What a classic example of Why Americans are trusting Trump more!

Ok so YOU lied when you said "over 500 falsehoods" ! You are a liar!

This is too funny! One of USMB's most notorious liars calling others, liars!
Just like your hero, pathological liar, Donald Trump. Your hero/worship for Trump is quite explainable.

OH GEEZ! Damn! You really caught me! Trump is a pathological liar as I am!
So how do you know if I'm lying about being a liar?
Quite a conundrum you have put yourself into!
Or wait is that a lie? I don't know anymore! Wait that's a LIE! I do know! Wait... I'm lying about knowing that I'm not a liar!
See this is the problem. When you write something like "Over 500 falsehoods" and it is proven you are wrong YOU LIED!

Prove to me that any of the above statements were lies!
Of course if you ask 10% more Democrats you'll get more votes saying Trump not honest!
From May 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
So 24% GOP or 258 polled
YET 34% Democrat of 366
A difference of 107 more Democrats then GOP.
So if there an equal number of Democrats/GOP.. that would have DECREASED the 61% not honest and DECREASE
trust the Media.. !
You will never convince me there are more Democrats then GOP either when you look at the last Gallup question
what is your party preference:Party Affiliation
So with MORE GOP why did Quinnipiac ask 10% MORE DEMOCRATS??
1% More Democrats then GOP! Party Affiliation
View attachment 127598
View attachment 127596
You post this where it has democrats having exactly 10% more registered voters...

Then two posts later post a poll that negated this poll by showing it as 4% more, and say "aha!!?"

So, you call polls that you decide to use as evidence......bullshit, when they dont help you ....and you wonder why the American public find partisans to be neanderthals, by nature.

The point is that almost ALL polls show more Democrats then GOP.
So naturally there will be MORE anti-Trump responses.
That is my point! I went to 4 different polls. All the polls had MORE Democrats then GOP.!

And that reflects the random population of those being polled- which is what polls are supposed to do.

What does that indicate?

It indicates that there are more Democrats than Republicans.

But even within Republicans- Trump's support is dropping dramatically.

President Donald Trump's approval among the core groups that make up his base has begun to erode, contributing to his overall approval rating hitting a new low in Quinnipiac University's political tracking poll.

While Trump's support in his core constituencies – white voters, men and Republicans – had remained resilient throughout his lowest points on the campaign trail and into the first months of his presidency, Wednesday's edition of the Quinnipiac poll registered significant drops in all three groups since the beginning of the month.

The president's approval among Republican voters dropped 10 points, to 81 percent, among Republicans, with 14 percent saying they disapprove. On March 7, that same group approved of how the Trump was handling the job of president 91 percent to 5 percent who disapproved.

Of course if you ask 10% more Democrats you'll get more votes saying Trump not honest!
From May 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
So 24% GOP or 258 polled
YET 34% Democrat of 366
A difference of 107 more Democrats then GOP.
So if there an equal number of Democrats/GOP.. that would have DECREASED the 61% not honest and DECREASE
trust the Media.. !
You will never convince me there are more Democrats then GOP either when you look at the last Gallup question
what is your party preference:Party Affiliation
So with MORE GOP why did Quinnipiac ask 10% MORE DEMOCRATS??
1% More Democrats then GOP! Party Affiliation
View attachment 127598
View attachment 127596
You post this where it has democrats having exactly 10% more registered voters...

Then two posts later post a poll that negated this poll by showing it as 4% more, and say "aha!!?"

So, you call polls that you decide to use as evidence......bullshit, when they dont help you ....and you wonder why the American public find partisans to be neanderthals, by nature.

The point is that almost ALL polls show more Democrats then GOP.
So naturally there will be MORE anti-Trump responses.
That is my point! I went to 4 different polls. All the polls had MORE Democrats then GOP.!

And that reflects the random population of those being polled- which is what polls are supposed to do.

What does that indicate?

It indicates that there are more Democrats than Republicans.

But even within Republicans- Trump's support is dropping dramatically.

President Donald Trump's approval among the core groups that make up his base has begun to erode, contributing to his overall approval rating hitting a new low in Quinnipiac University's political tracking poll.

While Trump's support in his core constituencies – white voters, men and Republicans – had remained resilient throughout his lowest points on the campaign trail and into the first months of his presidency, Wednesday's edition of the Quinnipiac poll registered significant drops in all three groups since the beginning of the month.

The president's approval among Republican voters dropped 10 points, to 81 percent, among Republicans, with 14 percent saying they disapprove. On March 7, that same group approved of how the Trump was handling the job of president 91 percent to 5 percent who disapproved.


But there AREN'T more Democrats than Republicans!
As of May 3-7 2017 there were 1% More GOP then Democrats!
Yet the pollsters still believe and biased MSM promotes there are MORE democrats hence they ask more!
Also you keep as do pollsters, the “Evaluation Apprehension.” Where the person polled answers questions with apprehension that the pollster has a negative perception based on the answer.
I know for sure I hesitate to identify as a Trump supporter because a lot of ignorant people spoon-fed by the BIASED MSM think for example Trump is anti-immigrant"!
Hell he's married to a LEGAL immigrant! I have a great daughter in law who is also a legal immigrant as well as 40+ million "LEGAL" immigrants are grossly
offended by people like you and the BIASED MSM when you disdainfully say "Trump is anti-immigrant"!
So these attitudes of people like yourself that have this really pompous and erroneous label of "racist", Islamophobic, sexist that you put on people like Trump and
millions like me...really should understand ESPECIALLY after Trump's speech today in the HEART of ISLAM... far from Islamophobic he is first and foremost like
the rest of us "deplorables" human.

Of course if you ask 10% more Democrats you'll get more votes saying Trump not honest!
From May 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
So 24% GOP or 258 polled
YET 34% Democrat of 366
A difference of 107 more Democrats then GOP.
So if there an equal number of Democrats/GOP.. that would have DECREASED the 61% not honest and DECREASE
trust the Media.. !
You will never convince me there are more Democrats then GOP either when you look at the last Gallup question
what is your party preference:Party Affiliation
So with MORE GOP why did Quinnipiac ask 10% MORE DEMOCRATS??
1% More Democrats then GOP! Party Affiliation
View attachment 127598
View attachment 127596
You post this where it has democrats having exactly 10% more registered voters...

Then two posts later post a poll that negated this poll by showing it as 4% more, and say "aha!!?"

So, you call polls that you decide to use as evidence......bullshit, when they dont help you ....and you wonder why the American public find partisans to be neanderthals, by nature.

The point is that almost ALL polls show more Democrats then GOP.
So naturally there will be MORE anti-Trump responses.
That is my point! I went to 4 different polls. All the polls had MORE Democrats then GOP.!

And that reflects the random population of those being polled- which is what polls are supposed to do.

What does that indicate?

It indicates that there are more Democrats than Republicans.

But even within Republicans- Trump's support is dropping dramatically.

President Donald Trump's approval among the core groups that make up his base has begun to erode, contributing to his overall approval rating hitting a new low in Quinnipiac University's political tracking poll.

While Trump's support in his core constituencies – white voters, men and Republicans – had remained resilient throughout his lowest points on the campaign trail and into the first months of his presidency, Wednesday's edition of the Quinnipiac poll registered significant drops in all three groups since the beginning of the month.

The president's approval among Republican voters dropped 10 points, to 81 percent, among Republicans, with 14 percent saying they disapprove. On March 7, that same group approved of how the Trump was handling the job of president 91 percent to 5 percent who disapproved.


Also you keep as do pollsters, the “Evaluation Apprehension.” Where the person polled answers questions with apprehension that the pollster has a negative perception based on the answer.]

LOL yes- because of course Republicans are so much more terrified of answering polls than Democrats....LOL

As I pointed out- Trump support is dropping with both Democrats and Republicans.

That is not a polling bias- that is what is happening with President Snowflake.
Of course if you ask 10% more Democrats you'll get more votes saying Trump not honest!
From May 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
So 24% GOP or 258 polled
YET 34% Democrat of 366
A difference of 107 more Democrats then GOP.
So if there an equal number of Democrats/GOP.. that would have DECREASED the 61% not honest and DECREASE
trust the Media.. !
You will never convince me there are more Democrats then GOP either when you look at the last Gallup question
what is your party preference:Party Affiliation
So with MORE GOP why did Quinnipiac ask 10% MORE DEMOCRATS??
1% More Democrats then GOP! Party Affiliation
View attachment 127598
View attachment 127596
You post this where it has democrats having exactly 10% more registered voters...

Then two posts later post a poll that negated this poll by showing it as 4% more, and say "aha!!?"

So, you call polls that you decide to use as evidence......bullshit, when they dont help you ....and you wonder why the American public find partisans to be neanderthals, by nature.

The point is that almost ALL polls show more Democrats then GOP.
So naturally there will be MORE anti-Trump responses.
That is my point! I went to 4 different polls. All the polls had MORE Democrats then GOP.!

And that reflects the random population of those being polled- which is what polls are supposed to do.

What does that indicate?

It indicates that there are more Democrats than Republicans.

But even within Republicans- Trump's support is dropping dramatically.

President Donald Trump's approval among the core groups that make up his base has begun to erode, contributing to his overall approval rating hitting a new low in Quinnipiac University's political tracking poll.

While Trump's support in his core constituencies – white voters, men and Republicans – had remained resilient throughout his lowest points on the campaign trail and into the first months of his presidency, Wednesday's edition of the Quinnipiac poll registered significant drops in all three groups since the beginning of the month.

The president's approval among Republican voters dropped 10 points, to 81 percent, among Republicans, with 14 percent saying they disapprove. On March 7, that same group approved of how the Trump was handling the job of president 91 percent to 5 percent who disapproved.


Also you keep as do pollsters, the “Evaluation Apprehension.” Where the person polled answers questions with apprehension that the pollster has a negative perception based on the answer.]

LOL yes- because of course Republicans are so much more terrified of answering polls than Democrats....LOL

As I pointed out- Trump support is dropping with both Democrats and Republicans.

That is not a polling bias- that is what is happening with President Snowflake.

So you know more than social psychologists?
He argued that we quickly learn that the social rewards and punishments (for example, in the form of approval and disapproval) that we receive from other people are based on their evaluations of us. On this basis, our arousal may be modulated. In other words, performance will be enhanced or impaired only in the presence of persons who can approve or disapprove our actions.
Evaluation apprehension model - Wikipedia
But you not only are full of crap but you can't even do the simplest Internet search!
It is so easy to debunk idiots like you that make stupid personal, subjective statements!

Another source: easy to find:
Is Trump down in polls because voters are too embarrassed to admit they are voting for him?
Back in July 2016 they wrote this:
Call it the Trump Effect: the notion that voters won't admit they support him, because it's distasteful to back a populist celebrity billionaire who's unafraid to offend immigrants, women and minorities. There's some evidence to support the theory, including a recent analysis that shows Trump's support increases by about six points in online surveys, compared with surveys conducted over the phone.

Coupled with recent face-plants by pollsters at home and abroad – including erroneous numbers on President Barack Obama's re-election, the Scottish independence referendum and the United Kingdom's Brexit vote – polling skeptics and Trump supporters have room to embrace the theory.

"What happens is the elites, the establishment all pile on. The average citizen will not tell pollsters the truth," Newt Gingrich, a Trump surrogate, said Tuesday morning on Fox News. "You get much better results for Trump for example in a computerized online poll than a telephone poll because people don't want to tell the pollster something they think is not socially acceptable."

While not dismissing the possibility outright, however, political analysts doubt that Trump, running about five points behind presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in polling averages, is poised to surge past her on the strength of voters too embarrassed to say they support him.


But of course people like you are so lazy that you simply mouth what the MSM says...WITHOUT EVEN THINKING!
I bet you think just because a friend of Comey's said he was embarrassed by Trump "hug" you believe that?
Here again... CNN biased news reporting...and again dummies like you can't seem to comprehend the MSM is making suckers out of you!

Now this is a "Bro-Hug par excellence!
Is there ANY Wonder why more Americans are finding they can't believe the MSM.
Read this thoroughly... and see if you can see why the MSM is no longer believable.
A) Note the headline.. "allegedly urged"...
B) Then note the quote from the story:
"Mr.Trump told those present....leave except Mr. Comey."
C) Question for the reporter and all you other anti-Trump people:
How did the reporter know that Mr. Trump ....saying "Mr. Comey should consider putting reporters in prison"?
Did Trump tell the reporter?
Did Comey tell the reporter?
How did the reporter KNOW that Trump said the above?

This again is the reason common sense Americans by the droves are ignoring the MSM.
This is why Trump is becoming more and more believable to common sense.."deplorables"!
This is why the MSM has continued to lose their status as the least respected just above big business and Congress!
In a private meeting, President Trump allegedly urged Comey to imprison journalists
View attachment 127490

View attachment 127492
Confidence in Institutions

Nice poll from JUNE 2016, that makes your poll damn near a year old!
Here are the results of a recent poll.
QU Poll Release Detail
Is Trump honest? 61% -NO. 33%-YES
Trust the media? 51%-YES Trust Trump? 31% YES.
Fake news.
So this is what you are basing your "500" now 213 "falsehoods?

WASHINGTON—He’s not slowing down.

U.S. President Donald Trump averaged 2.1 false claims per day over the first 100 days of his presidency. Over the next 17, he averaged… 2.1 false claims per day.
Trump has proven uniquely willing to lie, exaggerate and mislead. By all expert accounts, the president is more frequently inaccurate than any before.
Read more: Here’s everything else that happened in Trump’s first 100 days
We are keeping track. Below is a list of every false claim Trump has made since his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.
Why call them false claims, not lies? We can’t be sure that each and every one was intentional; in some cases, he may have been confused or ignorant. What we know, objectively, is that he was not telling the truth.
When you count the days there are only 67 individual dates, i.e. "Apr 18,2017" etc. that the article shows.
Multiple 67 dates like "apr 18,2017" times their 2.1 false claims and you come up with 140.7! Not 213~
Then when you look at their so-called "false claims"...
These False claims are NO different then these "false claims" then!
There never were 155 million Americans with a pre-existing condition as OBAMA grossly lied about!
"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
Or this FALSE CLAIM//Promise!!!
Obama said at one rally in July 2009. “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”

So why are you and the MSM so obsessed but never were with this 71 FALSE Rulings by Obama?
All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact

here's a stat for you that isn't a lie ...

100% of Trumps drones will eat from his shit pile, NO QUESTIONS ASKED !
/---- That's it? All you have is insults? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
View attachment 127541

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