fuel but it has to come at it's own time. For government to force the issue would bankrupt the country because the cost of this underdeveloped green energy will more than double our energy costs. That means less disposable income for all 330 million of us. That means businesses may have to close, increase their prices of products or services, or move out of the country.

Stop on the side of a highway sometime. Take note at the hundreds of trucks you see. They are all moving freight. It costs hundreds of billions of dollars more to move that freight than it did 15 years ago because of this environmental nonsense. Is there any environmentalist that is now satisfied? Hell no. They tell us it's worse than ever.
And we are within 5 years of no longer using fossil fuels to drive those tucks. Let's face it, Electric Heavy Trucks will cost less in almost every category to operate than fossil fueled. The Changes are going to go almost insane in during the next 4 years. It's time has come. So you can fight it and attempt to prevent it but you won't be able to. Well unless you are the President. Even then, Capitalists will still make the change with or without you.
Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew and know cutting taxes brings far more money into the Fed coffers than raising taxes ever did.

A conservative myth

At best, you see a short term bump that quickly disappears. The tax cut is forever

What do corporations do with the extra money?
They keep it

No myth about it. Cutting taxes has always brought more money into the Fed coffers because with more money people spend more. Its great for the economy. Raising taxes means you don't have much money to spend.

Corporations have more money to pour back into their business and they can expand and hire more workers.

Bidens plans will be a train wreck for this country.

That was once a reality. But today, it isn't. Sorry, trickle down economics is busted.
And we are within 5 years of no longer using fossil fuels to drive those tucks. Let's face it, Electric Heavy Trucks will cost less in almost every category to operate than fossil fueled. The Changes are going to go almost insane in during the next 4 years. It's time has come. So you can fight it and attempt to prevent it but you won't be able to. Well unless you are the President. Even then, Capitalists will still make the change with or without you.

Wherever you read that nonsense about electric trucks, do yourself a favor and never use that source again. You're not going to do it. It's not going to happen in our lifetime. They may get a lightweight truck that never has to combat inclines somewhere out in Arizona, but it's not going to be practical for most places, especially in the mountains.

Several years ago they came out with natural gas trucks. They were great. The problem was where are you supposed to get natural gas at? So drivers gave up on it and went back to plentiful diesel. Same with propane tow motors. Yes, natural gas was cleaner and you filled up the tanks yourself, but in the end costs were higher.
The economy
Biden proposes a level of public investment in American business not seen since World War II. He wants the federal government to spend $400 billion over four years purchasing U.S.-based goods and services and $300 billion in research and development for clean-energy initiatives. Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union
In one of his commercials he said all new businesses must invest in green energy. That is codeword for only rich elite people will be able to be entrepreneurs and the rest of you poor people who can’t afford this green new energy will be slaves
Yes. The proletariate overthrows the bourgeoisie, making way for a return to dictatorship. Perfect commie fraud on the useful idiots.

These fools don't even understand the ideology for which they cheer.
And we are within 5 years of no longer using fossil fuels to drive those tucks. Let's face it, Electric Heavy Trucks will cost less in almost every category to operate than fossil fueled. The Changes are going to go almost insane in during the next 4 years. It's time has come. So you can fight it and attempt to prevent it but you won't be able to. Well unless you are the President. Even then, Capitalists will still make the change with or without you.

Wherever you read that nonsense about electric trucks, do yourself a favor and never use that source again. You're not going to do it. It's not going to happen in our lifetime. They may get a lightweight truck that never has to combat inclines somewhere out in Arizona, but it's not going to be practical for most places, especially in the mountains.

Several years ago they came out with natural gas trucks. They were great. The problem was where are you supposed to get natural gas at? So drivers gave up on it and went back to plentiful diesel. Same with propane tow motors. Yes, natural gas was cleaner and you filled up the tanks yourself, but in the end costs were higher.

Funny, companies are already very interested. Capitalism drives change. So set back, scream "Heresy" at the top of your lungs and watch the Earth no longer get orbited by the sun.
Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew and know cutting taxes brings far more money into the Fed coffers than raising taxes ever did.

A conservative myth

At best, you see a short term bump that quickly disappears. The tax cut is forever

What do corporations do with the extra money?
They keep it

No myth about it. Cutting taxes has always brought more money into the Fed coffers because with more money people spend more. Its great for the economy. Raising taxes means you don't have much money to spend.

Corporations have more money to pour back into their business and they can expand and hire more workers.

Bidens plans will be a train wreck for this country.

That was once a reality. But today, it isn't. Sorry, trickle down economics is busted.
Yes. We need more of Biden's trickle up poverty. That's the ticket.

You're such a perfect little dem union worker. You have no idea that you're pushing a return to monarchy. So sad.



Funny, companies are already very interested. Capitalism drives change. So set back, scream "Heresy" at the top of your lungs and watch the Earth no longer get orbited by the sun.

The only reason companies are interested now is because of subsidies. Take the subsidies away and let the green market on it's own, and you won't see green anything for at least 20 years.
I don't personally think that a Biden presidency would be as bad for the country as some people are saying that it will be but I do hope that if he does win that he makes a point to put some moderate voices within his administration to help bring the different sides together a bit more. I think the one thing that all Americans can agree on is that the past four years have been extremely divisive and unhealthy for the country and that it's time to try and find commonality again in my opinion.
Biden has a long history as a moderate who works with Republicans

But I think Trump was the final straw and all bridges have been burnt

Bridges can be rebuilt, both figuratively and literally, but only once people are able to set their own egos aside and work together again. This county has been through much worse in my opinion and has been able to come together again. Biden may not be the one to get us across the bridge during his tenure but he could be the person that gets the process started again in my personal opinion.
You think the Democratic Party is ready to mend bridges? Really, Grace? That's amusing! They're the Party who want to pack the Supreme Court if they take power! You think that's something that's going to make the right happy? How delusional are you?

I dont think they will truly make an attempt to pack the Supreme Court in my opinion. I think a lot of what's being said right now is political hyperbole culminating at the near climax of a very anticipated and contentious election. I think that if Trump were to lose then it may take a couple of years but typically once presidents leave office history usually shows that after a few years that presidents most ardent followers and that past president's policies tend to become overshadowed, replaced, or forgotten over time. Trump's strongest supporters may end up backing Trump-like candidates in two years but I have sincere doubts that four years from now you will see a resurgence of a Trump style doctrine again since that doctrine was so iconic to Trump's personality and style.
Right now, I think packing the Court is just a threat

If the 6-3 Court shows constraint and leans right passing moderate decisions, I think Dems will just live with it.

But if the Court becomes a tool of the far right, abolishing Roe v Wade, abolishing Obamacare, restricting gay rights.......I would expect Dems to pack it
It's a tantrum. After dominating the court fir 100 years, your ilk have become spoiled rotten. A taste of your own medicine will do you some good. Sit back and enjoy life while Barrett helps strike down all your bullshit gun laws.
Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

If you didn't type with one finger, you'd understand that advanced typing is when you type while thinking words, not letters. Thinking letters is what new typists do and never go beyond that, so they type very slow. When you train yourself to type thinking words, that's how you greatly increase your skills. So if somebody is thinking You're, it can accidentally come out as your.
Funny, companies are already very interested. Capitalism drives change. So set back, scream "Heresy" at the top of your lungs and watch the Earth no longer get orbited by the sun.

The only reason companies are interested now is because of subsidies. Take the subsidies away and let the green market on it's own, and you won't see green anything for at least 20 years.

Or is it that with the new batteries and chargers, it's finally possible and it would save them billions of dollars?
And we are within 5 years of no longer using fossil fuels to drive those tucks. Let's face it, Electric Heavy Trucks will cost less in almost every category to operate than fossil fueled. The Changes are going to go almost insane in during the next 4 years. It's time has come. So you can fight it and attempt to prevent it but you won't be able to. Well unless you are the President. Even then, Capitalists will still make the change with or without you.

Wherever you read that nonsense about electric trucks, do yourself a favor and never use that source again. You're not going to do it. It's not going to happen in our lifetime. They may get a lightweight truck that never has to combat inclines somewhere out in Arizona, but it's not going to be practical for most places, especially in the mountains.

Several years ago they came out with natural gas trucks. They were great. The problem was where are you supposed to get natural gas at? So drivers gave up on it and went back to plentiful diesel. Same with propane tow motors. Yes, natural gas was cleaner and you filled up the tanks yourself, but in the end costs were higher.

Funny, companies are already very interested. Capitalism drives change. So set back, scream "Heresy" at the top of your lungs and watch the Earth no longer get orbited by the sun.

Companies will only truly be interested if/when green becomes cheaper than fossil fuels. China and other countries will wipe the floor with us if we go green and they don't. Americans have already shown they will buy a cheaper product all day...take a look at Walmart. A "green" product made in the US may cost 3 time as much as the same product in China that uses fossil fuels.

As much as you would like to, you can't push your green agenda on the rest of the world. Some aren't quite as gullible(and stupid) as the American and European left.
Rather than invoke far left proposals like Green New Deal and Medicare for all, Biden has taken a pragmatic approach of what we can actually accomplish

Depends on the House and the Senate, and not just their numbers. Who's occupying the seats will matter, too.

And with just one tragic exception, people who occupy the White House always understand and appreciate the gravity of the position.

Obviously Trump hasn't, but I remain confident that he's a sad one-off.
/——/ Main Street USA under a Biden administration.
View attachment 400402
Wow, that's horrible! I'm sure you're right! Cuz you speak Da Troof 'n stuff!
/——-/ Here’s one from DemocRAT controlled Detroit, cause I speak the truth and stuff.
And we are within 5 years of no longer using fossil fuels to drive those tucks. Let's face it, Electric Heavy Trucks will cost less in almost every category to operate than fossil fueled. The Changes are going to go almost insane in during the next 4 years. It's time has come. So you can fight it and attempt to prevent it but you won't be able to. Well unless you are the President. Even then, Capitalists will still make the change with or without you.

Wherever you read that nonsense about electric trucks, do yourself a favor and never use that source again. You're not going to do it. It's not going to happen in our lifetime. They may get a lightweight truck that never has to combat inclines somewhere out in Arizona, but it's not going to be practical for most places, especially in the mountains.

Several years ago they came out with natural gas trucks. They were great. The problem was where are you supposed to get natural gas at? So drivers gave up on it and went back to plentiful diesel. Same with propane tow motors. Yes, natural gas was cleaner and you filled up the tanks yourself, but in the end costs were higher.

Funny, companies are already very interested. Capitalism drives change. So set back, scream "Heresy" at the top of your lungs and watch the Earth no longer get orbited by the sun.

Companies will only truly be interested if/when green becomes cheaper than fossil fuels. China and other countries will wipe the floor with us if we go green and they don't. Americans have already shown they will buy a cheaper product all day...take a look at Walmart. A "green" product made in the US may cost 3 time as much as the same product in China that uses fossil fuels.

As much as you would like to, you can't push your green agenda on the rest of the world. Some aren't quite as gullible(and stupid) as the American and European left.

Actually, the rest of the Western World is driving us to change. By 2025, Norway will have already made the change. Germany isn't that far behind. Japan is looking real seriously at making the change in order to save their country. Even China is making quite a lot of changes. Right now, Electrics only make up about .6% of all car sales in the world. But by 2040, that is going to be completely different. In 5 years, the Electric Heavies will be hitting the roads. I will still be driving my Electric and my hemi Wagon will still be parked out front. The changes for 2025 are happening right now. And in 2025, things are going to be a little different, okay, not much, but a little. Well at least for people like me. For people like you, it's going to be life threatening. Of course, it already is.

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