What a Biden Presidency would look like

Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?

Last I checked, there are quite a few college graduates who are older than 22 and are quite accomplished
Yes...and they vote R and D.
You keep stating that everybody who votes R never graduated from college.
That makes you a moron who needed a government job because you would never have made it in the real world.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.

The High School dropouts I know are lucky to be toting bricks at a construction site.

Those I know that work construction have gone to trade school or apprenticed for many years.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.

The High School dropouts I know are lucky to be toting bricks at a construction site.

Those I know that work construction have gone to trade school or apprenticed for many years.
Most of the graduates I know have hard science, law and accounting degrees, are working at home for solid, established firms and making anywhere from 150-300K a year.
Maybe you should stop hanging out with Liberals who are stupid enough to post on Facebook and no one will hire them,
I actually know a few Liberals in my community who have been fired for such,
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The knowledge base for specialties is much higher than it used to be.
It doesn't mean they know squat about how an economy runs or an infrastructure is maintained.
Trump hasn't lost any votes and all you do all day like a typical emotional Liberal is try to hypnotize yourself.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The college graduates I worked with got a bad deal from our society.

Saddled with heavy debt and offered jobs at low relative pay and few benefits. That is why they have to live with mom and dad when they graduate.

When I graduated, I had no student debt and got a job where I could support myself and buy a brand new car in a year. I was able to buy a house within five years.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The college graduates I worked with got a bad deal from our society.

Saddled with heavy debt and offered jobs at low relative pay and few benefits. That is why they have to live with mom and dad when they graduate.

When I graduated, I had no student debt and got a job where I could support myself and buy a brand new car in a year. I was able to buy a house within five years.
Name 4 degrees with which members of these kids graduated and I'll let you know if you're full of crap.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The college graduates I worked with got a bad deal from our society.

Saddled with heavy debt and offered jobs at low relative pay and few benefits. That is why they have to live with mom and dad when they graduate.

When I graduated, I had no student debt and got a job where I could support myself and buy a brand new car in a year. I was able to buy a house within five years.
Name 4 degrees with which members of these kids graduated and I'll let you know if you're full of crap.
Engineering, Computer Science, Business, Education
Fossil Fuel is not so cheap when you look at long term impact.

Sorry, I don't buy into anthropogenic global warming theory. Cooling and warming has been going on for thousands of years without our help. We had an Ice Age, we warmed up. Man had nothing to do with it. Our impact is VERY minimal at best and we can't change the cycles if we stop burning fossil fuels or not.

Actually, there was a mini iceage going that the Vikings thrived on. The rest of Europe didn't fare so well with. Except for England. They went into their industrial revolution at a time just before the ice age finished. Some scientist believe that the industrial age hastened the end of the iceage.
College educated?? Don't make me laugh. Loads of college educated can't find a job cause the degree they have is useless.

Common Conservative propaganda trying to demean the college educated while they preach to the gullible and uneducated.

Most college degrees are in Business, STEM, Education and Health Sciences
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The knowledge base for specialties is much higher than it used to be.
It doesn't mean they know squat about how an economy runs or an infrastructure is maintained.
Trump hasn't lost any votes and all you do all day like a typical emotional Liberal is try to hypnotize yourself.
College educated?? Don't make me laugh. Loads of college educated can't find a job cause the degree they have is useless.

Common Conservative propaganda trying to demean the college educated while they preach to the gullible and uneducated.

Most college degrees are in Business, STEM, Education and Health Sciences

Not propaganda at all. Many with a college degree can't find a job cause the degree they have is worthless.

I have no problem with those who graduate from college but I also have no problem with those who have a trade.

You obviously think anyone with a trade is gullible and uneducated. You've made that statement many times on this thread. You obviously think all college educated are brilliant.

I know quite a few college grads who don't have the sense God gave a flea. I also know a few who have a trade and have common sense and a high work ethic. Lots of you're college grads can't say the same.
You obviously think anyone with a trade is gullible and uneducated. You've made that statement many times on this thread. You obviously think all college educated are brilliant.

More nonsense. My youngest son didn’t go to college, went to trade school and became a Welder

However, he did not drop out of High School
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The college graduates I worked with got a bad deal from our society.

Saddled with heavy debt and offered jobs at low relative pay and few benefits. That is why they have to live with mom and dad when they graduate.

When I graduated, I had no student debt and got a job where I could support myself and buy a brand new car in a year. I was able to buy a house within five years.
Name 4 degrees with which members of these kids graduated and I'll let you know if you're full of crap.
Engineering, Computer Science, Business, Education
Computer Science is almost 100% Business Visas...
You and the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, unlike Trump, like Business Visas.
So don't complain.

A Business degree is very general...Corporate Giants have caused entry difficulty in the last 2 decades.
If you can't invest from the get go or don't go for a Master's Degree, you ain't getting in.

Engineering...more than 50% 100 Business Visas...even though almost every graduate in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering since about 2 months after Trump's Tax Cuts have been gainfully employed.
You and the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, unlike Trump, like Business Visas.

Education...100% employment. It could be based on locale.
Jesus your stupid.

Even stupid people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Oh a grammar Natzi. Just what we need. Kiss my ass.

You need to be more cautious of who you call stupid or how you spell “Natzi”

Just what we need a Grammar Natzi. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Oh and you are stupid if you vote for Biden.

You need to be cautious when you start a post with.....”Your stupid”

You leave yourself open to criticism and mockery.

Not as much as your posts leave you open to criticism and mockery. Only a stupid person would vote for Biden and boy to you fill that bill.

That is why College educated voters flock to Biden while Trump builds a coalition of the uneducated and the gullible.
The High School dropouts I know can build a house and know and understand Building Codes.
Building a house designed by college grads using tools designed by college grads and building codes written by college grads while working for college grads and getting their paycheck signed by a college grad so they can pay their doctor bills to college grads collecting for college grads. You go get em!
Uh...when's the last time you actually met a 22 year old college grad who designed a house?
And just how many college grads do you actually know who went food shopping and paid utility bills prior to getting married and being kick out of their parents house?
The grads you are discussing have actually lived a life outside of the house.
The college grads RWer is discussing are the life ignorant 22 year old that you Libs believe are life smarter than a 40 year old college graduate who is an R.
I hire two dozen college grads a year and have one in medical school myself so my sample size is large. They are impressive students these days, way more impressive than when you or I graduated. No one said a 22yr old is more worldly than a 40 year old but Trump has lost educated support across the board outside of single issue voters (abortion).
The knowledge base for specialties is much higher than it used to be.
It doesn't mean they know squat about how an economy runs or an infrastructure is maintained.
Trump hasn't lost any votes and all you do all day like a typical emotional Liberal is try to hypnotize yourself.
Your lack of a detailed response belies you denial of reality.
What the Cabinet of a Biden Presidency would look like. . .

beijing xiden= 47 year failure in AMERICA--treasonist POS, lying POS,
The economy
Biden proposes a level of public investment in American business not seen since World War II. He wants the federal government to spend $400 billion over four years purchasing U.S.-based goods and services and $300 billion in research and development for clean-energy initiatives. Biden also calls for a $15 federal minimum wage and is aggressively pro-union
so what will all the people at 15 bucks and above ask for if it is passed?...

Wages have been stagnant for over two decades

There is catching up to do. The days of cheap labor need to end
ok so answer my question.....

Put upward pressure on all low end jobs. These jobs are currently subsidized by the taxpayer with housing, food and medical assistance.

It is about time that employers go back to supporting their employees and not put the burden on taxpayers
nice dance RW......was that a waltz?......
Seems pretty obvious to me
its pretty obvious you either cant answer the question or dont want too....
Seems you are getting an answer
You just don’t like it
the TRUTH is an answer, not what you promote

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